From Catskill to Hudson along the Hudson River

Leaving Catskill dock, the Prospect Park Hotel looks down upon us from a commanding point on the west bank, while north of this can be seen Cole’s Grove, where Thomas Cole, the artist, lived, who painted the well-known series, the Voyage of Life. On the east side is Rodger’s Island, where it is said the last battle was fought between the Mahican and Mohawk; and it is narrated that “as the old king of the Mahican was dying, after the conflict, he commanded his regalia to be taken off and his successor put into the kingship while his eyes were … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Bump

President and secretary of W. J. Foss & Company of Springfield; treasurer of Foss & Bump, Incorporated; and president of the Mortgage and Investment Company, was born in Hudson, Columbia County, New York, June 11, 1881. His father was Charles Henry Bump, Sr., his mother Mary Augusta (Shattuck) Bump. The name is derived from Boneloz of Normandy, a fief held from the Earl of Melleut, and the family Bompas, as the name came to be known in England. It has for centuries been conspicuously and widely in the legal annals of the country, and honorably mentioned in public affairs. It … Read more

Descendants of Thomas Tobey of Sandwich, MA

The earliest record of a Toby or Tobey in our American annals is that of one Francis of Boston, who was in court on July 7, 1635.

The first known and credited ancestor of this family was Thomas Tobey, of Scituate, Mass. He removed to Sandwich, Mass., and was a member of church there in 1694. He married at Sandwich Nov. 18, 1650, Martha Knott, daughter of George Knott, deceased

Biography of Henry Chase Bradbury

Henry Chase Bradbury. It is truly a fortunate man who can come to his seventy-third year with a record of so much good accomplished, with many responsibilities discharged and burdens bravely sustained as have been part and parcel of the life and experience of Henry Chase Bradbury, now living at Lincoln. Rev. Mr. Bradbury is the oldest active missionary of the Presbyterian Church in Kansas. For all the more than forty years of work he had done in Kansas Mr. Bradbury enjoys a vigorous old age and only his more intimate friends know that he had passed the three score … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Allen Bump, Jr.

James Allen Bump, Jr., their son, was born in 1817 and died in 1880. He was the first agent for the New York Central Railroad Company at Hudson, New York; he furnished wood for the company and was the first conductor on the Hudson & Berkshire Railroad. He married, in 1842, Mary Augusta Shattuck, and they were the parents of five children: 1. Mary Elizabeth, born in 1843; died in 1853. 2. Sarah, born 1845, died 1920. 3. Charles Henry, of further mention. 4. Caroline, born 1850, died 1897. 5 and 6. twins, Arthur and Allen, born in 1853.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Henry Bump

Charles Henry Bump, third child, was born in Hudson, New York, September 8, 1848, and died in April, 1921. He received a thorough education at Spencertown Academy and at Hudson Private Institute. In 1874 he married Emma Weeks, born in 1854, died in May, 1904; daughter of Robert Weeks, and they became the parents of four children: 1. Mary, born in 1875, died in 1877. 2. James A., III, born in 1878. 3. Charles Henry, of further mention. 4. Lawrence Woodward, born in 1884 and cashier in the National Bank at Great Barrington, Massachusetts; he married, in 1909 Edith Davis, … Read more

Biography of Amasa J. Parker

AMASA J. PARKER AN ALBANIAN of high intellectual qualities, who has passed his four-score years, and who has been a resident of this city for forty-four years, adorning its history by distinguished public service and private virtues is the Hon. Amasa J. Parker. He is a true representative of those enterprising New England pioneers who came from their old homes to aid in the development of the then new state of New York and the great western territories. Away back amidst the howling wilderness, where the cheering rays of the sun scarcely ever beamed upon their humble log cabins, they … Read more

Biography of Eugene Burlingame

EUGENE BURLINGAME IN THE long list of noted Albanians who have reflected honor upon their native or adopted city, the name of Eugene Burlingame stands in a conspicuous place. He has thus far exhibited a true manhood, an enterprising, industrious and persevering spirit in his private and professional career. He comes from a substantial family of New England, the distinguished Anson Burlingame being a relative of his. He was born on the 24th of January, 1847, in the town of Willet, Cortland County, N. Y. His grandfather, a pioneer from New England, was one of the earliest settlers of that … Read more