Biographical Sketch of Elijah Adams

Elijah Adams, farmer; P. O. Diona; was born in Licking Co., Ohio, Oct. 23, 1824; in the year 1838, his parents, John Adams, who was a native of New York, and Susanna Adams, a native of Maryland, moved to Coles Co., and settled on Sec. 17, where the son now resides, having entered the land; both died there, his mother in October, 1877, and his father, June, 1878. The subject of this sketch has always resided in this county with the exception of the years 1850 and 1851, when he was mining and prospecting in California. He has held the … Read more

Biography of Zarah A. Eaton

ZARAH A. EATON. This enterprising business man is successfully engaged in dealing in timber, and is also the proprietor of a well-appointed mercantile establishment at Varner, Missouri He is a native of Licking County, Ohio, where he first saw the light of day in 1829. His parents, Joseph and Euincy (Curtis) Eaton, were born in the State of New York, the birth of the former occurring in 1796. They removed to Ohio in 1811, and in 1838 to Peoria County, Illinois, where Mr. Eaton died in 1857, and his widow in Woodford County, Illinois, in 1890. He was a Congregationalist … Read more

Biography of Thomas A. Little

Thomas A. Little. One of the most interesting homes of Rantoul is that of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Little in the extreme northeast quarter of the town. They live there enjoying a happy combination of both the rural and the urban facilities. They have sufficient ground to afford Mr. Little an opportunity to indulge his favorite pastimes of agriculture, not without considerable profit, and they also have sufficient means to live comfortably without fear of the future and enjoy their many friends. Mr. Little was born in Licking County, Ohio, in 1851, a son of John and Charlotte (Coon) … Read more

Biography of Emeline J. Harris

Emeline J. Harris daughter of Samuel B. and Mary (Eastman) Harris, was born in Licking Co., Ohio; married Samuel Allison, March 2, 1852, by whom she has had eight children: Oscar H. Allison, born January 2, 1853; Anna L. Allison, born August 8, 1854; Mary E. Allison, born March 8,1857; Minerva Allison, born April 14, 1859; Laura E. Allison, born May 4, 1862; Frank E. Allison, born April 12, 1865; Eugene R. Allison, born August 18, 1868; Ida L. Allison, born July 2, 1870. Mr. and Mrs. Allison removed from Ohio to Delaware County, Iowa, in April, 1852, and settled … Read more

Biography of Reverday J. Pierson

Reverday J. Pierson, junior member and business manager of the well-known firm of Holmes & Pierson, the editors and proprietors of the Riverside Daily Press and Weekly Horticulturist, of Riverside, is a native of Licking County, Ohio, and was born in 1848. When a child his parents moved to Springfield, Illinois, and thence in 1857 to Poweshiek County, Iowa. He was engaged in his attendance in the public schools until fifteen years of age, and then apprenticed to the printers trade at Montezuma, Iowa. After serving his apprenticeship, he commenced his travels as a journeyman, and was engaged on the … Read more

Carver, George Washington – Obituary

George W. Carver Civil War Veteran Died Monday Night George W. Carver, died Monday night at the family residence, 209 South Pearl, from cancer of the bladder. Mr. Carver was born in Licking County, Ohio, June 15, 1840. He served three years in Company E. of the 94th Illinois during the Civil War and remove d to the Kittitas Valley in 1876. He had lived here since that time on the old homestead three and a half miles southeast of town until recently, when he moved to the present family residence. He is survived by his widow and six children, … Read more

Genealogy of Aaron French, Jr.

2 AARON FRENCH, Jr. (Aaron1), b. Apr. 19, 1767, Essex Co., N. J.; d. Jan. 31, 1850, Johnstown, O.; m. (1st), Mar. 8, 1792, Washington Co., Pa., Ruth Coe (b. Aug. 19, 1770, Morristown, N. J.; d. Mar. 19, 1835, Johnstown, O.), dau. of Elder Joseph Coe (Joseph, Joseph, Benjamin, Robert), and Abigail Moon, his w. Aaron French 2 m. (2nd) Oct. 8, 1835, Catharine Combs (d. Aug. 9, 1856), wid. of – Starkey. Robert Coe, ancestor of Ruth (Coe) French, came to Mass., 1634, from Suffolkshire, England, where he was b., 1596. Children of first marriage (none of second): … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert William Smith

Smith, Albert William; college prof.; born at Newark, O., Oct. 4, 1862; son of George H. and Mary (Sanborn) Smith; Ph. C., University of Michigan, 1885; B. S., Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, 1887; Ph. D., University of Zurich, 1891; married Mary Wilkinson of Cleveland, June 5, 1890; prof. chemistry, Case School of Applied Science, since 1891, Yellow A. A. A. S.; member American Chemistry Society, American Institute Mining Engineers, American Electrochem. Society, Society Promotion Engineering Education; has contributed to technical papers in society proceedings.

Roll Of Capt. John Spencer’s Company, Ohio Spies

(Probably from Licking County). Served from August 27, until September 25, 1812, and from September 4, 1813, until March 4, 1814. Capt. John Spencer Lieut. Abraham Bennet Lieut Henry Goode Cornet, Jacob Mann Ensign John Denham Sergt. Daniel Eaton Sergt. John Peck Sergt. Jesse Sutton Sergt. Martin Robinson Sergt. John C Spencer Sergt. Robert B Covert Sergt. Abner Meek Sergt. Isaac Dougherty Corp. Enoch Wilkin Corp. Isaac Good Corp. Enoch Smith Corp. James Patten Musician, Daniel Crane Musician, Richard Baker Privates Alexander, John Allen, John Anderson, William Bedunnah, Ebenezer Blackburn, James Blackford, J. K Blackford, William Brewin, Thomas Cahill, Daniel … Read more

Slave Narrative of Reverend Williams

Interviewer: Miriam Logan Person Interviewed: Rev. Williams Location: Lebanon, Ohio Place of Birth: Greenbriar County, West Virginia Date of Birth: 1859 Age: 76 Occupation: Methodist minister Miriam Logan Lebanon, Ohio July 8th Warren County, District 2 Story of REVEREND WILLIAMS, Aged 76, Colored Methodist Minister, Born Greenbriar County, West Virginia (Born 1859) “I was born on the estate of Miss Frances Cree, my mother’s mistress. She had set my grandmother Delilah free with her sixteen children, so my mother was free when I was born, but my father was not. “My father was butler to General Davis, nephew of Jefferson … Read more

Biography of George E. Wells

GEORGE E. WELLS. – The subject of this sketch is a man of great energy and power of adaptability, as is manifested in the occupations that have been engaged in by him during the years in which he has been in this western country, and it is pleasant to remark that during all of these varied undertakings, some of which have been exceedingly arduous and fraught with hardship and danger, he has manifested a stanch and unflinching courage, marked industry and enterprise, with excellent personal qualities of integrity and upright principles, while a good success has attended his efforts, both … Read more