Failyer, Margaret Malinda Speer – Obituary
After numerous attacks from heart ailment, Mrs. James Failyer died rather suddenly at her home just east of the Clarion office Monday night [May 11, 1936]. Her maiden name was Margaret Speer. On February 9, 1882 she was married to James Failyer. To them were born 11 children, 8 f them survive. They are Bert, Paul, Mrs. Grover Johnson, and Mrs. Charles Stroud of Richland, Mrs. Eva Readnour Rubio, Othie of Ottumwa, Austin of Cedar, and Mrs. Lillie Jackson of Ottumwa. There are 15 grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Failyer, since their marriage, have resided either in Keokuk or Wapello counties. … Read more