Roll Of Capt. Nicholas Murray’s Company

(From Jefferson County) Served from August 25, until December 25, 1812. Capt. Nicholas Murry Lieut. Nathaniel Windryer, or Wintringer Sergt. Phillip Fulton Ensign, John Camell Sergt. James Kernahan Sergt. George Beatty Sergt. Joseph Batchlor Corp. Kames Hakill Corp. James Patten Privates Anderson, David Ashby, Abel Bayley, Joshua Blackburn, John Bow, Curtis Brown, George Carlisle, James Carrel, James Carter, Bryan Collins, John Cummins, Robert Erwin, Robert Evans, Richard Fowler, James Gillis, James B. Henderson, James Hunt, George McClelland, William McPake, Thomas Murray, Charles Niblack, John Parker, John Reder, George Richards, Samuel Snyder, Jacob Steel, Josiah Thompson, Lewis Williams, Samuel Worstell, Joseph

Slave Narrative of Perry Sid Jemison

Interviewer: Bishop & Taleman Person Interviewed: Perry Sid Jemison Location: Steubenville, Ohio Place of Birth: Perry County, Alabama Age: 79 Place of Residence: 422 South Sixth Street, Steubenville, Ohio WPA in Ohio Federal Writers’ Project Written by Bishop & Isleman Edited by Albert I. Dugen [TR: also reported as Dugan] Ex-Slaves Jefferson County, District #2 PERRY SID JEMISON [TR: also reported as Jamison] Ex-Slave, 79 years (Perry Sid Jemison lives with his married daughter and some of his grand-children at 422 South Sixth Street, Steubenville, O.) “I wuz borned in Perry County, Alabama! De way I remember my age is, … Read more

Biography of R. T. Updegraff

R. T. Updegraff has been perhaps the leading individual factor in the commercial and business development of the Town of Maple Hill in Wabaunsee County for the past thirty years. Mr. Updegraff came to Kansas after completing his education, and the vigor and enterprise which characterized his early life in this state have borne abundant fruit in several different lines. Mr. Updegraff was born at Mount Pleasant, Ohio, November 28, 1862. He is of old Quaker family, the religion of the Friends having received the allegiance of the Updegraffs for many generations. The Updegraffs first came out of Holland in … Read more

Roll Of Capt. David Pecks Company

(From Either Harrison or Jefferson County) Served from August 25, 1812, until February 28, 1813. Capt. David Peck Lieut. Josaph Davis Ensign Jacob Shaffer SerCt. John Stoaks Sergt. Ivaniel Higgins Sergt. Dudley Smith Sergt- Jesse Harnum Corp. John Vaughn Corp. James Davis Corp. James Miller Corp. Wm. McConkey Privates Albert, John Armstrong, Archibold Ayers, James Barnes, Obediah Bennet, Thomas Beard, James Burchfield, Charles Busy, Joshua Chambers, James Christy, George Chrys, George Conn, Alexander Crawford, Alexander Dowden, John N Derry, William Degar, Peter Devore, Abraham Devore, Janies Dewall, Thomas N. Dickey, William Dickey, James Fisher, Samuel Fisher, Ephraim Fisher, John Gutshall, … Read more

Biography of Oliver Denious

Oliver Denious, a resident of Erie, Kansas, since 1894, has lived a life full of activity. His experiences have been in the role of a farm laborer, soldier, farmer, business man, public official, and wherever and in whatever place destiny has put him he has given a good account of his ability and character. He was only twelve years of age when he became self supporting. That was back in Stark County, Ohio. His first work was to hire out to neighboring farmers, and though extremely young, he often did a man’s work. Naturally enough he had limited advantages to … Read more

Slave Narrative of John W. Matheus

Interviewer: Bishop & Isleman Person Interviewed: John Williams Matheus Location: Steubenville, Ohio Age: 77 Place of Residence: 203 Dock Street WPA in Ohio Federal Writers’ Project Bishop & Isleman Reporter: Bishop (Revision) July 8, 1937 Topic: Ex-Slaves Jefferson County, District #5 JOHN WILLIAMS MATHEUS Ex-Slave, 77 years “My mothers name was Martha. She died when I was eleven months old. My mother was owned by Racer Blue and his wife Scotty. When I was bout eleven or twelve they put me out with Michael Blue and his wife Mary. Michael Blue was a brother to Racer Blue. Racer Blue died … Read more

Roll Of Captain John Alexander’s Company

(Probably Harrison or Jefferson County) Served from Sept. 21, 1812, until Dec. 8, 1812, and from July 29, 1813, until Aug. 22, 1813. Capt. John Alexander Lieut. Hugh Christy Lieut. Angus McCoy Ensign David Jackson Sergt. George Ermabringer Sergt. John Linch Sergt. Robert Blackford Sergt. Hugh McGee Sergt. Stephen Paugburn Sergt. Robert Stayton Sergt. Robert Kennedy Sergt. Robert Miller Corp. William Ai. Coy Corp. Joseph Washburn Corp. Jeremiah Ango Corp. Charles Lunay Corp. Thomas Mantial Corp. William Ross Pifer, John Neel Fifer, Rodman Gardner Privates Adams, John Adams, Thomas Ayers, James Bailey, William Barnes, Obadiali Boland, William Brown, John Brown, … Read more

Biography of Stephen R. Magee, M. D.

Stephen R. Magee, M. D. Among the representative orange groves and vineyards of Arlington in Riverside, mention should be made of that owned by D. Magee. The improvements on this place were commenced by Mrs. Magee in August, 1875. It was then a wild and barren plain. Mrs. Magee in that year preceded the Doctor to California and located on a forty-acre tract, on what is now the corner of Center and Palm avenues. She caused a small cottage to be erected, in which herself and children were domiciled, and then at once commenced the planting of ornamental trees and … Read more

Slave Narrative of Catherine Slim

Interviewer: Bishop & Isleman Person Interviewed: Catherine Slim Location: Steubenville, Ohio Place of Birth: Rockingham, Virginia Age: 87 Place of Residence: 939 N. 6th St., Steubenville, Ohio WPA in Ohio Federal Writers’ Project Bishop & Isleman Jun 9, 1937 Topic: Ex-Slaves Jefferson County, District #2 MRS. CATHERINE SLIM Ex-slave, 87 years, 939 N. 6th St., Steubenville I wuz born in Rockingham, Virginny; a beautiful place where I cum from. My age is en de courthouse, Harrisonburg, Virginny. I dunno de date of my birth, our massa’s wouldn’t tell us our age. My mother’s name wuz Sally. She wuz a colored … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Carleton Lewis Terry

Terry, Carleton Lewis; coal business; born near Adrian, Mich., Aug. 23, 1872; son of James E. and Mary T. Maynard Terry; married, Steubenville, O., March 9, 1895, Alma Dell King; issue, one son, James Edwin, second, and one daughter, Katheryn Lois; entered the service of the Iowa Central R. R., and The Wheeling & Lake Erie R. R., at Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1891; came to Cleveland in July, 1893, and entered the Freight Traffic Dept. of The Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling R. R., remaining until Jan. 1, 1901, when he was elected sec’y of The Allegheny Coal Co.; director The … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Allen Scroggs’ Company

(Probably from Jefferson County) Served from September 21, 1812 until November 30, 1812. Capt. Allen Scroggs Lieut. John Ramsey Ensign John Caldwell Sergt. William Wilkin Sergt. William Dunlap Sergt. William Holson Sergt. William Robertson Corp. Samuel Avery Corp. Joseph Haverfield Corp. John Connaway Corp. John Wallace Privates Abbott, Benjamin Baricklow, Fanington Beamer, Adam Bebout, Peter Belknap, Horace Brokan, John Brokan, William Buris, Homeny Cann, James F Connaway, Michael Dewalt, John Findley, David Fivecoats, Michael Fletcher, Archibald Foster, Benjamin Francis, James Gladmore, Michael Gray, Ebenezer Heinary, Abraham Hill, William Hitchcock, John Holly, Samuel Jack, Edward Johnson, Henry Laurence, Duber Lees, Samuel … Read more

Through Ohio And Kentucky

Sunday, Oct. 18.–Myself and friend proceeded on our journey. We arrived at Siers, a distance of thirty miles, at dusk, much relieved by the change from our horses to the wagon. The roads were muddy, the weather drizzly and the country hilly. Buildings indifferent. The land very fertile and black. Trees uncommonly tall. Passed the little village of Cadis. In this country a tavern, a store, a smith shop and two or three cabins make a town. Passed ten or fifteen travelers. Great contrast between the quality of the land from Chambersburg to Pittsburg, and that which we have already … Read more

Roll Of Capt. James Alexander’s Company

(Probably from Jefferson County) Served from August 23 1812 until November 30, 1813 Capt. James Alexander Lieut. Henry Boyles Ensign John Myers Sergt. Samuel Andrews Sergt. Alexander Barr Sergt. Martin Saltzman Sergt. James Tobin Corp. David Williamson Corp. Amos West Corp. John Anderson Corp. James Lyons Corp. Hugh Adams Privates Alexander, William Barr, James D. Barr, John Bawers, John Bay, Joseph Bennet, William Bennet, Griffith Berry, James Brooks, William Call, David Call, John Casselman, Darid Casselman, William Crawford, Benedict Culp, Jacob Duke, William France, John Gamble, Henry Grover, Jacob Groves, Peter Hartman, George Householder, George Hytes, George Hytes, John Johnston, … Read more

Roll Of Captain Joseph Holmes’ Company

(Probably from Jefferson County) Served from August 23, 1812 until February 28, 1814. Capt. Joseph Holmes Lieut. William Thorne Lieut. John Ramsey Ensign David Mitchell Sergt. Francis Popham Sergt. James Gilmore Sergt. Alexander Smith Sergt. John McCully Corp. Edward Vanhorn Corp. John Pollock Corp. Thomas McBride Corp. Joseph Hagerman Drummer John McClintick Drummer James Roff Privates Arnold, James Arnold, Reason Arnold, Samuel Asher, Anthony Barcus, William Barks, William Belch, James Birttel, John Briggs, David Brookan, George Brotell, John Brown, James Cahill, Phillip Carpenter, George Chaffin, James Drocaw, George Edington, Isaac Elliott, Finley Elliott, Thomas Ferguson, John Ferguson, Thomas Foster, Benjamin … Read more

Biography of Thomas C. Harbourt

Thomas C. Harbourt. A resident for thirty-eight years is not the only distinction of Thomas C. Harbourt at Coffeyville. He is a man of wide interests and activities, has been a contractor and builder, has filled many local offices with credit and efficiency, and is one of the best known men in fraternal circles in Southeastern Kansas. He is still active in business, handles real estate, and is also a justice of the peace. His earlier years were spent in Ohio. His people were of German stock, lived in old Virginia some years, and afterwards identified themselves with the abolition … Read more

Philadelphia To Steubenville

Monday, Oct. 4, 1819.–Dr. Hall and myself left Philadelphia at 1 o’clock p. m. after taking an affectionate leave of friends and acquaintances. Fair and pleasant weather, and the roads very fine in consequence of a refreshing shower of rain which fell on the night previous to our setting out. After traveling twenty-two miles and passing some rich and well-cultivated farms we arrived at West Chester at 7 o’clock. West Chester contains about 600 inhabitants, several places of worship, a gaol, etc., etc. A man named Downey is confined in the gaol of this place for debt. He was once … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James L. Chapman

James L. Chapman is a native of West Virginia, born near Manchester, Hancock County, in the widely quoted “Pan-handle district,” March 23, 1818, and there he was reared, educated, and lived until the 5th of April, 1854. In that year he migrated to the “land of the Hawkeye,” settling in Jefferson county, but remained in that county only till the following fall, then removed to Wayne county, Iowa, and there continued to live and engage in farming until 1864, when he made his home in Missouri, locating in Harrison county. Six years he pursued farming avocations in that county, then … Read more

Slave Narrative of Thomas McMillan

Interviewer: Bishop & Isleman Person Interviewed: Thomas McMillan Location: Steubenville, Ohio Place of Birth: Monroe County, Alabama Place of Residence: 909 Morris Ave., Steubenville, Ohio WPA in Ohio Federal Writers’ Project Bishop & Isleman Reporter: Bishop July 7, 1937 Topic: Ex-Slaves. Jefferson County, District #5 [HW: Steubenville] THOMAS McMILLAN, Ex-Slave (Does not know age) I was borned in Monroe County, Alabam. I do not know de date. My father’s name was Dave McMillan and my mothers name was Minda. Dey cum from Old Virginny and he was sold from der. We lived in a log house. De beds hed ropes … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lyman Adams Noble

Noble, Lyman Adams; physician; born, Smithfield, 0., June 29, 1877; son of James M. and Eliza J. Smith Noble; educated, Scio. College of Pharmacy, Ph. G., 1900; Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College, M. D., 1903; married, Cleveland, June 30, 1903, Mabelle Dorothy Davis; one daughter, Frances Evelyn, born Nov. 2, 1906; asst. prof. chemistry, Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College, 1904; prof. of chemistry, same college, 1905-1905; member Homeopathic State Medical Society; member Phi Ipsilon Rho Fraternity; member Cleveland Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of Walter Cain Ong

Ong, Walter Cain; lawyer; born, Jefferson County, Ohio, Nov. 24, 1848; son of Moses Harlan and Mary Cain Ong; educated in the district schools; High School at Mt. Pleasant, O., Richmond College; graduated in 1870, B. A, degree; law course, University of Michigan, LL. B., 1873; admitted to the bar, 1875; married Jefferson County, Ohio, April 8, 1875, Anna M. Mansfield; issue, four children, two living and two deceased; elected prosecuting attorney of Jefferson County, in 1875; served four years; practiced law at Steubenville, O., until June, 1882; came to Cleveland, and practiced until 1886; in 1893, elected to the … Read more