Harrison, Lulu Jane – Obituary

Funeral services for Mrs. Lulu Jane Harrison, 73, a resident of Eagle Valley who died Tuesday afternoon at St. Elizabeth Hospital, will be conducted at 10:30 a.m. Friday at the Beatty Chapel. Pastor Harold Hall will officiate with interment following at Mt. Hope Cemetery. Mrs. Harrison, the daughter of Charles John and Anna B. Markham, was born at Fort Collins, Colo. On June 30, 1890. The family moved to Oregon in 1915 and settled at Wallowa, where they lived for several years before moving to Eagle Valley. Mrs. Harrison was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. She is … Read more

Biography of George H. Handy

George H. Handy, probate judge and ex-ofificio superintendent of schools for Owyhee County, Idaho, resides at Silver City. He was born at Grand Island, Hall county, Nebraska, on the 20th of February 1871, and is of Scotch and English ancestry. His paternal grandfather, Parker Handy, was a native of New York city, and for many years was prominently connected with the banking business, his death occurring at the advanced age of ninety years. H. P. Handy, father of the Judge, was also born in New York City, and throughout his active business career has followed civil engineering. He came to … Read more

Biography of Edward C. Willis

Edward C. Willis, superintendent of the State Orphans Home at Atchison, is a graduate of Dartmouth College and came to kansas nearly forty years ago with the equipment and training of a oultured New Englander. His work in this state had been largely of an educational nature, and he had taught, had been superintendent of schools, and was finally appointed to his present post at Atchison, where he had served with the exception of two years since 1907. Nearly all of Mr. Willis’ ancestors were colonial families of New England. The Willis family came originally from the northern part of … Read more

Larimer County, Colorado Cemetery Records

Most of these cemetery listings are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. The following cemeteries have gravesite photographs hosted at the Colorado Tombstone Photo Project Hupp Family Cemetery Virginia Dale Community Church Cemetery Berthoud Greenlawn Cemetery Estes Park Estes Valley Memorial Gardens Ft. Collins Grandview Cemetery Roselawn Cemetery Loveland Lakeside Cemetery Loveland Burial Park Rocky Mountain National Park Beaver Meadows Cemetery Wellington Highland Cemetery View Photographs The following cemeteries have transcriptions hosted at the Colorado USGW Archives Boothroyd-Hutchinson Cemetery Boyd Family Cemetery Buckeye Ranch … Read more

Biography of Robert Ernest Cullison

Robert Ernest Cullison. The senior member of the well-known law firm of Cullison, Forrest & Clifford, Robert Ernest Cullison had long been a prominent figure in many of the legal controversies of Allen County, in which his unerring judgment and ability to provide the solution of many complexities have proven his right to be numbered among the distinguished members of the bar of his part of the state. Since the beginning of his career he had practiced at Iola, where he had on several occasions been the incumbent of official positions of importance. Mr. Cullison as a lawyer, conducting cases … Read more

Biography of Frederick William Parrott

F. W. Parrott. Probably no agency so molds public opinion as does the reputable newspaper, and on this account the editor of a journal of standing occupies a position of great accountability. It may matter little, perhaps, whether one can convince his next door neighbor of the value of his enlightened opinions, but when his audience numbers hundreds and thousands his effort become a force of momentous strength and solemn responsibility. That this is generally realized by the men who through special talents are called upon to accept such a position may be seen when they show not only the … Read more

Biography of J. Harry Barley

J. Harry Barley is proprietor and publisher of the Republican-Register, the oldest newspaper in Washington County, and still one of the most sucessful newspapers in the state. Mr. Barley is a young newspaper man, and prior to the purchase of the Republican-Register his experience was chiefly in education and banking. The Republican-Register is the direct and lineal descendant of the Western Observer, which was founded at Washington in March, 1869. Its publisher was Mark J. Kelly. Mr. Kelly had come to Washington through the influence of Col. Dave Ballard, who gave him a bonus of ten town lots to start … Read more

Searles, William C. “Bill” – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon William C. “Bill” Searles, 79, of Union, a former Baker City resident, died March 17, 2004, at his home. His graveside funeral will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Mount Hope Cemetery with vault interment afterward. Visitations will be from 9 a.m. to noon Monday at the Loveland Funeral Chapel, 1508 Fourth St., in La Grande. Mr. Searles was born on Oct. 25, 1924, at Fort Collins, Colo., to Archie and Augusta Massengale Searles. He was raised and educated at La Grande. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II and was discharged in 1945. … Read more

1871 Rocky Mountain Directory and Colorado Gazetteer

1871 Rocky Mountain Directory and Colorado Gazetteer

1871 Rocky Mountain Directory and Colorado Gazetteer, comprising a brief history of Colorado up to 1871 … together with a complete and accurate directory and history of Denver, Golden City, Black Hawk, Central City, Nevada, Idaho, and Georgetown.