Biography of J. H. Spines

J. H. Spines. The men who establish, organize and develop successful commercial establishments must possess many qualities out of the ordinary. Their insight into business conditions must be keen and far-reaching, their knowledge of values profound, and their ability to grasp opportunities unlimited. Without industrial and commercial interests no locality progresses, for such enterprises are the very life of a community. The investment and attraction of capital, the employment of labor and the consequent opening of new avenues of endeavor to meet newly created demands, all infuse blood into the veins of a section and endow it with new vigor … Read more

Biography of Rev. Joseph F. Lubeley

Rev. Joseph F. Lubeley, pastor of the Holy Trinity church at Fourteenth and Mallinckrodt streets in St. Louis, was born in Lockhaven, Pennsylvania, September 15, 1873, a son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Selter) Lubeley, both of whom were natives of Germany, where they were reared and married. Immediately after that important event in their lives they sailed for the United States, taking up their abode at Lockhaven, Pennsylvania, where the father taught school and also served as organist in the church. In 1877 he came to St. Louis and was made teacher and organist in St. Liborius parish, with which … Read more

Biography of Rev. James Thomas Coffey

Rev. James Thomas Coffey, pastor of St. Leo’s Catholic church at No. 2315 Mullanphy street in St. Louis, was born near Jefferson City, in Cole county, Missouri, November 8, 1861, his parents being Michael and Ann (Fitzsimons) Coffey, who were natives of Ireland and came to the United States in the ’40s as children with their respective parents, who made their way direct to St. Louis. Michael Coffey and Ann Fitzsimons were married in the old cathedral by Father Ryan, who was later archbishop of Philadelphia. Mr. Coffey was one of the pioneers in railroad construction in the west and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of R. G. Patterson

R. G. Patterson, merchant and stock-dealer, was born in the North of Ireland, September 25, 1845. Came to America with his father in 1848, and located in Sauk County, Wis. Came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1871, and took a homestead two miles east of Omio, where he now lives. Engaged in general merchandising in Omio in 1878, and built his store building the same year. Deals in stock, and keeps 400 head of cattle, 325 head of sheep, 25 head of horses, and is the owner of 960 acres of land. Mr. Patterson is a self-made man, as he … Read more

Biography of William Perry Horton

Horton, William Perry; dentist; born, Pittsfield, Vt., Oct. 23, 1832; son of Dennis and Nancy B. McClellan Horton; educated in Wallingford, Vt.; preparing for college at Castleton Seminary; taught district school for seven years; in October, 1844, came to Cleveland, and in 1845, entered Oberlin College; after a year’s literary course took dental course in study under Dr. George B. Minor and Dr. Ferris at Milwaukee, Wis.; married, Elyria, O., Oct. 28, 1851, Louisa Chase of Maine; issue, two sons, William P. Jr., and Milton Chase, both residents of Cleveland; married, second time, Oct. 21, 1897, Miss Margaret Stroup of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George C. Simpson

Simpson, George C.; insurance; born, St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 5, 1874; son of William H. and Sarah M. Cheetham Simpson; educated in Milwaukee, Wis., public schools; married, Milwaukee, June 25, 1901, Blanche Rogers, June 25, 1901; issue; one son, George Rogers, born Nov. 29, 1906; first lieut. Light Battery A, W. V. Artillery, 1898; bank clerk, Milwaukee, 1891-1895; fire insurance since 1895; Northwestern Nat’l Ins. Co., 1895-1903, beginning with office work, then state agt. and mgr. in Cleveland, 1900-1903; local mgr. Royal Ins. Co., 1903-1911; sec’y the O. M. Stafford, Goss, Bedell Co. since 1911; Mason; member Mayfield Country Club … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Francis T. Moran

Moran, Rev. Francis T.; D. D., LL. D.; pastor St. Patrick’s Catholic Church; born, Valparaiso, Indiana, Feb. 16, 1865; son of Peter and Katherine Kelleher Moran; educated at St. Paul’s Grammar School, Valparaiso; St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; St. Charles College, Baltimore; St. Mary’s Seminary, Cleveland; ordained a priest Dec. 19, 1888, when 23 years of age; has traveled extensively in the United States, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, Europe and the Orient; for a number of years a lecturer; has done much writing for leading Catholic magazines, as well as miscellaneous writing; pastor of one of the largest Catholic parishes … Read more

Crow, Phil – Obituary

Phil Crow, a 23-year resident of Olympia, Wash. died May 14, 2007. He was 62. Mr. Crow was born Sept. 14, 1944, in Milwaukee, Wis. to Henry and Mary Greenwood Loades, Sr. He graduated from Joseph High School in 1962 and attended Spokane Community College as well as General Motors University of Automotive Management. He was the Service Director for Chevrolet, General Motors, and Honda. Prior to residing in Olympia, Mr. Crow lived in Joseph, Spokane and Walla Walla, Wash. and Enterprise. In he married Diane Farris in Enterprise in 1981. His many hobbies included gardening, grapes and tomatoes, shrimping, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Percie D. Crane

Crane, Percie D.; pres. Meech Foundry Co.; born, Michigan, Jan. 9, 1874; son of A. T. and Clara Dunham Crane; educated in Saranac, Mich., schools; married, Milwaukee, 1897, Melia A. Parsons; issue, one son; president the P. D. Crane Co.; member Cleveland Whist Club, Acme Club.

Timm, Erna Marie Mrs. – Obituary

Erna Marie Timm, 100, a former Baker City resident, died Dec. 25, 2005, at Milwaukee, Wis. Her memorial service will be Friday at Harder Funeral Home in Milwaukee, Wis. Internment will be Saturday at Cedarburg, Wis. Mrs. Timm made her home with her son and daughter-in-law, Glenn and Peggi Timm of Baker City, for more than 15 years. She attended the Assembly of God Church and was a frequent visitor at the Senior Center in the 1970s and 1980s. She grew to love Baker City for the many trees and her ability to walk anywhere in town. Survivors include her … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Nicholas Hailmann

Hailmann, William Nicholas; educator; born, Glaris, Switzerland, Oct. 20, 1836; son of William Alexander and Babette Hailmann; educated, Gymnasium, Zurich, and with tutor; studied in Medical College, Louisville, Ky., 1855-1856; (hon. A. M. University of Louisville, 1864; Ph. D., Ohio University, 1885); married Eudora Lucas, of Louisville, Dec. 24, 1857 (died 1904); 2d Helena Kuhn, of Detroit, Dec. 25, 1907; teacher of natural sciences, Louisville High Schools, 1856-1865; director German and English Academy, Louisville, 1865-1973; director German and English Academy, Milwaukee, 1873-1878; director German-American Seminary, Detroit, 1878-1883; supt. public schools, La Porte, Ind., 1883-1894; nat. supt. of Indian schools, 1894-8; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Erich L. Griebling

Griebling, Erich L.; fire insurance; born, Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 9, 1877; son of Gustav W. and Elizabeth Damkoehler Griebling; married, Milwaukee, Wis., May 1, 1901, Lydia Dammam; two sons, Erich and Ralph, employed by Milwaukee Fire Insurance Co.; in 1898, as entry clerk; in June, 1903, appointed special agt. to travel in Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa and Minnesota; in April, 1905, appointed chief clerk at home office of Milwaukee Fire Ins. Co.; in September, 1911, appointed mngr. of Cleveland Branch of Milwaukee Mechanics Insurance Co.

Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Cemetery Records

Wisconsin Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Wisconsin county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Cemetery Records Hosted at Milwaukee County USGenWeb Archives Project Calvary Cemetery Interments Cemetery Listing for Robert Helton Potters Field Burials Index to Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary & Holy Assumption Catholic Cemeteries Wauwatosa Cemetery Surnames A-C Surnames D-G Surnames H-K Surnames L-P Surnames Q-S Surnames T-Z Hosted at Department of Veterans Affairs Wood National Cemetery … Read more

Biography of Vernon H. Branch

Vernon H. Branch of Wichita has had a successful career as a banker in Kansas covering a period of more than thirty-five years. In that time he has been officially identified with a number of important banks in different parts of the state, but is now concentrating all his efforts along the line of investment banking, and is one of the reliable investment bankers of Kansas. He came to Kansas when a youth. His birth occurred at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, February 3, 1863, but when he was two years of age his parents removed to Orwell, Vermont, his father’s childhood home. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest M. Post

Post, Ernest M.; insurance; born, Avoca, Louisiana, Sept. 1, 1862; son of Ralph B. and Ellen Deming Post; educated, Norwalk, Conn., and Hanover, Va.: married, Milwaukee, Wis., March 27, 1894, Alice C. Paine; 1882 to 1892, connected with the firm of R. B. Post & Son, wholesale grocers, New Orleans; in 1892, entered the employ of The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, in New Orleans; was transferred to Milwaukee, Wis., in 1893; in 1903, was made mgr. of the company for the territory of Northern Michigan and Northern Wisconsin; the following year, was put in charge of the … Read more