Johnston County, North Carolina Cemetery Transcriptions

North Carolina Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the North Carolina county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted at Johnston County, North Carolina Tombstone Transcription Project) Johnston Co., NC Cemetery Name Index, 1999 Beasley Cemetery Broadwell-Thorne Family Cemetery Julius Hutson Broadwell Cemetery Brown-Batten Family Cemetery Augustus J. Chamblee Cemetery Earp-Jeffreys-Debnam Cemetery Friendship Free Will Baptist Church Cemetery Hollywood Cemetery William J. Johnson Cemetery Joseph Maden Cemetery Partin Family Cemetery Applewhite W. Richardson … Read more

David A. Creech

Private, Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Johnston County; son of J. I. and Mrs. Lucillea Creech. Entered service May 24, 1916, Durham, N.C. Sent to Samp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt-Lys Offensive, Somme Canal. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C., April, 1919.

Harvey C. Stanley

Sergt. 1st Class, Inf., Co. C, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Born in Johnston County; son of O. J. and Mrs. Betty Stanley. Entered service May 22, 1917, at Four Oaks, N.C. Sent to Camp Royster, N.C. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth and from there to Camp Sevier. Promoted to rank of Corpl. July, 1917. Promoted to rank of 1st Sergt. 1918. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C., March 14, 1919.

Leon C. Raper

Private 1st Class, Q. M. C., 13th Inf. Born in Johnston County; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Raper; husband of Mrs. Ida Raper. Entered service Aug. 19, 1914, at Kenly, N.C. Sent to Columbus, Ohio, from there to Paris Island, S. C., from there to Presidio, Cal. Mustered out at Presidio, Cal., March 9, 1919. Was in the Philippines for 33 months.

Marion B. Olive

Wagoner, Engineers, Co. C, 56th Regt.; of Johnston County; son of C. B. and Mrs. Delphia Olive. Entered service Oct. 22, 1917, at Benson, N.C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Washington Barracks, D. C. Sailed for France March 18, 1918. Promoted to rank of Wagoner. Fought at Meuse-Argonne offensive, Somme offensive. Returned to USA April 1, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 25, 1919.

Rom. H. Morgan

Private 1st Class, Hospital Corps 107. Born in Johnston County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Morgan. Husband of Mrs. Pearl Morgan. Entered service March, 1917, at Benson, N.C. Was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., and from there to Sherman, Ohio. Transferred to Camp Upton and sailed for France Aug. 30, 1918. Returned to USA July 13, 1919, and was mustered out July, 1919, at Camp Lee, Va.

Slave Narrative of Charlie Barbour

Interviewer: Mary A. Hicks Person Interviewed: Charlie Barbour Date of Interview: May 20, 1937 Location: Smithfield, North Carolina Age: 86 I belonged ter Mr. Bob Lumsford hyar in Smithfield from de time of my birth. My mammy wuz named Candice an’ my pappy’s name wuz Seth. My brothers wuz Rufus, William an’ George, an’ my sisters wuz Mary an’ Laura. I ‘minds me of de days when as a youngin’ [HW correction: youngun’] I played marbles an’ hide an’ seek. Dar wuzn’t many games den, case nobody ain’t had no time fer ’em. De grown folkses had dances an’ sometimes … Read more

Slave Narrative of Cornelia Andrews

Interviewer: Mary A. HicksPerson Interviewed: Cornelia AndrewsDate of Interview: May 21, 1937Location: Smithfield, North CarolinaAge: 87 An interview on May 21, 1937, with Cornelia Andrews of Smithfield, Johnston County, who is 87 years old. De fust marster dat I ‘members wuz Mr. Cute Williams an’ he wuz a good marster, but me an’ my mammy an’ some of de rest of ’em wuz sold to Doctor McKay Vaden who wuz not good ter us. Doctor Vaden owned a good-sized plantation, but he had just eight slaves. We had plank houses, but we ain’t had much food an’ clothes. We wored … Read more

Jesse J. Barbour

Private, 1st class, M. P. Co. B; of Johnston County; son of Seth and Mrs. Florence Barbour. Husband of Mrs. Corinna Barbour. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Smithfield, N.C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Promoted to Private, 1st class, June 11, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C., Feb. 1, 1919.

Alfred J. Parker

U. S. Naval Aviator, Naval Aviation Reserve. Born in Johnston County; son of Dr. G. E. Parker and Mrs. Alice Parker. Entered service June 28, 1917, at Richmond, Va. Sent to Camp Pensacola, Aviation School. Transferred to Camp Hoboken. Sailed for France October, 1917. Fought at Brest and Ile Tudy. Did observation and patrol work, also at Hdqrs. in Paris. Returred to USA Nov. 20, 1918. Mustered out at Hampton Roads June 24, 1919.

Ernest S. Pierce

Corpl., 9th Btry, A. A. C. Born in Johnston County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pierce. Entered the service July 23, 1917, at Raleigh, N.C. Was sent to Ft. Caswell, N.C., and sailed for France July 14, 1918. Fought at Toul Sector, St. Mihiel. Returned to USA March 7, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 24, 1919.

Kader C. Woodard

Private, F. A., Replacement Co. Born in Johnston County; son of E. and Mrs. Nellie Woodard. Entered service at Selma, N.C., June 26, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson. Mustered out at Camp Jackson Dec. 16, 1918.

Adlai S. Oliver

1st Lt., Med. Corps. Born in Johnston County; son of J. W. and Peakie Oliver. Husband of Camille Debnam. Entered service Aug. 7, 1917, at Greensboro, N.C. Sent to Phila. General Hospital. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth, S. C., as Psychiostrist, then to Newport News. Sailed for France August, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest. Returned to USA Dec. 24, 1918. With Mobile Neuralgic Unit No. 3 while in France. Mustered out at E. Norfolk, Mass., Feb. 15, 1919.

Jack H. Pike

Corpl., 120th Inf., 30th Div., Co. C. Born in Johnston County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. R Pike. Entered the service at Greenville, N.C., April 2, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C., and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt and sailed for France May 12, 1918. In all engagements with 120th Inf. Returned to USA April 12, 1919, and mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C., April 17, 1919.

Slave Narrative of Frank Freeman

Interviewer: T. Pat Matthews Person Interviewed: Frank Freeman Location: 216 Tuppers Lane, Raleigh, North Carolina Date of Birth: December 14, 1857 Place of Birth: Wake County NC Age: 76 I was born near Rolesville in Wake County Christmas Eve, 24 of December 1857. I am 76 years old. My name is Frank Freeman and my wife’s name is Mary Freeman. She is 78 years old. We live at 216 Tuppers Lane, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. I belonged to ole man Jim Wiggins jus’ this side o’ Roseville, fourteen miles from Raleigh. The great house is standin’ there now, and … Read more

Joseph B. Turley

Q. M. C., 3rd Class, Navy. Born in Johnston County Sept. 13, 1896; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Turley. Husband of Mrs. Duba Ellis Turley. Entered the service at Clayton, N.C., Jan. 9, 1918, and sent to Norfolk, Va. Promoted to rank of Q. M. C., 3rd Class, 1918. Served on U. S. S. Raleigh. Mustered out of the service at Key West, Fla., Jan. 14, 1919.

Luther F. O’Neal

Sergt., Base Hospital 65. Born in Johnston County; son of J. W. and Mrs. Louzetta O’Neal. Entered service May 31, 1918, at Selma, N.C. Sent to Ft. McPherson, Ga. Oversease Sept. 13, 1918. Returned to USA May 21, 1920. Mustered out at Camp Mills, N. J., May 29, 1920.

Benson High School, Benson North Carolina, Yearbooks

1949 Tatler

These are high school yearbooks for Benson, Johnston County, North Carolina. If your ancestor attended Benson High School during the years of 1938-1964 then the following yearbooks may have a photograph of them. This is part of a collection of free yearbooks being placed online by the Benson Museum of Local History.

Slave Narrative of Barbara Haywood

Interviewer: Mary A. Hicks Person Interviewed: Barbara Haywood Location: 1111 Mark Street, Raleigh, North Carolina Age: 85 Aunt Barbara’s Love Story An interview with Barbara Haywood, 85 years old. Address 1111 Mark Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. Anything dat I tells you will near ’bout all be ’bout Frank Haywood, my husban’. I wus borned on de John Walton place seben miles southeast of Raleigh. My father, Handy Sturdivant, belonged to somebody in Johnston County but mother an’ her chilluns ‘longed ter Marse John Walton. Marse John had a corn shuckin’ onct an’ at dat corn shuckin’ I fust saw Frank. … Read more

C. L. Dickerson

Sergt., Inf., Co. C, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Regt.; of Johnston County; son of O. P. and Mrs. Charlotte Dickerson. Entered service June 19, 1916, at Selma, N.C. Mustered in Federal service July 25, 1917. Sent to Camp Glenn, N.C. Transferred to Camp Stewart, Texas, then to Camp Mills, N. Y. Guard duty at Goldsboro, N.C. Sailed for France May 24, 1918. Fought at Hindenburg drive Sept. 29, 1918, to Oct. 18, 1918. Gassed near Ribberville, France Oct. 17, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital No. 2, Ames Rovere, France. Landed in USA June 14, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered … Read more