Unidentified Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Birth Records

UNIDENTIFIED. Bull[torn], Martha, [twin] d. Elisha and Lydia, May 1, 1715. Bull[torn], Mary, [twin] d. Elisha and Lydia, May 1, 1715. Part[blotted] [? Partridge], Eliazer, s. William and Sarah, May [?] 13, 1656. [torn] ch. John [and] Mary, May 26, 1654. [torn] John, s. [torn] [and] [torn]line, Sept [torn], 1656. [torn] d. Lebbeus [and] [tornjcha, [torn] 14, 1793. , ch. and Priscilla, July 13, 1798.

O Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Birth Records

ONION Charles, s. David and Caroline, Dec. n, 1796. David, s. David and Caroline, Oct. 19, 1788. Willard, s. David and Caroline, Nov. 19, 1786. ORD Agnes Sanderson, d. John and Mary, May 9, 1847. James, s. John and Mary, Sept. 11, 1843. Lauria, d. John and Mary, May 3, 1841. Mary Eliza, d. John and Mary, Dec. 24, 1839. ORMSBY (see Armsby) Adar, d. Joshua and Esther, Sept. 16, 1751. Enoss, s. Joshua and Ester, Sept. 29, 1737. Huldah, d. Joshua and Esther, May 2, 1734. Joshua, s. Joshua and Esther, June 30, 174[2]. Mehittabell, d. Joshua and Mehitt[torn], … Read more

S Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded. SABIN (see Sabine) Abigaill and Joseph Bullin, Mar. 15, 1673-4* Experience and David Morse, Aug. 22, 1705.* Nehemiah and Elisabeth Boydon, May 8, 1702.* Patience and Simon Harding, Nov. 5, 1741.* Sarah and Samuel Adams, Nov. 11, 1703.* Stephen and Susanna Plimpton, May 31, 1731.* SABINE (see Sabin) William of ” Seaconcke alias Rehoboth,” and Martha Alline, Dec. 22, 1663.* SANDERS Daniel and Sarah Medcalf, Sept. 12, 1715.* Laura Huntington and David S. Brown, Sept 24, 1818.* Miranda W. and Amos A. [int. Andrew] Parker Esq., Oct. 13 [1822]. SANFORD Thomas and Tabitha Clark, June 13, … Read more

Free Massachusetts Vital Records

Vital Records of Bellingham Massachusetts to 1850

This is a collection of free vital records books, otherwise known as “Tan Books” for Massachusetts towns. Generally, these records go up to 1849/1850 at which, the genealogist can use the census records to assist in identifying the family connections further. Included with this article is an account of why and how these manuscripts were published along with links to all 198 books which can be freely read or downloaded.

B Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Birth Records

BABCOCK Ebenezer Granville, s. Eben[eze]r and Marry, June 15. 1843. Francis Lester, s. Benjamin (b. Sherbum) and Millitiah, June 12, 1849. Rufus, s. Malichi and w., May 23, 1839. BACAR (see Baker) Abigail, d. Micah [and] Abigail, July 16, 1758. Easther, d. Abijah and Easter, Apr. 24, 1759. Esther, d. Abijah and Esther, Oct 11, 1753. Hannah, d. Micar and Abigail, July 12, 1754 John, s. Abijah and Esther, Nov. 5, 1751. Micah, s. Micah and Abigail, Sept 13, 1755. Nathan, s. Micah and Abigail, Apr. 13, 1757. BACON Sarah Antionette, d. William and k Melinda, Sept. 6, 1828. BAILEY … Read more

C Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Birth Records

CAIRNS Isabel McConnel, d. James G. and Mary D., Oct. 16, 1829. CALLENDER Abigail, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Dec. 6, 1777. Hepsabeth, d. Benjamin and Elisabeth, Feb. 9, 1780. CALLEY (see Kallie) Margarett, d. Peter and Ruth, Mar. 1, 1674-5. CARNES (see Cairns). CEILEY Catherine Lucy, d. Archabal H. and Catherine L., Sept 1, 1845. Herbert Hamilton, s. Archibal H. and Catherine L., Sept. 16, 1847 CHANEY (see Chany, Cheaney, Cheany, Cheeney, Chenery, Cheney, Chenry, Cheny, Chineree, Chinerie, Chinery, Chinnery, Chinry) Joseph, s. Joseph and Mehittebell, Aug. 31, 1694. CHANY (see Chaney, Cheaney, Cheany, Cheeney, Chenery, Cheney, Chenry, Cheny, Chineree, … Read more

R Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded. RANDALL Hanna and John Warfield, Dec. 26, 1671.* John and Marie Aldridg, Aug. 27, 1667.* RAWSON Edmund [int Edmond] of Uxbridge, and Rebeckah [int. Rebecca] Turner, Mar. 21, 1782. Grindall and Mrs. Susanna Wilson, Aug. 30, 1682.* REED Elisebeth of Dedham, and John Wight, Mar. 24, 1762.* RHOADES (see Rhodes) Joseph Jr. of Houghtonham, and Mrs. Mary Thebault, Dec. 30, 1773.* RHODES (see Rhoades) Mille [int. Milletiah Roads] of Walpole, and Benjmin [int. Benjamin] Plimpton, Sept. 5, 1784. RICE Elizabeth of Worcester, and John Swasey, int. Nov. 23, 1805. Thankfull of Brookheld, and Timothy Smith, int. … Read more

E Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded. EAMES (see Ames, Earns) Clarisa of Framingham, and Capt. Jonathan Wight, int May 9, 1824. EAMS (see Ames, Eames) Nathaniel of Framingham, and Rachel Lovel, Nov. 27, 1735.* EASTEE Lydia and Daniell Wight, Apr. 18, 1721.* EATON Abigail and Robert Mason, Nov. 10, 1659.* EDWARDS Mary of Walpole, and Emanuel S. Forrest, Apr. 7, 1833.* ELICE (see Ellice, Ellis) John and Joan Clapp, June 16, 1655.* Samuel and Mary Partridge, Nov. 12, 1736.* Thomas and Mary Wight, May 21, 1657.* ELLICE (see Elice, Ellis) Abiell and Zacharie Barbur, Aug. 30, 1683.* Asa of Dedham, and Phebe … Read more

B Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded. BABCOCK (see Badcock) Benj[amin] J., b. Medway, and Millitiah Johnson, July 4, 1847.* BACAR (see Backer, Bakar, Baker) Micah and Elisebeth Whitmore, Jan. 19, 1763.* BACKER (see Bacar, Bakar, Baker) Rebeckah, Mrs., and Joshua Hews, Nov. 25, 1773.* BACON Mary and Nathan Coollidge, Feb. 15, 1761.* BADCOCK (see Babcock) Hannah and Joseph Morse, Apr. 11, 1683.* BAILEY Adeline and Martin Guy, Jan. 2, 1834. Asenath and Cha[rle]s A. Hutson, int. Nov. 29, 1840. Martin Jr. and Elvira Heald, July 9, 1839. Nancy and James Chickering, Mar. 31 [1836]. BAKAR (see Bacar, Backer, Baker) Micah and Abigail … Read more

Genealogy of James Allen Family of Medfield Massachusetts

H130 JAMES ALLEN: the progenitor of the Allen Family, of Medfield, came to America with his wife Anna, in 1639, and settled in Dedham, Mass. They had (1) John: b. in Dedham Dec. 4, 1639. (2) James: b. in Medfield; m. Lydia Adams. (3) Nathaniel: m. Mary Frizwell, 1673; nine ch., viz.: Samuel, Nathaniel, James, John, Ebenezer, Edward and three daus. (4) William: who had Mary and William. (5) Benjamin: who had Benjamin, Mary and Lydia. (6) Martha: m. William Sabine, of Seekonk, R. I., Dec. 22, 1663. (7) Mary: m. Joseph Clark, of Medfield. (8) Sarah: m. Domingo White … Read more

D Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded. DAILIE Mary and William Farrett, Dec. 8, 1681.* DANIEL (seeDaniell, Daniells, Daniels) Ebenezer and Elisabeth Partredge, Dec. 22, 1701.* Elisabeth and Joseph Mason, Nov. 7, 1705.* Mary of Medway, and Frances [male] Hamant, Jan. 10, 1771.*. DANIELL (see Daniel, Daniells, Daniels) Mary and Sampson Frairy, June 14, 1660.* DANIELLS (see Daniel, Daniell, Daniels) Joseph and Marie Fayrbanke, Nov. 16, 1665.* DANIELS (see Daniel, Daniell, Daniells) Cyrus of Medway, and Rebecca Adams, Mar. 30, 1835. Ebenezer and Mary Harding, Oct 31, 1707.* Henery of Medway, and Elizabeth Harding, May 1, 1766.* Jason of Worcestor, and Julia Morse, … Read more

W Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded. WADSWORTH Eliza of Dover, and Thomas Smith, Nov. 13, [1825] Moses and Elizabeth Tisdale, int Oct 5, 1805. WALKER Drucilla and Alfred Wallace, Aug. 30, 1829. Jesse [int Jessa] of New Salem, and Sally [int. Salla] Smith, Feb. 5, 1790. Sally and Charles Harding, Aug. 2, 1821. WALLACE Alfred and Drucilla Walker, Aug. 30, 1829. WARD Caroline of Weston, and John Kingsbury Jr., int. Oct. 8, 1843. Increase and Record Wheelocke, Oct. 3, 1672.* James M. of Newton, and Mary Ann Grant, int. Nov. 11, 1843. WARE Adelaide Maria and David Cobb, Dec. 11, 183 1. … Read more

Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson – Indian Captivities

Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, Wife of the Rev. Joseph Rowlandson, Who Was Taken Prisoner when Lancaster was Destroyed, in the Year 1676; Written by Herself. On the 10th of February, 1676, came the Indians with great numbers  upon Lancaster: their first coming was about sun-rising. Hearing the noise of some guns, we looked out; several houses were burning, and the smoke ascending to heaven. There were five persons taken in one house; the father and mother, and a sucking child they knocked on the head, the other two they took and carried away alive. There were two others, who, being out … Read more

B Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Death Records

BACAR (see Baker) Abigail, w. Micah, Sept. 18, 1761. Abijah, h. Hannah, Dec. 31, 1761. Esther, d. Abijah and Esther, Mar. 16, 1759. Hannah, d. Micah and Abigail, Sept. 9, 1754. Nathaniel, s. Abijah and Esther, Mar. 22, 1759. BAKER (see Bacar) Abigail, w. Amos, Feb. 5, 1806. Elisebeth, wid. Preservid, Dec. 31, 1794. Hannah, d. Abijah and Hannah, Apr. 9, 1729. Hannah, wid., Sept. 16, 1776. * Nathan, s. Micah and Abigail, May 11, 1777. Preservid, h. Elisebeth, Dec. 5, 1792. Sarah, d. Micah and Elizabeth, July 9, 1778. Silas, s. Abijah and Esther, June 12, 1744. Thankful, consumption, … Read more

A Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded. ABBOTT Bushrod W., 27, of Lawrence, s. Enoch and Nancy, and Laura A. Bullard, Jan. 1, 1849.* ADAMS Abigail, wid. [int. Agigail, omits wid.], and Amos Smith, Sept. 29, 1796. Abigail and Nathan Wight, Apr. 18, 1799. Abigail and Gershom Wheelock, May 6, 1802. Amy B. and Samul Kingsbury, int. Sept. 19, 1830. Charlotte of Medway, and Orion Wight, int. May 14, 1826. Daniel of Medway, and Mrs. Silence Wight, May 26, 1777. Darius and Julia [int. Sula] Ellis, Apr. 14, 1796. Edward, Ens., and Sarah Taylor, Jan. 6, 1709-10.* Eliakim Esq. of Medway, and Hanah … Read more

A Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Birth Records

ADAMS Abigaell, d. Edward (Adam) and Lidea, Jan. 25, 1674-5. Abigail, d. John and Micail, Apr. 23, 170[3]. Abigail, [twin] d. Joseph and Mary, Oct. 18, 1716. Abigal, d. Elijah and Abigal, Jan. 7, 1770. Abigial, d. Nathan and Abigial, Oct. 3, 1782. Abraham, s. John and Susanah, Aug. 27, 1701. Adrian Allen, d. John Jay and Phebe Ann, July 29, 1837, in Boston. Alice Abbot, d. John Jay and Phebe Ann, Oct. 29, 1838. Amos, s. Henry and Jemimah, Sept. 1, 1728. Amos, s. Elijah and Abigail, May 9, 1776. Amy Ann, d. John Jay and Phebe Ann, Mar. … Read more

A Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Death Records

ADAMS Abigaell, d. Edward and Lidea, Feb. 6, [16]74-5. Abigail, d. John and Micael, May 14, 1706. Abigail, w. Ens. Edward, Jan. 19, 1706-7. Abigail, wid. Elijah, May 12, 1824, a. 78. Amey, w. John W., Nov. 7, 1826, a. 44. Amos, s. Rev. Amos “Late of Roxbury Disceast,” Dec. 17, 1786. Bethia, d. Edward and Lidia, Apr. 28, 1671. Bethia, d. Edward and Lidia, Sept. 2, 1672. Bethia, d. John and Micael, Apr. 1, 1706. Bethiah, w. Ezekiel, Dec. 30, 1739. Betsey, d. George W. and Polly, Mar. 28, 179 [7] [dup. a. 4 m. 5d.] Bette, d. Thomas, … Read more

M Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Birth Records

MAN (see Mann) Elias, s. Richard and Sarah, Feb. 28, 1740-1. Olive, d. Richard and Sarah, Nov. 20, 1742. Saban, s. Richard and Sarah, Nov. 7, 1745* Saben, s. Richard and Sarah, Aug. 24, 1747 Zepheniah, s. Richard and Sarah, June 8, 1744 MANLY Salome, d. Joseph and w., Mar. 2, 1823. MANN (see Man) Ame Plimpton, d. Dr. Elias and Keziah, Mar. 25, 1805. Anna, d. Dr. Elias and Kezia, Dec. 10, 1801. Elias, s. Maj. Sabin and Hannah, Sept. 9, 1778. Hannah, d. Dr. Elias and Keziah, June 6, 1803. Harvy, s. Ruffus and [torn]ole, [torn] 16, 1793 … Read more