Patrons of Husbandry

Fryeburg Grange, No. 197, was organized at Fryeburg Centre in Feb. 1888, with 18 charter members. B. Walker McKeen was chosen the first master, and has been followed in this capacity by John F. Charles, A. P. Gordon, John S. Ames, David Chandler, E. C. Buzzell, I. A. Walker, Simeon Charles and A. W. McKeen. This order now numbers fiftyeight members. The leading officers chosen for 1907 are A. W. McKeen, master; Leon D. Charles, overseer; Mehitable McAllister, lecturer; Rosina McKeen, chaplin, Simeon Charles, treasurer, and I. A. McKeen, secretary.

Town History of Fryeburg, Maine

1910 Main Street Fryeburg Maine

Nestled close to the New Hampshire border is the small community of Fryeburg, Maine. Our newest online free manuscript provides you a look into the history of this community. Included with this manuscript is information on the Sokokis Indians, and a brief military history of Fryeburg.

Benton Family of Oxford County Maine

saco valley settlements and families cover

Dr. Joseph Benton came from Westmoreland, Conn. , to Fryeburg with his family and practiced medicine there several years. He removed to Denmark previous to 1806, and after continuing in practice there nearly a quarter of a century he removed into Baldwin, near the Hiram line, where he d. Aug. 21, 1838, aged 76 years. He was a very skillful physician and took high rank among the practitioners of his day. Note: Dr. Benton was once called to New Hampshire during the ravages of a malady of a very fatal nature and was successful in healing those who were seized … Read more

The Sokokis Indians

Before the encroachment of pale faced settlers, the entire valley of the Saco and its tributaries was peopled by the numerous Sokokis Indians. These were considered the parent tribe of the Abenaki Nation, which at one time peopled the whole of Maine. One of the most eloquent and statesmanlike of their chiefs once said in council, “We received our lands from the Great Father of Life; we hold only from Him.” Their title was unquestionable and unmolested, they roamed the valley from their village at the Lower Falls (Saco) to the settlement on the great bend, on the intervales of … Read more

Act of Incorporation – Organization of Fryeburg, Maine

In the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy six. An Act for erecting a Tract of Land Coold Fryeburg of two thousand one hundred and seventy two Rods square Lying in the County of York, which was granted as a Township to Joseph Frye, Esq., Anno Domoni seventeen hundred sixty-two and Confirmed Anno Domoni seventeen hundred sixty-three into a town by the name of Fryeburg. Whereas the Inhabitance of that tract of Land Consisting of Proprietors & non Proprietors Promiscuously settled thereon Having lately been united in ordaining a Minister of the Gospel among them, are … Read more