Biography of Henry H. Mynard

Henry H. Mynard, born on November 3, 1822, in Greene County, New York, has been a Stephenson County resident since 1863. He began farming in Cook County, married Caroline C. Cool in 1845, and later moved to Ridott Township before settling in Freeport. A retired farmer, he served in various local offices and was active in the Grange society. Mynard is a prominent Freeport citizen, a Republican voter, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He has four children, three of whom are living.

Biography of Eugene Burlingame

EUGENE BURLINGAME IN THE long list of noted Albanians who have reflected honor upon their native or adopted city, the name of Eugene Burlingame stands in a conspicuous place. He has thus far exhibited a true manhood, an enterprising, industrious and persevering spirit in his private and professional career. He comes from a substantial family of New England, the distinguished Anson Burlingame being a relative of his. He was born on the 24th of January, 1847, in the town of Willet, Cortland County, N. Y. His grandfather, a pioneer from New England, was one of the earliest settlers of that … Read more

Biography of Henry Peck

The first settler of the city of Malad was Henry Peck, who, in the year 1864, came to Oneida county and established his home upon the present site of the county seat. For many years he was prominently identified with the development and progress of the county, and his name is inseparably associated with the advancement, which has wrought a great transformation here, making the once wild region a fertile section of fine farms and pleasant homes. Mr. Peck was born in Greene County, New York, February 26, 1823, and was a representative of one of the old families of … Read more

Genealogy of Elleazer Baker of Dutchess County NY

T164 ELLEAZER BAKER: b. 1735; Commissary in Revolutionary War; d. 1815. T165 DAVID BAKER: b. 1775, in Dutchess County, New York. Removed to Green Co.; settled 4 miles from Hall Family; m. Elizabeth Losee, b. 1779; d. 1834. T166 AMBROSE BAKER: b. August, 1803; m. 1825 to Polly Hall; moved to Coxsackie, situated upon the west bank of the Hudson River distant 21 miles below Albany. The Location became known as the Upper or Baker’s Landing, for it was there that he built a dock of log cribbing filled with stones, brush and dirt, extending several hundred feet out from … Read more

Line of David Abeel

David Abeel, Patriot of the Revolution, eldest son of Capt. David and Mary (Duyckinck) Abeel, was born in Albany, 1727. He married July 2, 1752, Neiltje, daughter of Garret Van Bergen and Annatje Meyer. He settled in Catskill as early as 1754. In 1771 he obtained a patent for one thousand acres of land “on the west side of and adjoining the brook called the Caterskill, at a place called the Bak-Oven.” This estate was within the bounds of the Catskill Patent, and was formerly owned by Abeel’s father-in-law. They had issue: Annatie, born in Albany, March, 1753; died in … Read more

Relling, Elizabeth Catherine – Obituary

Life of Aged Baker County Woman Ends (From Haines Record) Death came to one of the community’s best known residents last Friday, September 14, at 11:30 a.m., when Mrs. Elizabeth Catherine Relling passed away at St. Elizabeth hospital in Baker. She had been taken to the hospital a few days previous. Mrs. Relling had lived in this community for half a century, coming here in 1877, from Catskill, N.Y., where she was born 1841. She is survived by eight children, a number of whom reside here. One son, Ambrose Relling, is deceased. Those surviving are Leo and Frank Relling, Sidney … Read more

Biography of Howard N. Fuller

HOWARD N. FULLER AN ALBANIAN in whom are happily united literary talents and successful business qualities, and who, while scarcely in the full meridian of life has risen to the foremost rank of the distinguished young men of the capital city is Howard N. Fuller. Of unassuming manners, modest pretension, equable and cordial disposition, his sterling worth has brought him into high and universal esteem. He was born at New Baltimore, Greene Co., N. Y., on the 28th of October, 1853. ” Some try to wheedle fame from coffined dust; Fame comes uncalled unto the noble, just.” These lines from … Read more

Biography of Thomas Markley Trego

THOMAS MARKLEY TREGO THE medical annals of Albany contain the names of not a few physicians who are well skilled in the profession, especially in some of its specialties. And among those who deserve to be included in this list of accomplished men is Dr. Thomas M. Trego, of No. 5 Ten Broeck Street. On the 31st of August, 1847, he first saw the light of day in the city of New York. He is the only surviving son of James and Maria Trego. His ancestry can be traced back for more than two hundred years. His father, who was … Read more

Biography of Howard Van Rensselaer

HOWARD VAN RENSSELAER AMONG the rising young men of our city, one whose fine tastes, cultured manners, general and professional intelligence, have brought him into favorable notice among a large circle of friends, is Dr. Howard Van Rensselaer, of 94 Columbia street. He was born in Albany on the 26th of June, 1858, and spent his earliest years in the old Dutch city, in which his forefathers, many generations ago, took such a prominent part in its history and development, as well as in that of the surrounding country. Many an interesting and eventful page have they furnished for our … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Green

Charles W. Green, a resident of Kansas City, Kansas, since March, 1893, was born in Grcene County, New York, July 1, 1868, son of Charles and Avesta (Wright) Green. His father was a farmer and a veteran of the Union army. He was educated in public schools, in Greenville Academy and Eastman’s Business College. After some experience as a grocery clerk and in real estate and insurance lines he went west in 1891 to Colorado, was connected two years with a smelting company, and on coming to Argentine, now part of Kansas City, Kansas, had charge of the copper department … Read more

Biography of Edward Wemple

EDWARD WEMPLE AMONG those who have graced the annals of our state in the wide, active and interesting fields of political service is the present efficient comptroller, Hon. Edward Wemple. He comes from an ancestry noted for their sturdy-characteristics, their devotion to principle, and their love of liberty. Away back in the history of Holland his forefathers lived and labored for the best interests of their country and humanity. But their enterprise was not confined to their own land. They sought other and wider regions for the advancement of the cause of civilization and human progress. Large numbers of them … Read more

Biography of William B. Van Rensselaer

WILLIAM B. VAN RENSSELAER WILLIAM Bayard Van Rensselaer, one of the few living descendants of the Van Rensselaer family in Albany, was born in this city on the 4th of October, 1856. He is a son of Bayard Van Rensselaer and Laura Reynolds, both natives of Albany. His father died in 1859, but his mother is still living. His ancestry which is well known to the students of our early history is a remarkable one, of which we have only time and space here to give a passing notice. His great-grandfather, Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer, was a man of high … Read more

Biography of Rt. Rev. Daniel Sylvester Tuttle

Rt. Rev. Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, who since 1903 has been presiding bishop of Missouri, was born in Windham, New York, January 26, 1837, a son of Daniel Bliss and Abigail Clarke (Stimpson) Tuttle. The father was born in Wallingford, Connecticut, and was a son of Charles Tuttle, a Revolutionary war soldier of the Connecticut line. Abigail C. Tuttle came of Holland ancestry. Bishop Tuttle prepared for college in Delaware Academy of New York and was graduated from Columbia College of New York city with the class of 1857. In early manhood he took up the profession of teaching and was … Read more

Rea, T. F.

Mining Man Is Dead T.F. Rea, 75, pioneer mining man of Baker County, died at Baker last Friday from the effects of two paralytic strokes. Mr. Rea suffered the first stroke February 27 and the second March 19. Mr. Rea was born in Fairfield, Iowa December 23, 1852 and came to Auburn Baker county with his parents 10 years later. He had been a resident of this county since first arriving at Auburn and quartz mining. Oregon Trail Weekly North Powder News Saturday, March 31, 1928