Armstrong Cemetery Milton Indiana

Rebecca Mitchell Proctor Grave Marker

This is a transcription of Armstrong cemetery in Milton township, Jefferson County, Indiana which was transcribed in 1941 as part of the DAR cemetery transcription project. The value of this transcription is that in many cases they transcribed headstones which may today no longer exist. Had it not been for this project these records may have been lost due to the natural regression of cemeteries. Many of the cemeteries may be known by a different name today, we use the name they were identified as in 1941. Armstrong, Charles P. (?), s of John & Sarah Armstrong, Feb. 2,1835-Dec. 12, … Read more

Slave Narrative of Jack Simms

G. Monroe Dist. 4 Jefferson County Interviewer: G. Monroe Person Interviewed: Jack Simms Location: Madison, Indiana Place of Birth: Kentucky SLAVE STORY MR. JACK SIMMS’ STORY Personal Interview Mr. Simms was born and raised on Mill Creek Kentucky, and now lives in Madison Indiana on Poplar Street diagonally North West of the hospital. He was so young he did no remember very much about how the slaves were treated, but seemed to regret very much that he had been denied the privilege of an education. Mr. Simms remembers seeing the lines of soldiers on the Campbellsburg road, but referred to … Read more

Biography of William A. Quigley

William A. Quigley. A varied and eventful career had been that of Mr. Quigley, the efficient and popular cashier of the Kansas National Gas Company in the offices of this corporation at Independence, Montgomery County. Mr. Quigley claims the old Hoosier State as the place of his nativity, was there reared and educated and it was given him to represent that commonwealth as one of the valiant soldiers of the Union during the major portion of the Civil war. His activities in the business world have been diversified and he had been a resident of Kansas for the past thirty … Read more

Deen, Forrest E. – Obituary

Forrest E. Deen, 63, of Deputy, Ind., died Feb. 24, 2008, at Scott Memorial Hospital in Scottsburg, Ind. His funeral will be at noon Saturday at Buchanan Funeral Home at Austin, Ind. The Rev. James Fugate will officiate. Burial will be at Pisgah Cemetery in Deputy, Ind. Visitations will be from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday and after 9 a.m. Saturday at the Buchanan Funeral Home, 115 N. Second St., Austin, Ind. Mr. Deen was born on Jan. 15, 1945, the son of the late Frank E. Deen and Ethel M. (Williams) Tarvin. He was a member of Faith … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ira B. Jackson

Ira B. Jackson, insurance agent, Mattoon; was born in Madison, Jefferson Co., Ind., Oct. 31, 1851; in 1855, his father removed with his family to Illinois, and settled in Sangamon Co., near Springfield; his early life was that of a farmer’s boy; he acquired a good common-school education; at the age of 18, he engaged in the business of photograph artist, which he followed two years; in 1872, he completed a business course in the Commercial College, at Terre Haute, Ind.; in 1874, he engaged in the grocery trade with Fallin Bros., under the firm name of Fallin Bros. & … Read more

Higbee Graveyard Madison Indiana

Rebecca Mitchell Proctor Grave Marker

This is an historical transcription of Higbee Cemetery, Madison, Jefferson County, Indiana which was transcribed in 1941 as part of the WPA cemetery transcription project. The value of this transcription is that in many cases they transcribed headstones which may today no longer exist. Had it not been for this project, created to provide employment opportunities during the depression, these records may have been lost due to the natural regression of cemeteries. Many of the cemeteries may be known by a different name today, we use the name they were identified as in 1941. Davidson, Thomas, Apr 22 1767 – … Read more

Slave Narrative of Lizzie Johnson

Interviewer: Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Lizzie Johnson Location: Biscoe, Arkansas Place of Birth: Holly Springs, Mississippi Age: 65 Federal Writers’ Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue FOLKLORE MRS. LIZZIE JOHNSON 706 North Senate Avenue, Apt. 1 Mrs. Johnson’s father, Arthur Locklear, was born in Wilmington, N.C. in 1822. He lived in the South and endured many hardships until 1852. He was very fortunate in having a white man befriend him in many ways. This man taught him to read and write. Many nights after a hard days work, he would lie on the … Read more

Biography of Louis N. B. Anderson

Fortunate is the man who has back of him an ancestry honorable and distinguished, and happy is he whose lines of life are cast in harmony therewith. In person, in character and talents, Mr. Anderson is a worthy scion of his race. Though his life has been one rather of modest reserve than of ambitious self-seeking, he has shown himself a peer of the brightest men of his adopted state, and his mental talents led to his selection for the important position of superintendent of public instruction of Idaho for the years 1897 and 1898, in which capacity he served … Read more

Biography of John H. Wyne

John H. Wyne. For more than forty-five years Champaign County has been the home of John H. Wyne, and those have been years of achievement in the material sense and also in the acquisition of the riches of community esteem paid him for his worthy life and the influence he has exerted for good. Mr. Wyne was born in Jefferson County, Indiana, January 24, 1842, a son of William and Margaret (Rutledge) Wyne. His father was a native of Virginia and his mother of Tennessee. His father went to Indiana in the early days, and kept his home in that … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Randall Alexander

Randall Alexander, breeder and shipper of Poland-China swine, Charleston; about ten years ago this gentleman, in company with S. M. Shepard, made his first start in the introduction and breeding of thorough-bred swine in Coles Co. After having experimented thoroughly with the various breeds of hogs, they became convinced that the Poland-China possessed all the requisites of size, docility, fertility, early maturity, aptitude for taking on flesh, and great constitutional vigor, necessary to render it pre-eminently the hog for the farmer. From a small beginning, the business has grown to its present proportions. Mr. Alexander is now one of the … Read more

Biography of Henry A. Smith, M.D.

Dr. Henry A. Smith, physician and surgeon of St. Louis and also the president and medical director of the People’s Life & Accident Insurance Company, a Missouri corporation, was born in Madison, Jefferson county, Indiana, September 16, 1857. He was educated in the public schools of Madison and pursued his medical course in the American Medical College, an Eclectic School of St. Louis, from which he was graduated with the M. D. degree in 1905. Various experiences, however, had come to him ere he prepared for his present profession. At the age of fourteen years he started out to earn … Read more

Biography of Samuel Bateman Chapman

Samuel Bateman Chapman is the leading lumber merchant at Eskridge, and had been a Kansas business man for a number of years. This branch of the Chapman family had its original seat in England and Mr. Chapman’s ancestors were colonial settlers in Maryland. His father, Joshna Thomas Chapman, was born on the eastern shore of Maryland in 1817. At the age of seven he accompanied his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Chapman, to Meigs County, Ohio, where the grandfather cleared up a portion of the wilderness and converted it into a farm. He spent the rest of his life in … Read more

Biography of Hon. John Lloyd Campbell

Hon. John Lloyd Campbell, Judge of the Superior Court in and for San Bernardino County, was born in Equality, Gallatin County, Illinois, in 1855. His father, Hon. John Lewis Campbell, was connected with the banking business in Shawnee town, and with iron and salt manufacture in Southern Illinois for many years. In 1857 he moved to Sioux City, Iowa, and was there elected County Judge. When the war of the Rebellion broke out, he moved back to Illinois and enlisted in the Third Illinois Cavalry, of which he was made Major. In 1863, while placing his pickets near Jackson, Mississippi, … Read more

Slave Narrative of Mrs. Preston

Interviewer: G. Monroe Person Interviewed: Mrs. Preston Location: Madison, Indiana Age: 83 Place of Residence: North Elm Street, Madison, Indiana G. Monroe Dist. 4 Jefferson County SLAVE STORY MRS. PRESTON’S STORY Mrs. Preston is an old lady, 83 years old, very charming and hospitable She lives on North Elm Street, Madison, Indiana. Her first recollections of slavery were of sleeping on the foot of her mistress’ bed, where she could get up during the night to “feed” the fire with chips she had gathered before dark or to get a drink or anything else her mistress might want in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Tweedy

Thomas Tweedy, attorney-at-law, was born in Indiana, September 12, 1853; came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1878; studied law at Red Cloud, Neb., also at Oswego, Kan., and was admitted to practice at Verne, Jennings Co., Ind., June 19, 1881. He is the only practicing attorney in Burr Oak. Attended college at Lancaster, Ind. He was married in Burr Oak, September 12, 1882, to Miss Ella M. Story.

Bethany Baptist Church Cemetery Graham Indiana

Rebecca Mitchell Proctor Grave Marker

This is an historical transcription of Bethany Baptist Church Cemetery, Graham, Jefferson County, Indiana which was transcribed in 1941 as part of the DAR cemetery transcription project. The value of this transcription is that in many cases they transcribed headstones which may today no longer exist. Had it not been for this project these records may have been lost due to the natural regression of cemeteries. Many of the cemeteries may be known by a different name today, we use the name they were identified as in 1941. Arbuckle, J. N., 07 Aug 1837 – 10 Dec 1882 Boyd, Robert … Read more

Madison, Indiana: History and Highlights

Madison Indiana History and Highlights

“Madison, Indiana: History and Highlights” provides a detailed overview of Madison’s development since its establishment in 1808. As a strategic city beside the Ohio River, Madison flourished following its incorporation as a city in 1838. By the mid-19th century, it had become a significant commercial center, particularly noted for its pork-packing industry, only second to Chicago. Pioneering in rail connectivity and industrial diversification, Madison was home to varied enterprises like shipyards, starch factories, and iron foundries. Its cultural footprint included landmarks like Lanier Mansion and memorable events such as Jenny Lind’s concert in 1851. Madison now attracts over 150,000 visitors annually, cherished for its historical architecture, scenic views, and vibrant community.

Small Jefferson County Indiana Cemeteries

Rebecca Mitchell Proctor Grave Marker

The following cemeteries are smaller cemeteries found within Jefferson County Indiana and transcribed in 1941 as part of the DAR cemetery transcription project. The value of these transcriptions is that in many cases they transcribed lesser known cemeteries which may today no longer exist. Had it not been for this project these records would likely have been lost due to the natural regression of cemeteries. Many of the cemeteries may be known by a different name today, we use the name they were identified as in 1941. Abbott Farm Cemetery Abbott Farm cemetery is located in Saluda Township Arnott, Samuel, … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Sample

Charles W. Sample has been a business man at Kingman nearly forty years and had been closely identified with the commercial affairs of that city, as a land owner, banker and in real estate and loans. Mr. Sample was born in Jefferson County, Indiana, October 29, 1851. His ancestors came out of Ireland and settled in Virginia in colonial days. His grandfather, Andrew Sample, was a pioneer farmer in Indiana and died in Jefferson County in that state in 1854. George W. Sample, father of Charles W., was born in Jefferson County, Indiana, in 1815, a date which indicates the … Read more