The John N. Henry Family

The John N. Henry family

This small The John N. Henry Family genealogy book was written in 2019 by Wilda White and donated to the Allen County Public Library. Wilda utilized available resources to provide a brief genealogical snapshot of each generation in descent from John and Lida (Chany) Henry to the author. Using an old bible of the Henry family and various contemporary records Wilda showcases each Henry family providing numerous photographs of the family members.

Biography of Dr. Leonidas Kirby

In performing the arduous labors of the general medical practitioner, Dr. Leonidas Kirby has been very conscientious in the discharge of his professional duties, is well up to the times in medical lore, and has the intelligence to properly apply his knowledge. As evidence of his skill and ability to adapt himself to circumstances, when he first commenced the practice of medicine, a child of G. J. Howells accidentally got a grain of corn in its windpipe and was in a dying condition from the same. Dr. Kirby met the father with his child in the street and performed the operation … Read more

Biography of Guy Fountain Nelson

Guy Fountain Nelson, judge of the Third judicial district of Oklahoma, his entire official record reflecting credit and honor upon the people who have honored him, came to Muskogee in 1909. At that time he had had sixteen years’ experience in law practice and had made steady progress to a point where he had left the ranks of the many to stand among the successful. He was born in Nevada, Missouri, August 16, 1872, and is a son of I. F. S. and Alice (Pottorf) Nelson. The father is a traveling salesman, having long devoted his attention to that line … Read more

Biography of Ad V. Coppedge

Ad V. Coppedge, the pioneer lawyer of Delaware county and the first county attorney, has also been connected with every important constructive measure that has led to the up building, development and progress of this section of the state. He became a resident of Grove in 1963 and throughout all the intervening period has taken active part in shaping the county’s up building. Mr. Coppedge was born on a farm in Missouri near the Arkansas line, January 26, 1870, the old homestead being situated at Thayer. His parents were Houston Harrison and Tennessee Martha (Bledsoe) Coppedge, and the mother, a … Read more