Bell, Jean Gardner – Obituary

Imnaha, Oregon Jean Gardner Bell, 84, of Carlsbad, Calif., died May 13, 2004, at home. She was born Feb. 29, 1920, in Los Angeles, Calif. After graduating from John Marshall High School, she attended Glendale Junior College and University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) before marrying Franklin Bell II, a union that lasted 50 years until his death in 1992. They founded Bell Pipe and Supply Company in Anaheim, Calif., and raised their family in Tustin, Calif. In 1975 the couple bought a ranch on the upper Imnaha River where they spent springs and summers and Mrs. Bell worked … Read more

Ransier, John Carl – Obituary

Wallowa County, Oregon Imnaha Rancher Dies Suddenly John Carl Ransier, a ranch superintendent who was employed on the Bentson ranch on the Imnaha, passed away Thursday, December 31, 1964 while at work in the feedlot. He had been in ill health for ten years. Funeral services, arranged by the Bollman Funeral Home were Tuesday in Garfield, Wash., with burial in the Garfield cemetery. He was born October 20, 1903 in Ontario, Canada, son of Samuel and Margaret Ransier and had lived in Oregon for the past 20 years. He had lived in Wallowa County for one year. He was a … Read more

Arnold, Othe – Obituary

Imnaha, Wallowa County, Oregon Othe Arnold, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Arnold, succumbed to an attack of heart failure yesterday morning, Wednesday, May 6, 1936, at the family home on Sheep creek. She was in the yard when she fell to the ground and passed away almost immediately. A call was sent to Imnaha and Mrs. E.C. Stoneman, formerly a trained nurse, went hurriedly to the Arnold home but found nothing to be done. Coroner C. L. Booth was summoned and he made an investigation, concluding it was simply a case of the heart ceasing to perform … Read more

Beecher, Lawson Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. Lawson Beecher died early Saturday morning in the Enterprise hospital where she had been a patient several weeks. She had been ill for six months and went to the hospital for treatment after her condition had become serious. For four days before the end came she had resigned herself to it and said she was ready to go. Many of her friends called to see her and she discussed her condition with them very calmly, retaining her self possession better than any of her visitors. In fact she never broke down until, shortly before he … Read more