Biographical Sketch of James Rennels

James Rennels, farmer; P. O. Charleston; one of the pioneers of this county; was born in Madison Co., Ky., Feb. 12, 1807; when he was 17 years of age, his parents moved to Lawrence Co., Ind., within ten miles of Little Orleans. While living there the subject of this sketch married Nov. 17, 1825, Miss Polly Connely (daughter of Joel Connely, of North Carolina); she was born Feb. 14, 1807; her parents were early settlers of this county, having moved from Lawrence Co., Ind., to Coles Co. in the year 1832. In 1832, Mr. Rennels came to Coles Co. and … Read more

Biography of Stephen Best

Stephen Best, of Ireland, emigrated to America many years before the revolution, and settled in Pennsylvania. His children were Isaac, Humphrey, Stephen, Jr., and Ebenezer. He also had several daughters, but their names are lost. Ebenezer never married, but he educated sixty children that claimed him for their father. He was one of the celebrated horse racers of Madison Co., Ky., and also indulged in chicken fighting. He once fought ten times with his chickens in one day, and gained seven of the fights, winning $1,000 each. Isaac Best and his wife came to Missouri in 1808, from Garrard Co., … Read more

Kit Carson, His Life and Adventures – Indian Wars


The subject of this sketch, Christopher “Kit” Carson, was born on the 24th of December, 1809, in Madison County, Kentucky. The following year his parents removed to Howard County, Missouri, then a vast prairie tract and still further away from the old settlements.

Biographical Sketch of Fountain Turner

Fountain Turner, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; one of the pioneers of Coles Co.; was born in Madison Co., Ky., Feb. 3, 1795, being the son of Thomas and Anna Turner, and the second in age of a family of three children; his father was from South Carolina, and his mother from Virginia; he was but 3 years of age when his father died. He was married Dec. 7, 1818, to Miss Elizabeth Phelps, a daughter of Jarrot and Millie Phelps; she was born in Madison Co., Ky., Feb. 12, 1803; her parents were both natives of Virginia. Mr. … Read more

Madison County, Kentucky Census Records

Early Madison County, Kentucky Census Records Hosted at Carroll County, Kentucky KYGenWeb Surname List – First Kentucky Census 1810 Madison County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at Madison County USGenWeb Archives Project Census Index Hosted at Census Guide 1810 U.S. Census Guide 1820 Madison County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1820 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free 1820 Madison County, Kentucky Census Images $ Hosted at Madison County USGenWeb Archives Project Census Index Hosted at Census Guide 1820 U.S. Census Guide 1830 … Read more

Biography of James William Bell

James William Bell, a resident of Topeka for more than thirty years, has built up a business and reputation as a buyer and dealer in horses which is by no means confined to the State of Kansas. His operations extend practically over the entire country. He has been a prominent exporter to foreign markets. James William Bell was born in Greenbrier County in what is now West Virginia but was then Virginia, December 18, 1854. The Bell family goes back to Scotch-Irish antecedents and the first of the name came to Virginia in colonial times. David Henderson Bell, father of … Read more

Biography of Stephen Ham

Stephen Ham lived and died in Madison Co., Ky. He was the father of John, Jabez, and Stephen Ham, Jr. John was born in Kentucky in 1786, and came to Missouri in 1809, and settled in St. Charles County. He joined Nathan Boone’s company of rangers, and served during the Indian war. In 1816 he and Jonathan Crow built a bark tent on Auxvasse creek, now in Callaway County, and lived in it for some time, while they were engaged in hunting. They were, therefore, probably the first American settlers within the limits of Callaway County. Ham cut his name … Read more

Alwin Ethelson Todd of Berea KY

Alwin Ethelston Todd8, (Orrin B.7, Gershom6, Benjamin5, Titus4, Benjamin3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Aug. 14, 1846, died Jan. 30, 1898, married July 14, 1875, Gertrude M. Peck, who was born in Genoa, N. Y., where her father held a pastorate for some years. He was a Congregational clergyman. In the early Nineties he was pastor of the church at Westhampton, Mass., from whence he went to Borea, Ky., where he died and also where his widow afterwards made her home. Children: 2328. Ernest Whitman, b. July 4, 1876, d. Nov. 19, 1903. 2329. Mabel Gertrude, b. July 6, 1878, d. Oct. … Read more