Biography of Thomas Walter Butcher

Thomas Walter Butcher. Among Kansas men who have performed services of far reaching benefit to the state there is a distinctive place for Thomas Walter Butcher, now president of the Kansas State Normal School at Emporia. Mr. Butcher began his career as an educator in Kansas, and most of his work had been done within the state. He was born at Macomb, Illinois, July 3, 1867, a son of Boman Rilea Butcher and Adaline (Vail) Butcher. His father was a Union soldier during the Civil war. Mr. Butcher was reared in Illinois and Kansas and attended the public schools of … Read more

Biography of Robert S. Montgomery

For a period of over 35 years the subject of this sketch was one of the leading farmers of Rock Island county. His farm was one of the largest and best under the highest state of cultivation, while the improvements upon it were among the finest and latest in design. Not only was the owner a leader in agricultural, but he was likewise foremost among his fellow men, in church, in politics and in society. His sons and daughters, following the example he set for them, grew into useful men and women and went out to fill responsible positions in … Read more

Biographical of George W. Salisbury

George W. Salisbury is one of the younger men in Kansas educational affairs, and is principal of the Atchison County High School at Effingham, and is also president of the Atchison County Teachers’ Associntion. Mr. Salisbury is a native of Illinois, and is a graduate of the university of that state. He was born on a farm in Fulton County, Illinois, November 17, 1888. His ancestors, the Salisburys came originally from England, and there is also an admixture of French stock in the lineage. The Salisburys settled in the South in Colonial times, subsequently removing to Kentucky, where Mr. Salisbury’s … Read more

Biography of Dr. S. C. Bogart

Dr. S. C. Bogart, one of the leading practitioners of dentistry in San Bernardino County, is a native of Pennsylvania, born in October 1852. His parents being what are termed Pennsylvania Germans, spoke and taught their children the language of the fatherland as the sole medium of communication in the family. His mother died in his childhood and he became self-supporting from the age of fifteen years. Soon after attaining his majority he went to Illinois and began the study of dentistry in Macomb; and after completing the study of the profession and a short time of practice in that … Read more

Biography of Joseph G. Waters, Capt.

Joseph G. Waters, soldier, publicist, author of note, public speaker, lawyer, of Topeka, is an individuality out of the ordinary. As a soldier, his services were a credit to his country, and himself, and his five wounds received in action are witnesses of his activity. As an author his published utterances have been rarely seen outside his own family circle owing to the retiemce and innate modesty of the writer, but throughout his writings, whether prose or poetry, forcefulness, pleasing diction and pathos of high order predominated. For three decades his services have been in demand as a public speaker … Read more