Manitoba Canada

The Treaties At Forts Carlton And Pitt – 24th of August

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis On the 24th the Commissioners again met the Indians, when I presented the Head Chiefs with their medals, uniforms and flags, and informed them that Mr. Christie would give the other Chiefs and Councilor the same in the evening. Some half a dozen of Saulteaux then came

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The Treaties At Forts Carlton And Pitt – Morleyville, Bow River, Rocky Mountains

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis October 23rd, 1875. To His Honor Lieutenant-Governor Morris. Sir,–In accordance with my instructions, I proceeded with as little delay as possible to Carlton, in the neighborhood of which place I met with forty tents of Cree. From these I ascertained that the work I had undertaken would

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The Treaties At Forts Carlton And Pitt – 23rd of August

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis August 23rd. Shortly after the business had commenced, proceedings were interrupted by the loud talking of a Chippewa, who was addressing the Indians gathered in front of the tent. The Governor said, “There was an Indian, a Chippewa, stood and spoke to you, he did not speak

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The Treaties At Forts Carlton And Pitt – Government House

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis Government House, Fort Garry, Manitoba, 4th. December, 1876. Sir,–I beg to inform you that in compliance with the request of the Privy Council that I should proceed to the west to negotiate the treaties which I had last year, through the agency of the late Rev. George

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The Treaties At Forts Carlton And Pitt – Your Honor’s message

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis That your Honor’s message was most timely, these are ample proofs. A report will have reached you before this time that parties have been turned back by the Indians, and that a train containing supplies for the telegraph contractors, when west of Fort Pitt, were met by

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Cree Tribe

Last Updated on January 13, 2015 by Cree Indians, Cree First Nation (contracted from Kristinaux, French form of Kenistenoag, given as one of their own names). An important Algonquian tribe of British America whose former habitat was in Manitoba and Assiniboin, between Red and Saskatchewan rivers. They ranged northeastward down Nelson river to the vicinity

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The Treaties At Forts Carlton And Pitt – 19th of August

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis Second Day August 19th. The Lieutenant-Governor and Commissioners, with the Mounted Police escort, headed by their band, proceeded to the camp to meet the Indians at 10:30 a.m. The Indians having assembled in regular order with their two leading Chiefs, Mis-tah-wah-sis and Ah-tuck-ah-coop seated in front, the

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The Treaties At Forts Carlton And Pitt – 7th of September

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis At ten in the morning the Governor and Commissioners, escorted by the Mounted Police, proceeded to the treaty tent a short distance from the fort. About eleven o’clock the Indians commenced to gather, as at Carlton, in a large semi-circle. In front were the young men, galloping

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The Treaties At Forts Carlton And Pitt – Commissioners crossed the Saskatchewan

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis The Commissioners crossed the Saskatchewan and journeyed to Fort Pitt. Near it they were met by an escort of Mounted Police, who convoyed them to the fort. There they found a number of Indians assembled, and, during the day, Sweet Grass arrived. In the evening the Chief

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The Selkirk Treaty

Last Updated on July 1, 2013 by Dennis This indenture, made on the eighteenth day of July, in the fifty-seventh year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King George the Third, and in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seventeen, between the undersigned Chiefs and warriors of the Chippeway or Saulteaux Nation

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