Biographical Sketch of R. L. Vallandigham

The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is a native of Ray County, this State, and was born on the 1st day of January, 1837. His parents moved to Daviess County when he was three years old and here he was reared and educated. He began life as a farmer and continued until 1868, when he engaged in the mill business, running a grist and saw-mill, with a carding machine attachment. In 1874 he resumed farming and is still so engaged. When the Civil War came on Mr. Vallandigham espoused the cause of the Confederacy, and enlisted in July, 1861, … Read more

Bean, Obediah Roberts – Obituary

Proved Fatal. The accident which happened to Mr. O. R. Bean at Acme, Tuesday, March 11 [1890], an account of which was published in last week’s GUARD, was attended with a fatal result He never regained consciousness after the accident [died March 15, 1890]. O. R. Bean was born in Liberty, Missouri, February 2, 1830. He came to California in 1849, being attracted by the reports of the finding of gold, and remained there until 1852 when he came to Oregon. In 1853 in Yamhill he married Miss Julia A. Sharp who survives him. In 1855 he came to Lane … Read more

Biographical Sketch of T. S. Eggers

The subject of this sketch was born in Johnson County, Tennessee, September 19, 1852. He continued to reside in the County of his birth till he was fourteen years old, when he went to Indiana, where he resided till the time of his coming to Missouri. His education was received in Indiana, and lie followed the occupation of tilling the soil after leaving school. On coining to Daviess County, Mr. Eggers again engaged in farming, in which he continued steadily until the spring of 1875. At that time he became possessed of a desire to see the great western country, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Wilson

The subject of this sketch is a native of County Donegal, Ireland, and was there born in March, 1842. His parents left their native country when Samuel was about four years old, and emigrated to America. They first landed in New Orleans, but proceeded from there to Illinois, where our subject was reared and educated. Mr. Wilson began life as a farmer in Illinois, and continued there till the spring of 1868, when he went to Kansas and remained till 1872. He then, with his father and brothers, came to Daviess County, where he still resides. He owns a farm … Read more

Biography of William M. Fitch

William M. Fitch was born in the year 1870, near Plattsburg, Clinton county, Missouri. His father, John G. Fitch, was born near Dayton, Ohio, and his grandfather, Humphrey F. Fitch, was born in New York. His mother, Elizabeth M. Johnson. was born near Maysville, Kentucky, near the place where her father, Milton Johnson. was born. John G. Fitch and Elizabeth M. Johnson were married in Clinton county, Missouri, during the year 1869. William M. Fitch was the only child. He obtained his education in the country schools; in the high school of Stewartsville, and in Stewartsviile Academy. In 1889 he … Read more