Biography of Howard Dwight Pinkham

Howard Dwight Pinkham. Following is the record of a very successful Kansas business man and farmer. A citizen of New England antecedents and training, he was for many years a resident of Kansas, and toward the close of his life a farmer in Walnut Township of Saline County near Mentor. Born January 4, 1847, at North Chelsea, Massachusetts, Howard Dwight Pinkham was a son of Vincent and Lois (Low) Pinkham, both of whom were New Englanders. He was one of twelve children, the only survivor of whom is Herbert L., who lives at Salina. The other children were named James, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edwin C. Manning

Edwin C. Manning, the founder of Winfield, the organizer of the County of Cowley, one of the early editors of the state and thirty or forty years ago a republican leader of Kansas, was born in Redford, Clinton County, New York, November 7, 1838. He was educated both in Vermont and Iowa, taught school at an early age, at the age of nineteen commenced to learn the printer’s trade and in 1859, then about of age, was among the first to start for the Pike’s Peak region in search of gold. He returned a disillusioned young man, but became interested … Read more

Biography of William E. Durant

William E. Durant. Few citizens of Clay County are better known than William E. Durant, who is clerk of the District Court, a veteran of the Civil war, and a representative and bearer of a name that had been honorably known in this state for over a half century. He was born in Will County, Illinois, April 25, 1843. His parents were Edward T. and Sally Ann (Whallon) Durant, and his paternal grandparents were Edward and Lucina (Willey) Durant, natives of New York. The Durant ancestors went from France to England and in colonial days came to the United States … Read more

Biography of Francis H. Taton, Rev.

Rev. Francis H. Taton, pastor of the Catholic Church of St. Michael’s at Axtell. Marshall County, is a native of the old Hoosier State, but had been a resident of Kansas ever since the early days of his ordination to the priesthood, a period of nearly thirty years, during which period he had performed a wonderful work in the mission fields of this state, a labor that had endeared him to the hearts of many in various portions of the state. Father Taton had been in charge of St. Michael’s parish at Axtell since the summer of 1903 and had a record … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert S. Shope

Robert S. Shope is superintendent of the city schools of Bigelow, Kansas. While not a native of the state, his life had been spent largely within the borders of Kansas, and he is a product of its schools and his work had becn chiefly as a teacher. He belongs to the colonial branch of the Shope family, which originally came out of Germany. His grandfather, William Shope, spent his life in Kentucky, and was a carpenter by trade. His father is David W. Shope, for many years a resident of Maraball County, Kansas. He was born in Kentucky in 1867 … Read more

Graham, Hattie C. Mrs. – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon In La Grande Friday morning August 5, 1888, Mrs. Hattie C. Graham, wife of J.H. Graham, an employee of the O.R.&N. Railroad. Mrs. Graham was the daughter of A.O. Porter well known in La Grande and now living in Los Angelos, Cal. She was born in Irving, Marshall County, Kansas, February 7, 1863 and was married in La Grande September 22, 1887. Hattie was well known and highly respected by the citizens of La Grande. She became a Christian and a member of the Methodist Episcopal church under the preaching of Rev. G.W. grannis(?) in … Read more

Biography of Alexander Jacob Waldraven

Alexander Jacob Waldraven. Among the oldest and most highly respected citizens of Riley County, Kansas, is Alexander Jacob Waldraven, who has spent more than half his life in this state. His remote ancestry was Pennsylvania Dutch, and no more solid and substantial people can be found, but for many years the Waldravens had lived in North Carolina. He was born in Stokes County, which was later divided forming Stokes and Forsythe counties in that state, April 15, 1839, and was reared on the farm of his father, John Henry Waldraven. Alexander Jacob Waldraven has led an agricultural life. After the … Read more