Slave Narrative of Ellis Ken Kannon

Person Interviewed: Ellis Ken Kannon Location: Nashville, Tennessee Place of Residence: 318 5th Avenue N., St. Mary’s Church, Nashville, Tennessee “I dunno jes how ole I ez. I wuz bawn in Tennessee as a slave. Mah mammy kum frum Virginia. Our marster wuz Ken Kannon.” “Our Mistress wouldn’t let us slaves be whup’d but I member mah daddy tellin’ ’bout de Overseer whuppin’ ‘im en he run ‘way en hid in a log. He tho’t de blood hounds, he heered ’bout a half mile ‘way, on his trail could heer ‘im breathe but de hounds nebber fin’ ‘im. Atter de … Read more

Biography of John J. Morrow, M. D.

JOHN J. MORROW, M. D. Health is the most precious gift of nature, and how to retain it and how to regain it when lost are matters of vital moment. For this the physician’s services are often required, and it is therefore most necessary that he should be a man of intelligence, well-posted in his profession and conscientious and painstaking in his practice. These requirements are possessed by Dr. John J. Morrow, who is an exceptionally successful physician of Gassville, Baxter County, Arkansas He was born at McMinnville, Warren County, Tennessee, October 27, 1861, a son of D. G. and … Read more

Biography of John D. Coulson

John D. Coulson was born near McMinnville, Warren county, Tennessee, February 9, 1807, and was there reared and educated. He attended the old time subscription schools, taught in a log cabin with dirt floor, warmed from a huge fireplace, seats of split logs raised on pegs, and the only window being the space left by an absent log; thus he acquired his early education, and there he lived until he attained his twenty-third year. Leaving his old home in 1829, he journeyed toward the West, and arrived at St. Louis on the 3d of March, the eve of General Jackson’s … Read more