Osborne, Eliza – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. Laco D. Osborne, former resident of this county, died Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1937, at Seneca, in the forest belt some distance west of Baker. Funeral services were held at the Booth chapel Sunday and burial was in the Enterprise cemetery, with Rev. Lloyd W. Halverson of the Presbyterian church officiating. Auntie Eliza Sturm was born in Meadowville, West Virginia, Oct. 31, 1882, and was married to Laco D. Osborn at Elkins, West Virginia, July 5, 1898. After coming to Oregon they lived in Enterprise several years when Mr. Osborne was logging for the East Oregon … Read more

Suydam, Arnold F. – Obituary

Dies of Injuries In Auto Accident Arnold Frances Suydam, 43, manager of Eddy’s Bakery died in the Enterprise Hospital at 4:20 the morning of Sunday July 31, as a result of an automobile accident Saturday evening at approximately 10 o’clock. Mr. Suydam was enroute to Enterprise at the time of the accident to make an additional delivery necessitated through demand resulting from the Chief Joseph Days celebration. He was accompanied by Mr. Irvin Flotlin, shop-superintendent of the local bakery. Mr. Suydam was born in La Grande April 16, 1906 and had resided here all of his life; attending La Grande … Read more

Courtney, Lowell Marvin – Obituary

Lostine, Oregon Lowell Marvin Courtney died Aug. 14, 2007, at Alpine House in Joseph of natural causes. He was 92. Mr. Courtney was born April 5, 1915, in Lostine to Edith Pearl Shelts and Harley M. Courtney. On March 30, 1935, he married Gladys M. Bowen in Baker City. The couple lived and worked on the family farm then bought a part of it. Mr. Courtney worked as a farmer, carpenter and mechanic. The farm became a century farm in 1997. In 2001 they sold the farm after 86 years and moved to Enterprise. He enjoyed fishing, hunting, and picnicking … Read more

Heskett, Laura Nevada – Obituary

Laura Nevada Heskett passed away at her home at Pleasant View December 25. She was born at La Grande May 26, 1868, the daughter of William and Jane Stump. She was married to Robert E. Heskett at Enterprise Dec. 31, 1888. They lived in Wallowa county until 1917 when they moved to their present home. Mrs. Heskett is survived by her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Ivan C. Jackson, of Freewater; two grandchildren; William and Charlene Jackson; a sister, Mrs. Olive Cook of Salem; and two brothers, Thomas and C. G. Stump, both of Yamhill. Funeral services were held at the … Read more

Graham, Ralph – Obituary

Joseph, Wallowa County, Oregon Ralph W. Graham, a retired farmer of Joseph, passed away Monday, June 2, 1975, at Wallowa memorial Hospital. He had been ill for the past six months. He was born Aug. 10, 1898 at Promise, son of Albert and Adda Graham. On September 24, 1929 he was married to Cecile May McClain at La Grande. He was a ditch director and a silversmith artist. He belonged to the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Survivors include his wife, Cecile, at the farm home; two brothers, Dale and Herman of Grangeville, Ida.; five sisters, Mrs. Jeff (Ruby) Snyder, Kalispell, … Read more

Dickey, Delano Arthur – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Delano Arthur Dickey, 69, of Baker City died at his home on Sept. 1, 2004. At his request, there will be no funeral. A family celebration of his life will be scheduled later. Del, as his family, friends and co-workers knew him, was born at Merced, Calif., on March 6, 1935, to Ephraim and Agnes Dickey. He moved to Kennewick, Wash., at an early age and attended school there, graduating from Kennewick High School. He attended Columbia Basin College prior to entering the U.S. Air Force for four years. He served overseas for a year and a … Read more

Smith, George, Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon Mrs. Geo. Smith died at the Enterprise hospital Wednesday following an illness of over one month. She was only twenty years of age and leaves a husband and two little daughters to mourn her death. The body was taken to Lewiston today for interment. A sister, Mrs. O.M. Jacks of Lewiston, the husband’s mother, Mrs. Fannie Smith of Frazier, Idaho, were in the city and with the husband and little daughters accompanied the body to it’s final rest. Wallowa County Reporter, Thursday September 18, 1919

Hambelton, Rick Lynn – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon Rick Lynn Hambelton of Enterprise died Feb. 14, 2007, in Spokane, Wash. He was 59. Mr. Hambelton was born in Enterprise on Aug. 18, 1948. He graduated from high school in July 1966. He was in the U.S. Navy until 1973. He was employed as a mechanic. Survivors include his children James Hambelton of Walla Walla, Wash., Donald Hambelton and Melissa Hambelton of the The Dalles; grandchildren Issac, Marcus and Brianna; parents Robert and Margaret Hambelton of Enterprise and sister Sheri Asher of Hermiston. Graveside services will be held June 30 at 2 p.m. at the Enterprise Cemetery. … Read more

Duncan W. R. Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. W. R. Duncan Dies Suddenly Mrs. W.R. Duncan, who with her husband lived north of Enterprise, passed away suddenly in La Grande Friday, December 5, 1958. Mrs. Duncan was the former Myrtle Cummins and was born May 19, 1895 in Elgin, daughter of John and Amelia Cummins. She had lived in Wallowa county for the past 26 years. Her survivors include her husband, Welford R. Duncan; a son, Welford R. (Bob) Duncan Jr., who also lives north of Enterprise; four grandchildren; and two brothers: Dee Cummins, Roseburg; and Orvan Cummins, Pendleton and five sisters: Mrs. … Read more

Decker, Oliver F. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Oliver F. Decker, a resident of Wallowa County for the past 29 years, died at Wallowa Memorial Hospital on Sept. 1, 1982. He was 77. Born Aug. 8, 1905, in Washington County. Kansas, he was the son of Charles and Emma Stewart Decker. He was a retired railroad worker. He was a member of St. Katherine’s Catholic Church and of the Union Pacific RR Old Timers and the Brotherhood of Railroad Employees. Survivors include his wife Erma I. Decker of their Enterprise home; sons Charles F. Ronald L., Roe S., Harry L., Monte L., and Terry … Read more

Lockwood, Barbara – Obituary

Barbara V. Lockwood, a resident of Redmond, died March 25, 2007, of heart failure. She was 63. Ms. Lockwood was born March 5, 1944, in Enterprise to Alonzo A. and Versie Puderbaugh Lockwood. She attended school in Joseph through her junior year when the family moved to Kennewick, Wash. She graduated high school there in 1962. Ms. Lockwood worked for Columbia Aircraft Manufacturing in Bend. She enjoyed travel and hunting and was an avid gardener. She was a member of the Oregon Hunters Association, the NRA, and a life member of the American Veterans Post 13 Auxiliary in Sweet Home. … Read more

Biography of Levi J. Rouse

Among the worthy representatives of honest industry and good government, stands the capable and intelligent gentleman, whose name is at the head of this article, and who has achieved a success in different lines, each of which is sufficient to stamp him as a man of ability and enterprise, while in it all he has maintained an untarnished reputation and displayed both integrity and faithfulness coupled with sound principles and honorable dealing with his fellows. In addition to this, Mr. Rouse has been an active worker in the advancement of the county’s interests in different lines and his efforts are … Read more

Moore, Charles – Obituary

Accidently Killed Chas. Moore, a herder in one of Sam Litch’s sheep camps in Wallowa county, accidentally shot and killed himself this week. The camp is situated 25 miles northeast of Enterprise and the unfortunate man was found a short time after the accident by friends. A coroner’s jury was called and after investigating the case, concluded that the affair was purely accidental. Elgin Recorder Friday June 15, 1906

Huffman, Roxanna Flora – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Graveside services for baby Roxanna Flora Huffman, infant daughter of John and Flora Huffman were held Thursday, January 3, 1952 at 3:00 o’clock in the Enterprise cemetery with Rev. John Munsey officiating. The Booth-Bollman Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. The tiny child was born at the Wallowa Memorial Hospital Wednesday, January 2, 1952 and passed away shortly after birth. Surviving are her parents; one brother, John; a half-sister, Dorreta Jones, of Joseph; and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Rhoades, Joseph, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Huffman, Imnaha. Source: Wallowa county Chieftain, June 10, 1952 … Read more

Bue, Peter – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Three Enterprise Boys Lose Lives In Battle Harry C. Beeson, Peter Bue and August Lunquist Give Lives in Service Of the Flag. Telegrams were received Saturday evening from the war department announcing the death of August Linquist and Harry C. Beeson and Peter Bue in action on the field of battle in France. They were all killed on the same day according to the telegram. Harry C. Beeson was the son of M.H. and Julia Beeson who live on the Chas. Bilyea farm near Enterprise. He was 23 years of age and was born in Wyoming. … Read more

Hearing, Alma Violet – Obituary

Alma Hearing of 423 Sac Annex, died Wed., August 30th, at the local hospital at the age of 63 Mrs. Hearing was born September 10, 1888 at San Francisco, Calif. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McCulloch. She moved with her family to Northeastern Oregon in 1889. On October 6, 1915 she was married to Merle V. Hearing at Enterprise. She lived most of her life in Wallowa and moved to La Grande in 1961. Hearing preceded his wife in death July 5, 1963. She was also preceded in death by one son, Harold Hearing on Oct. 3, 1966. … Read more

Brice, Lawrence I. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Death Claims Enterprise Jeweler, Larry Brice Lawrence I. (Larry) Brice, 63, passed away at Wallowa Memorial Hospital October 3, after being a patient for eight days. He had been in failing health approximately three years. He had lived in Enterprise for 61/2 years where he and his wife were owners of the Brice’s Jewelry store. Born June 15, 1913 in Putnam County, Missouri, the son of Fred and Sylvia Brice. He married Eloise Thomas June 16, 1936 at Glascow, Montana. He was a jeweler by occupation and was a member of the American Watch Makers Institute, … Read more

Juve, Maurice Norman – Obituary

Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon Maurice Norman Juve, 74, died at his home in Salem, 668 Salem Heights So., on July 10, 1980. He had spent his childhood in Enterprise High School. He was born on July 14, 1905, in Nellsville, Wis. A graduate of Oregon State University, he was employed by the Oregon State Highway Department for over 30 years, retiring in 1967. He was a member of the Oregon Association of Civil Engineers. Survivors include his wife, Mary-Emma; a daughter, A. Gayle Juve Nelson; a son Gordon Miller Juve; a stepson, Bob Julian Thruston; and five grandchildren. He is … Read more

Buckley, Doris – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon Doris Buckley died at a care home in Phoenix, Ariz. on Jan. 25, 2007. She was 75. Mrs. Buckley was born in La Grande on Sept. 18, 1931, to Albert and Anna Gake. She lived in La Grande for a few years until the family moved to Enterprise and then to Joseph, where she attended school. During the war, the family moved to Huntington where her father worked for the Union Pacific Railroad. She graduated from Huntington High School. She married Glen Buckley in 1949. They worked on ranches in Wallowa County for a number of years, and … Read more

Hirsh, Naome Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. Naome Hirsh passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A.E. Clawson, with whom she had made her home for the past three years. Mrs. Hirsh has been an invalid for years and Sunday morning, October 10th, suffered a paralytic stroke which foretold the close of her sixty-eight years of life. She lived at Santa Fe, New Mexico, with a daughter previous to coming to Wallowa County. She also has a son living at Wabash, Indiana, and a daughter at Fargo, N.D. The body was sent to Wabash for interment, Wednesday, accompanied by A.E. … Read more