Biography of Samuel McCloud McKeever Wood

Topeka, Kansas, had no more interesting personality among its citizens than Sam Wood, whe still coeupies the beautiful home he and his wife erected many years ago on the northeast corner of Tenth and Fillmore streets. This home is a landmark and spot of beauty in Topeka’s residential district. Mr. and Mrs. Wood personally supervised the eonstruction of the honse and the planning of the grounds. The site occupies six lots and wide, shady parks facing both Tenth and Fillmore streets. There are beautiful trees and shrubbery, and the entire place had that mellowness which is associated with old and … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Clement Triford’s Company

(Probably from Fayette County) Served from July 26, until August 16, 1813. Capt. Clement Triford Lieut. Bazzel Cleavenger Sergt. David Hayes Sergt. John Cooper Corp. John Grubb Corp. Jacob Pallman Drummer, John P. Newman Privates Alexander, David Blue, Jacob Blue, John Blue, Peter Cradle, John fCompton, George Gragg, George Gragg, Reuben Hayes, William McArthur, John McDonald, Thomas Parker, Nathan Pool, Thomas Wilcox, Edward

Biography of Isaac Thompson Cook

Isaac Thompson Cook has earned his popular place among the distinguished men of St. Louis through his connection with the erection of many of the finest office buildings and commercial structures which have recently transformed the business section into one of metropolitan proportions. About the time when the exposition was attracting to the city many visitors the chief criticism passed upon it was concerning its lack of modern sky-scraper business buildings, and in recent years the city’s development has in no other line been more marked than in the direction of meeting this criticism. Today the high office building is … Read more

Biography of John W. Bocock

John W. Bocock, a retired business man at Sidney, has had an unusual range of experience varying from that of an old time telegraph operator to a cotton planter and farmer. Much of his active career has been passed in Champaign County but his business acquaintance is widely extended. Mr. Bocock was born near Washington Courthouse in Fayette County, Ohio, December 20, 1849. His parents were Elijah and Louisa (Gregory) Bocock, both natives of Ohio. His father came to Sidney and Champaign County October 12, 1856, and identified himself with the pioneer element in this county as a farmer. He … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Samuel Myers’ Company

(Probably from Fayette County) Served from July 26, until August 16, 1813 Capt. Samuel Myers Lieut. David Allen Ensign, John Popejoy Sergt. Arnold Richards Sergt. John Harrod Sergt. James Harvey Sergt. Solomon Parker Corp. Shreve Pancoast Corp. James Davis Corp. Michael Hawk Corp. Charles White Drummer, Armsted Carder Privates Allen, Elijah Allen, James Busick, George Campbell, Joseph Campbell, Runey Dickison, Isaac Dickison, Jacob Dickison, Jonothan Harrod, Samuel Henderson, James Hinckle, Daniel McCafferty, James McGowan, James Page, John Rozell, James Smith, John Stout, William Stutch, Jesse Thomas, Joseph Thompson, James Westfall, Joseph

Biography of Harlan P. Ustick, A. M., M. D.

The medical profession in Boise is ably represented by Dr. Harlan Page Ustick, a prominent homeopathic physician, who was born in Fayette county, Ohio, on the 26th of November, 1848. His paternal grandfather was a Baptist minister, who, leaving his home in France, crossed the Atlantic to New York City, where he passed the residue of his days. His son, William Arnold Ustick, the father of the Doctor, was born in Orange County. New York, in the year 1800, and when seventeen years of age removed to Ohio, where he resided until he laid down the burdens of life, in … Read more

Biography of John W. Cook

John W. Cook, engaged in the insurance business in the Merchants Exchange building in St. Louis, was born in Fayette county, Ohio, July 20, 1878. His father, Major James F. Cook, who served the Union cause with distinction in the Civil war, was a farmer and a republican political leader. His mother, Mary Augusta (Myers) Cook, was the daughter of the Hon. John L. Myers of Ohio. Mr. Cook was educated in the public schools of Washington Court House, Ohio, supplemented by a business college course in St. Louis. In 1899 Mr. Cook located in St. Louis, engaging in the … Read more

Our heritage: Fayette County Ohio, 1803-1953

Keepsake program for Fayette County's celebration of Ohio's sesquicentennial

“Our Heritage: Fayette County Celebrates Ohio Sesquicentennial, 1803-1953” is a commemorative publication created by the Fayette County Sesquicentennial Committee in 1953 to mark the 150th anniversary of Ohio’s statehood. This 20-page booklet, produced in Washington Court House, Ohio, serves as both a historical record and a keepsake program for the celebration. The booklet covers a range of topics related to Fayette County’s history, including its early settlement, notable events, and contributions to Ohio’s development.

Roll Of Capt. James Steele’s Company

(Probably from Fayette Co.) Served from August 22, until September 30, 1812. Capt. James Steele Lieut. George Grove Ensign, James McClure Sergt. Maj. Joseph H. Crane Sergt. John Folkirth Sergt. Ralph Wilson Sergt. John Strain Sergt. James Henderson Corp. Matt Patton Corp. Alexander Grimes Corp. George Harris Corp. David Henderson Privates Bay, James Bay, William Brier, David Brier, James Collins, Jeremiah Devor, John Enoch, John Fryback, William Gordon, Lewis Green, Joshua Guy, Alexander Hatfield, Moses Holderman, John Jennings, Henry King, Samuel M Lowe, John Maybroll, Jonothan McCabe, John McCain, James McCarter, Simpson McCleary, Robert McCormick, William McNair, Moses Miller, James … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin C. Parrett

Parrett, Benjamin C.; real estate; born, Fayette County, O., 1879; son of Seth E. and Sarah Jane Creamer Parrett; educated, Washington C. H., Ohio, Grade and High School, Ohio State University, class 1902, degree B. Sc.; iron and steel chemist for five years; asst. supt. iron blast furnace, four years; real estate broker, two years; associate member Real Estate Board.

Biographical Sketch of John Hunt

John Hunt, meat-market, Mattoon; was born in Fayette Co., Ohio, Nov. 6, 1837; his father came West to Illinois and settled in Jasper Co. in 1845; his early life was that of a farmer’s boy, and his advantages for securing an education somewhat limited; most of his education he obtained in the schools of Xenia, Ohio, and as a student of Antioch College, after he had attained to manhood; he left home at the age or 18 years, and engaged in teaching school some four years; in 1860, he purchased a farm in Coles Co., and followed agricultural pursuits for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William P. Snyder

William P. Snyder, deceased, was for many years closely connected with the community interests in and about Dover, Shawnee County, and some record of his life and family connections should be entered in this publication. He was born in Fayette County, Ohio, October 8, 1828. His parents John and Malinda (Campbell) Snyder had three children, all of whom are now deceased. Reared on a farm, William P. Snyder adopted farming as his life’s occupation. His early life was spent at a time when public schools were not in vogue, and the advantages of the old time subscription school were all … Read more