Biography of Leonard Elmore Henderson, M.D.

Leonard Elmore Henderson, M. D. The medical profession of Wilson County numbers among its skilled and careful practitioners Dr. Leonard Elmore Henderson, who since 1907 had been located at Coyville, an enterprising community in the northwest part of the county. Prior to locating at this place, Doctor Henderson had valuable and comprehensive experience both in Kansas and Indian Territory, and this, combined with a thorough training in his calling and a natural predilection therefor, gave promise for a successful career in his professional work. That this promise had been fulfilled is shown by his excellent standing in medical circles and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edwin C. Manning

Edwin C. Manning, the founder of Winfield, the organizer of the County of Cowley, one of the early editors of the state and thirty or forty years ago a republican leader of Kansas, was born in Redford, Clinton County, New York, November 7, 1838. He was educated both in Vermont and Iowa, taught school at an early age, at the age of nineteen commenced to learn the printer’s trade and in 1859, then about of age, was among the first to start for the Pike’s Peak region in search of gold. He returned a disillusioned young man, but became interested … Read more

Biography of Jesse H. Moore

Jesse H. Moore is the cashier of the Oketo State Bank. The Moore family had for many years been identified with banking and other affairs of Marshall County, and Mr. Moore’s father was the founder of the present bank, his mother is now its president, and this excellent Kansas woman had another special distinction as being one of the few women of the state to hold the office of mayor of a town. The Oketo State Bank’s history begins in 1889, when Z. H. Moore started it as a private bank. In 1900 it was reorganized under state charter. It … Read more

Biography of William H. Smith

William H. Smith, of Marysville, is a man with a long and notable record in Kansas affairs. He came to Kansas with his arm in a sling as a result of a wound received at Malvern Hill during the Civil war. His home had been in the state for over half a century, and during that time he had been a pioneer farmer, merchant, public official and banker. A Pennsylvanian by birth, he is a grandson of James Smith, who came from County Tyrone, Ireland, and founded the family in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. William H. Smith was born in that … Read more

Biography of Glenn A. Smith

Glenn Smith, postmaster of Horton, and for many years engaged in the drug business in that city, had lived most of his life, a period of forty-seven years, in Kansas and had well earned a position of esteem as well as material prosperity. His ancestors were Scotch-Irish people who early settled in New York State. It was in New York State that his father, Nathan C. Smith, was born in 1819. Nathan C. Smith spent his early life in New York and afterwards removed to Western Pennsylvania, in that historic region associated with Washington’s exploits during the French and Indian … Read more

Biography of Henry J. Calnan

Henry J. Calnan, publisher and editor of the Weekly Kansas Chief at Troy, had had an unusually varied experience even for a newspaper man. Since acquiring the Kansas Chief he had improved its influence and strengthened its organization and equipment in keeping with the dignity of the paper as the oldest journal under one continuous name in the State of Kansas. The files of the Kansas Chief contain sixty complete volumes. The paper was founded in 1857 by Sol Miller at White Cloud, Kansas, and was first known as the White Cloud Chief. The paper was moved to Troy July … Read more

Biography of Ernest N. Bailey

Ernest N. Bailey, a brother of former Governor W. J. Bailey, reference to whom is made on other pages, had largely concentrated his efforts and businees enterprise at the Town of Baileyville, named for the family, in Nemaha County. Mr. Bailey had been an extensive farmer and stockman, and in later years a grain merchant, and owned the principal grain elevator at Baileyville. He was born in Carroll County, Illinois, June 15, 1857. The Bailey ancestry is English and the Baileys were Colonial settlers in New York. His grandparents, Joshua and Eleeta Bailey, were both born in or near Tieonderoga, … Read more

Biography of Ziba Hibbard Moore

The late Ziba Hibbard Moore was for many years a prominent figure in Marshall County, and died at Oketo December 19, 1916. He was born near Avondale in Chester County, Pennsylvania, March 14, 1845. He grew up in his native community, was married in Adams County, Pennsylvania, and in early life followed the trade of carpenter. In 1875 he went to the Indian reservation in Gage County, Nebraska, and was employed as a carpenter by the Indian Agency. In the fall of 1879 he removed to Oketo, Kansas, and was a merchant there until he established his bank in 1889. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Mary C. Wuester

A representative of the best type of the progressive women of the Sunflower State is she whose name initiates this paragraph, and she had proved specially successful and influential in connection with a line of educational and business enterprise in which few women have made exploitation. In 1909 Mrs. Wuester established in the City of Wichita the Wuester School of Pharmacy, and she had made this institution one of the valuable and ably directed technical schools of the state. Mrs. Wuester was born in Marshall County, Kansas, and after completing the curriculum of the public schools she pursued a higher … Read more

Biography of Theodore H. Polace

Theodore H. Polace has been a lawyer of recognized standing and ability at the Marysville bar for over thirty-five years. His career began as a teacher, but he soon turned to the law and had found in it an occupation fitted to his talents and tastes, and had made it the medium of his chief service in the world. Mr. Polace was born near Grete in Will County, Illinois, March 12, 1860. He comes of a scholarly family and one that had given several members to the ministry of the Lutheran Church. His father, Rev. Gustav W. Polack, was born … Read more

Biography of Charles Wilbur McCampbell

Associate professor of animal husbandry in the State Agricultural College at Manhattan and secretary of the State Livestock Registry Board whose offices are in the same city, Charles W. McCampbell is a native Kansan and for ten years had broadened and amplified his experience and authoritative knowledge of all phases of the livestock industry, not only with reference to Kansas but to the world at large. While he had perhaps rendered his greatest service as an instructor of the younger generation of Kansas farmers, some of his practical demonstration work and experiments have attracted national attention from livestock men. He … Read more

Biography of Roley S. Pauley

Roley S. Pauley. The greater part of forty years Roley S. Panley had given to farm ownership and management on a large scale in Marshall County. His achievements classify him as one of the leaders in Kansas agriculture. As a practical man of affairs his advice and counsel have naturally been sought by his fellow citizens, and among other honors a term in the State Senste was conferred upon him, He is also interested in banking and other affairs in his section of the state, but essentially first and last he is a farmer and had always kept in close … Read more

Biography of Rolla Edwin Long

Rolla Edwin Long, superintendent of the city schools of Galena, is an educator of wide and diversified experience in the schools of this state, and has spent altogether upwards of twenty years in a profession which is one of the most important to the welfare of mankind. In 1916 he entered upon his fourth consecutive year as superintendent of the schools of Galena. The people of that city take special pride in their schools, and Mr. Long has done much to raise the local school standards and improve the different departments of instruction. Under his supervision are six schools, a … Read more

Biography of Frank Levi Root

Frank Levi Root has lived in the vicinity of Oketo for thirty years. he had prospered in a degree sufficient to meet his sanguine expectations, and not only owned and controls a large body of rich farming land in Marshall County but is also actively identified with Oketo’s business affairs and its civic and community life. Mr. Root was born in Cedar County, Iowa, May 21, 1865. His father, Levi Root, born in Ohio July 9, 1832, grew up in his native state and when a young man moved to Iowa. He was married in Cedar County and had a … Read more

Biography of Leroy E. Sawin

Leroy E. Sawin. For a young man Leroy E. Sawin had come into large prominence and responeibility in Washington County, where he is now filling the office of county clerk. To this office Mr. Sawin brought qualifications and ability far in advance of his years. He is one of the local men entrusted with the grave responsibility of raising the local quots for the National American Army. He was a member of the registration board of the county and was on the exemption board until removed on account of draft age, sharing that responsibility with Dr. Henry D. Smith and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert S. Shope

Robert S. Shope is superintendent of the city schools of Bigelow, Kansas. While not a native of the state, his life had been spent largely within the borders of Kansas, and he is a product of its schools and his work had becn chiefly as a teacher. He belongs to the colonial branch of the Shope family, which originally came out of Germany. His grandfather, William Shope, spent his life in Kentucky, and was a carpenter by trade. His father is David W. Shope, for many years a resident of Maraball County, Kansas. He was born in Kentucky in 1867 … Read more

Biography of George T. Smith

George T. Smith is one of the veteran editors and newspaper men of Kansas and owns and directs the editorial management of the Marshall County News. The Marshall County News is an old and influential paper in Northern Kansas. It was first established in 1869 as the Locomotive. The first proprietor, P. H. Peters, sold it in 1870 to Thomas Hughes, who changed the name to the Marshall County News. This branch of the Smith family had furnished several notable names in Kansas and in Marshall County. George T. Smith is a brother of the late James Smith, former secretary of state of Kansas. … Read more

Biography of Edgar Ross Fulton

Edgar Ross Fulton. Though educated for the law and for several years a successful attorney in Western Kansas, Edgar Ross Fulton for the past thirty-five years had given the best of his energies and capacity to banking. He is president of the First National Bank of Marysville, and is officially connected with several other banking enterprises of the state. Mr. Fulton was born in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, on a farm, February 10, 1856. Life early presented itself to him as a matter of self achievement, with dependence only upon his own resources. After attending the common schools of his native … Read more

Mink, Max – Obituary

Joseph, Oregon Joseph Resident Dies at Hospital Death came to Max Mink of Joseph Sunday morning, August 17, 1941 at the Enterprise hospital following a critical illness of seventeen days. He had not been feeling well for several days but no one thought of the illness being serious until Friday, August 1 when he was brought to the hospital suffering from double pneumonia. Max Mink was born September 25, 1892 at Marysville, Kansas and came west in 1908 settling first in Baker County where he resided until 1915 when he moved to Wallowa County, taking up a homestead on Marr … Read more

Biography of Francis C. Dwinnell

Francis C. Dwinnell is a leading business man of Frankfort, Kansas, now proprietor of the electric light plant which supplies electric current not only to that town but to the town of Vermillion. Besides his own important business connections he represents a family that had been identified with this section of Kansas since territorial days. He is of New England and Revolutionary lineage. His great grandfather fought gallantly in the struggle for independence during the Revolution. His grandfather, Francis Dwinnell, was a soldier in the War of 1812. He was born at Charlestown, New Hampshire, in 1792, and was quite … Read more