Bowman, Wallace R., Sr. – Obituary

Wallace R. Bowman, Sr., 73 years old, 27198 Oak Drive, died Aug. 20, 1988, at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Fort Wayne, Ind. He was born July 19, 1915, in Elkhart County, Ind., a son of Frank A. and Carrie (Lampe) Bowman. On Feb. 4, 1943, he married Marion Schrader in Hot Springs, Ark. She died March 12, 1978. On April 6, 1983, he married Nancy Hunt in Sturgis. He was a Sturgis resident most of his life and was employed at the Kirsch Company. For 42 years, he had operated the B & W Tavern, retiring in 1983. He was … Read more

Smith, John D. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon John D. Smith, 96, of Baker City died Nov. 21, 2000, at his home at Baker City. A family memorial service will be scheduled later. Disposition was by cremation at Gray’s West Pioneer Crematory. Mr. Smith was born on May 2, 1904, at Elkhart, Ind., to Joseph and Florance Denny Smith. His family homesteaded at Molt, Mt., in 1908. He made Billings, Mt., his home in his youth. He played basketball for his high school team there. He enjoyed many firsts in the early part of the century, from automobiles to airplanes, golf and tennis. He loved … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Franklin Swart

Few if any officials of San Mateo county enjoy more public confidence than Franklin Swart who is serving his second term as district attorney. District Attorney Swart is a self made man. He was born at New Paris, Indiana, on June 25, 1878. He came to California eighteen years ago to attend college. By digging ditches during his vacations and doing odd jobs during the school term, Mr. Swart managed to work his way through Stanford University where he received A. B. and Juris Doctor degrees. Swart has practiced law in San Mateo County since his graduation. In 1910 he … Read more

Biography of William A. Myers

One of the well known and highly regarded citizens of Topeka, Kansas, with which state he had been practically continuously identified since 1888, is William A. Myers, who is a leading factor in and a probable candidate of the republican forces in Shawnee County. For twenty-eight years he had been a competent and faithful employe of the State of Kansas, in the state printing department, is a man of property and of personal high standing. William A. Myers was born in 1856, in Saint Joseph County, Indiana, and is a son of Andrew and Ellen (Oliver) Myers, and a grandson … Read more

Slave Narrative of Adeline R. Lennox

Interviewer: Albert Strope Person Interviewed: Adeline Rose Lennox Location: Elkhart, Indiana Place of Birth: Middle / Paris, Tennessee Date of Birth: October 25, 1849 Place of Residence: 1400 South Sixth Street, Elkhart, Indiana Albert Strope, Field Worker Federal Writers’ Project St. Joseph County-District #1 Mishawaka, Indiana ADELINE ROSE LENNOX-EX-SLAVE 1400 South Sixth Street, Elkhart, Indiana Adeline Rose Lennox was born of slave parents at Middle-sometimes known as Paris-Tennessee, October 25, 1849. She lived with her parents in slave quarters on the plantation of a Mr. Rose for whom her parents worked. These quarters were log houses, a distance from the … Read more

Biography of J. A. Truex

J. A. TRUEX, editor of the Journal and postmaster of West Plains, was a native of the Buckeye State,and was born in Marion County, November,6, 1843. The Truex family is of Dutch origin and an old Colonial one. The father of our subject, Benjamin Truex, was a native of Pennsylvania, and a farmer and carpenter. He raised a family of eight children, of whom our subject was third in order of birth. The latter grew to mature years in his native country, received his primary education in the schools of the same, and subsequently entered the High School at Goshen, … Read more

Slave Narrative of H. H. Edmunds

Interviewer: Albert Strope Person Interviewed: Rev. H. H. Edmunds Location: Elkhart, Indiana Place of Birth: Lynchburg, Virginia Date of Birth: 1859 Place of Residence: 403 West Hickory Street Elkhart, Indiana Albert Strope, Field Worker Federal Writers’ Project St. Joseph County-District #1 Mishawaka, Indiana EX-SLAVE REV. H.H. EDMUNDS 403 West Hickory Street Elkhart, Indiana Rev. H.H. Edmunds has resided at 403 West Hickory Street in Elkhart for the past ten years. Born in Lynchburg, Virginia, in 1859, he lived there for several years. Later he was taken to Mississippi by his master, and finally to Nashville, Tennessee, where he lived until … Read more

Biography of Rev. B. L. Baldridge

Rev. B. L. Baldridge was born in Adams County, Ohio, February 9, 1821. His father, Rev. William Baldridge, was born in Pennsylvania, in 1760. He served in the Revolutionary war at the age of sixteen years, and for many years after its close was an active minister in the United Presbyterian Church. He graduated from college in 1790, was licensed to preach in 1792, was ordained in 1793, and died October 31, 1830. The subject of this biographical sketch was educated at Miami University and subsequently studied theology at Oxford. He was ordained January 10, 1851, at Centerville, Michigan, by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Christian Girl

Girl, Christian; manufacturer; born, Elkhart, Ind., Dec. 31, 1874; son of Joseph and Catherine Linderman Girl; high school education, Elkhart, Ind.; married, Cleveland, September, 1909, Mehitable A. Schottler; organized The Perfection Spring Co. in 1906; organized The Gofy Engine Co. in 1909; and The Marianville Base & Filter Co. in 1912; has been pres. and mngr. of the above companies since; member Cleveland Engineering Society, Society of Auto. Engineers, and on Finance and Endowment and two other committees of same society; member Athletic, Advertising, and Automobile Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Louis P. Vance

Louis P. Vance, of Mankato, Jewell County, Kan., was born at Goshen, Elkhart County, Ind., December 9, 1837; removed at four and a half years of age to Jefferson County, Iowa, with his parents; was a farmer till his twenty-second year; spent two years prior to the war of the Rebellion in the Colorado mining regions. Enlisted in the service of the United States in March, 1862, as a member of Company B, Thirty-fifth Missouri Volunteer Infantry; was promoted from the ranks through the grades of non-commissioned and two of the commissioned offices of the line; was mustered out in … Read more

1909-2012 Goshen High School Yearbooks

1940 Goshen High School Yearbook - The Crimson

Goshen High School yearbooks were named the Crimson up to the year 2003 when each year was given its own title.  First published in 1908, by its senior class, the student yearbook format varies year by year. Later editions are large format. Editions prior to 1926 are sometimes in a monthly student newspaper format.

Biography of Hon. O. H. Frink

Hon. O. H. Frink is one of Page county’s representative citizens who has never allowed personal interest or ambition to dwarf his public spirit. His feelings have ever found expression in prompt action rather than in theory and as mayor of Shenandoah lie is now doing effective work in promoting needed restrictive, regulative and constructive measures. He also stands as one who has been prominent in business circles, his previous activity and well directed energy bringing him the competence that makes possible his present retirement. A native of Indiana, Mr. Frink was born in the city of Elkhart, May 26, … Read more

Elkhart County Indiana Naturalization Records

petition for naturalization

This database represents those 8,265 naturalization’s indexed for the county of Elkhart in Indiana by the Friends of the Indiana State Archives. All naturalization records accessioned by the Archives are microfilmed and a portion of the information they contain is entered into a searchable database. The results of the database search will include the following fields: Surname, first name, nationality, date of arrival, and county book and page location. A complete naturalization record may be obtained by contacting the Archives. In the nineteenth century and most of the twentieth century, naturalization was a three step process. First, one declared intention to naturalize, … Read more