Biography of Clement Richardson

Clement Richardson, of Jefferson City, president of the Lincoln Institute, deserves mention as an eminent educator, for his professional work has been not merely instilling knowledge into the minds of pupils but has been broad in its scope, thoughtful in its purposes and human in its tendency. lie has studied the individual and his requirement, has met the needs of the school and has made valuable contributions to literature that has to do with his profession. Mr. Richardson was born June 23. 1878, in Halifax county, Virginia, a son of Leonard and Louise (Barksdale) Richardson. In his youthful days he … Read more

Biography of William Thomas Rye

The bar of Craig county finds a prominent representative in William Thomas Rye, who since 1908 has followed his profession at Vinita, his ability being demonstrated by the large clientele accorded him. He was born near South Boston, in Halifax county, Virginia, September 2, 1879, and his parents were George J. and Susan (Dewberry) Rye, both natives of Virginia and representatives of old and highly respected families of that state. Prior to the Civil war the father had gone to Mississippi and after the out-break of hostilities he joined a regiment in that state, but after receiving his discharge from … Read more

Virginia African American Cemeteries – Black Cemeteries

Cladstone Church of God and Cemetery

Cemeteries provide us with a unique link to our past. The following list shows Virginia African American cemeteries which primarily contain people of color.  You should also check Access Genealogy Cemeteries for additional listings. Accomack County Virginia African American Cemeteries Christ Union Baptist Cemetery Odd Fellows Cemetery Albemarle County Virginia African American Cemeteries Hosted at Carter G. Woodson Institute Blenheim Cemetery Doyle’s River Plantation Hearns Curry Cemetery Hugh Carr Cemetery Maruy Family Cemetery Maple Wood Cemetery Oakwood Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery Daughters of Zion Cemetery African American Cemeteries in Albemarle & Amherst Counties Virginia contains thousands of family burial grounds and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Howard

Charles Howard, of Halifax County, Virginia, married Nancy Lewis, and settled in Warren County, Kentucky. One of their sons, named Joseph, married Malinda Lennox, and settled in Montgomery County, Missouri, in 1818. Their children were Sylvesta, Cynthia E., Elijah, Rachel, Estelle, Cordelia, and Malinda. Mr. Howard’s first wife died, and he was married again to Phoebe Saylor, by whom he had John and George. She also died, and he married a lady named McCormack, by whom he had Greenup, Nancy, and Matilda. He was married the fourth time to Sydney Hall, by whom he had Joseph W. and a daughter. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alexander Harding

Alexander Harding, of Halifax Co., Va., married Mary Hightower, and they had Archibald, Anna, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Mary, and Sally. Mr. Harding died in 1816, and his widow married Josiah Rodgers, and moved to Alabama. Archibald married in Virginia, and settled in Missouri in 1833. Anna married James Anderson, and settled in Montgomery County in 1833. Benjamin served in the war of 1812. He married Mary Nunnelly, of Virginia, and settled in Montgomery County in 1831. They had but one child, who died when nineteen years of age.