Biographical Sketch of Albert William Johnston

Johnston, Albert William; railroad office; born, Boston, Mass., March 4, 1853; son of Thomas Hunter and Anne Metcalf Johnston; educated, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; married, Steubenville, O., Sept. 17, 1880, Flora P. Kimball; one daughter, Pauline Kimball Johnston; entered the railroad business in 1875; has resided in Cleveland since 1884, as Division Engineer, N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Co., and has successfully held positions of division supt. Eastern Division, general supt. and gen. mgr. entire line; member American Society of Civil Engineers, American Rotary Association and American Rotary Guild; member College Fraternity, Chi Phi Tau, Boston, 1873; … Read more

Moravian Massacre at Gnadenbrutten

George Rogers Clark

In the early part of the year 1763 two Moravian missionaries, Post and Heckewelder, established a mission among the Tuscarawa Indians, and in a few years they had three nourishing missionary stations, viz: Shoenbrun, Gnadenbrutten and Salem, which were about five miles apart and fifty miles west of the present town of Steubenville, Ohio. During our Revolutionary War their position being midway between the hostile Indians (allies of the British) on the Sandusky River, and our frontier settlements, and therefore on the direct route of the war parties of both the British Indian allies and the frontier settlers, they were … Read more

Slave Narrative of Catherine Slim

Interviewer: Bishop & Isleman Person Interviewed: Catherine Slim Location: Steubenville, Ohio Place of Birth: Rockingham, Virginia Age: 87 Place of Residence: 939 N. 6th St., Steubenville, Ohio WPA in Ohio Federal Writers’ Project Bishop & Isleman Jun 9, 1937 Topic: Ex-Slaves Jefferson County, District #2 MRS. CATHERINE SLIM Ex-slave, 87 years, 939 N. 6th St., Steubenville I wuz born in Rockingham, Virginny; a beautiful place where I cum from. My age is en de courthouse, Harrisonburg, Virginny. I dunno de date of my birth, our massa’s wouldn’t tell us our age. My mother’s name wuz Sally. She wuz a colored … Read more

Biography of John Porter

John Porter. This is the name of one of the old pioneers of Kansas territory. It was fifty-seven years ago when he established his first home within the limits of the presant Shawnee County and there began working out his own destiny and to some extent the destiny of Kansas as a free state and the welfare of his children. It is a name that will always be spoken with respect, and those who bear it in the future will have reason to congratulate themselves in the splendid character of their pioncor Kansas ancostor, John Portor. He was a native … Read more

Biography of Thomas Watson Roach

Thomas Watson Roach, for twenty-one years president of Kansas Wesleyan Business College, and a former president of Kansas Wesleyan University at Salina, had not merely found but had made for himself a distinctive place in educational history of the Sunflower State. He came to Kansas more than forty years ago. His name is closely associated with several progressive movements in Kansas educational affairs. He was the pioneer worker for the consolidation of country school districts. He also did the first practical work toward procuring uniformity of text books throughout the state. But even more important than all this he will … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dan Freeman Bradley

Bradley, Dan Freeman; clergyman; born, Bangkok, Siam, March 17, 1857; son of Dan Beach and Sarah (Blachly) Bradley; educated, Oberlin College, 1882, Oberlin Theological Seminary, 1885, Oberlin Honorary Degree Doctor of Divinity, 1909; same degree, Cornell College, 1904; married, Oberlin, O., July 9, 1883, Lillian Jaques; three sons, Dwight J., Robert G., and Theodore Bradley; pastor Steubenville Ohio, Congregational Church, 1885-1887; Yankton, S. D., 1887-1892; Grand Rapids, Mich., 1892-1902; pres. Iowa College, Grinnel, Ia., 1902-1905; pastor Pilgrim Church, Cleveland, 1905 to date; has gymnasium, branch of public library cooking school and mothers club; has been instrumental in the organization of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Carleton Lewis Terry

Terry, Carleton Lewis; coal business; born near Adrian, Mich., Aug. 23, 1872; son of James E. and Mary T. Maynard Terry; married, Steubenville, O., March 9, 1895, Alma Dell King; issue, one son, James Edwin, second, and one daughter, Katheryn Lois; entered the service of the Iowa Central R. R., and The Wheeling & Lake Erie R. R., at Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1891; came to Cleveland in July, 1893, and entered the Freight Traffic Dept. of The Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling R. R., remaining until Jan. 1, 1901, when he was elected sec’y of The Allegheny Coal Co.; director The … Read more

Slave Narrative of George Jackson

Interviewer: Bishop & Isleman Person Interviewed: George Jackson Location: Steubenville, Ohio Place of Birth: Loudon County, Virginia Date of Birth: Feb. 6, 1858 Age: 79 WPA in Ohio Federal Writers’ Project Bishop & Isleman Reporter: Bishop [HW: Revised] Topic: Ex-Slaves. Jefferson County, District #5 July 6, 1937 GEORGE JACKSON Ex-Slave, 79 years I was born in Loudon County, Virginny, Feb. 6, 1858. My mother’s name was Betsy Jackson. My father’s name was Henry Jackson. Dey were slaves and was born right der in Loudon County. I had 16 brothers and sisters. All of dem is dead. My brothers were Henry, … Read more

Roll Of Capt Thomas Latta’s Company

(Probably from Jefferson County) Served from September 15, 1812 until March 21, 1813 Capt. Thomas Latta Lieut John Buck Lieut. Hugh Christy Ensign William Prichard Sergt. George Browers Sergt. George Brown Sergt. Alexander Patterson Sergt, Alexander Valters Sergt. George Emaling Sergt. John Haughey Sergt. Issac Wolms Sergt. Richard Brown Corp. Cornelius Peterson Corp. William Betz Corp. James Holes Corp Mathew Palmer Privates Adams, John Adams, Thomas Agler, William Allbaugh, George Allbaugh, Solomon Argo, Jeremiah Bailis, William Bair, David Baird, Andrew Bamhill, William Barnes, John Beamer, Adam Beamer, Adam, Jr. Bell, Adam Bell, William Boils, Richard Bratell, John Brockar, John Brockar, … Read more

Biography of Charles L. Ong

Charles L. Ong and his family bore an important part in the pioneer commercial and civic life of several communities in Western Kansas and he spent his last years at Salina. Mr. Ong brought his family to Kansas in 1883. Though the name had the flavor of foreign origin, it is in fact one of the oldest in America. The forebears of the late Charles L. Ong came out of England, crossing the ocean on the ship Lyon, and reaching the American colonies on February 5, 1631. Dr. A. R. Ong, A. M., M. D., now deceased, a brother of … Read more

Biography of James Medill

James Medill. The late James Medill was one of the men who came to Kansas during its territorial period, and while he was but one of scores of similar pioneers, he bore his part worthily, although inconspicuously, in the upbuilding of the commonwealth. Mr. Medill was born on a farm in Jefferson County, Ohio, near Steubenville, May 21, 1824, a son of Joseph Medill, who was of the same family that produced the Medills who made the Chicago Tribune famous. James Medill was reared to manhood in his native county, where he acquired a good, practical education. As a young … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Jacob Gilber’s Company

(Probably from Jefferson County) Served from August 25, 1812 until February 28, 1813. Capt. Jacob Gilbert Lieut. John Testers Ensign Abraham Fox Ensign Conrad Myers Sergt. Davtd Shoemaker Sargt. Samuel Eister Sergt. Michael Coners Sergt. Michael Shafer Corp, Randall Smith Corp. Peter Miller Corp. John Eaton Corp, John Lipley Privates Adams, William Alexander, Robert Barnes, Jacob Beacht, George Bissilla, Betz Blackburn, William Boatman, Henry Bradfield, Benjamin Brineman, Richard Cahammon, John M, Calihan, William Catt, Phillip Clary, James M Condon, James Cook, George Engerstem, Henry Estep, George Feler, Michael Fisher, Brice Ford, William Fox, John Frederick, John Garringer, David Glass, Mathias … Read more

Philadelphia To Steubenville

Monday, Oct. 4, 1819.–Dr. Hall and myself left Philadelphia at 1 o’clock p. m. after taking an affectionate leave of friends and acquaintances. Fair and pleasant weather, and the roads very fine in consequence of a refreshing shower of rain which fell on the night previous to our setting out. After traveling twenty-two miles and passing some rich and well-cultivated farms we arrived at West Chester at 7 o’clock. West Chester contains about 600 inhabitants, several places of worship, a gaol, etc., etc. A man named Downey is confined in the gaol of this place for debt. He was once … Read more

Roll Of Capt. David Pecks Company

(From Either Harrison or Jefferson County) Served from August 25, 1812, until February 28, 1813. Capt. David Peck Lieut. Josaph Davis Ensign Jacob Shaffer SerCt. John Stoaks Sergt. Ivaniel Higgins Sergt. Dudley Smith Sergt- Jesse Harnum Corp. John Vaughn Corp. James Davis Corp. James Miller Corp. Wm. McConkey Privates Albert, John Armstrong, Archibold Ayers, James Barnes, Obediah Bennet, Thomas Beard, James Burchfield, Charles Busy, Joshua Chambers, James Christy, George Chrys, George Conn, Alexander Crawford, Alexander Dowden, John N Derry, William Degar, Peter Devore, Abraham Devore, Janies Dewall, Thomas N. Dickey, William Dickey, James Fisher, Samuel Fisher, Ephraim Fisher, John Gutshall, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Nicholas Murray’s Company

(From Jefferson County) Served from August 25, until December 25, 1812. Capt. Nicholas Murry Lieut. Nathaniel Windryer, or Wintringer Sergt. Phillip Fulton Ensign, John Camell Sergt. James Kernahan Sergt. George Beatty Sergt. Joseph Batchlor Corp. Kames Hakill Corp. James Patten Privates Anderson, David Ashby, Abel Bayley, Joshua Blackburn, John Bow, Curtis Brown, George Carlisle, James Carrel, James Carter, Bryan Collins, John Cummins, Robert Erwin, Robert Evans, Richard Fowler, James Gillis, James B. Henderson, James Hunt, George McClelland, William McPake, Thomas Murray, Charles Niblack, John Parker, John Reder, George Richards, Samuel Snyder, Jacob Steel, Josiah Thompson, Lewis Williams, Samuel Worstell, Joseph