Biographical Sketch of Amos K. Whittemore

Amos K. Whittemore, from Litchfield, N. H., located in Eden in 1802, and from there removed to this town, in 1835, and subsequently took up his residence in Bakersfield, where he died, in 1871, aged eighty-nine years. He reared a family of fourteen children, two of whom, Lewis and Robert D., now reside in the town, on road 17.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Wheelock

Samuel Wheelock, an early settler in Eden, came to Cambridge a number of years ago, and died here in 1878. Edwin, his second son, has been located in the town as a Congregational clergyman for the last twenty-seven years. Edwin was born in 1822, graduated from the University of Vermont, was a member of the legislature in 1866 and 1867, has been superintendent of schools fifteen years, and held various other positions of trust.

Biographical Sketch of Massa Bassett

Massa Bassett, from Keene, N. H., came to Eden in the spring of 1808, locating near the western border of the town, where he reared a family of eight children, and was a leader among his townsmen for many years. George, his second son, born in z8 10, resided here until his death, in 1899, leaving a family of five children. George was for many years actively interested in town affairs, holding many of the town offices. Two of his children now reside here. William G., born in 1838, is a large real estate owner, located on road a1. He. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Abel Smith

Abel Smith, from Hubbardston, Mass., located on a farm in the central part of Eden, at an early date. He was a shoemaker by trade, but the latter part of his life he devoted entirely to farming. His death occurred in 186o, at the age of seventy-eight years. His family consisted of twelve children, all of whom located in the town, and three of whom are now living. Asa, his sixth child, born in 1809, now occupies the old homestead. John H., the second son of Asa, born in 1840, has been a resident of the town all his life.

Biographical Sketch of Amasa Stevens

Amasa Stevens, from Hartland, Vt., came to Eden in 1832, locating at Eden Corners, where he worked at his trade, carpenter and millwright. In 1859, he commenced the manufacture of lumber. Jonas T., his youngest son, born in 1842, has always been a resident of the town, and is now extensively engaged in the manufacture of lumber.

Biographical Sketch of Lemuel Warren

Lemuel Warren came from Massachusetts in 1800 to Eden, and located upon the farm now owned by his son and grandson, where he reared a family of seven children, five of whom settled in the town. Mr. Warren died in 1824. Asa, the third son of Lemuel, born in 1800, remained on the old homestead until his death. William A., his second son, born in 1829, now occupies a portion of the homestead. Calvin D., the oldest son of Lemuel, also resides on the old farm.

Biography of Horace Waite

Waite, Horace, of Hyde Park, son of Smith H. and Lucinda (Goodenough) Waite, was born in Fairfield, May 16, 1826. His education was obtained in the common schools of Sheldon and at Bakersfield Academy. Left an orphan at the age of five he found a home with Asa Grant with whom he remained till he arrived at man’s estate and for whom he worked seven years after attaining his majority. In 1854 he invested his carefully saved earnings in the purchase of a large farm in Eden, where he resided until 1877 when he removed to Morrisville to secure better … Read more

Eden, Lamoille County, Vermont Directory

(For explanations, etc., see main page) Railroad station is Hyde Park, [o miles south, on St. J. & L. C. R. R. Daily stage from Hyde Park. (For explanations, etc., see main page.) Adams Allen, (Eden Corners) r 16, farmer 100. Adams Arunah W., (Eden) r 29, farmer 95. Adams Augustus, (Eden) r 29, sugar orchard 500 trees, dairy 8 cows, and farmer 200. ADAMS CHARLES A., (North Hyde Park) r 23, farmer 75, wood land 125. Adams Charles E., (Eden) r 29, farmer, with Augustus. Adams Elmira L., (Eden) r 12, widow of Phineas H., farmer 45. ADAMS FRANCIS … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William C. Atwell

William C. Atwell, from Wentworth, Mass., came to this town in 1814, making the first permanent settlement on the farm now owned by his son, James. On this farm is said to have been built the first frame barn in the town, and which is yet in use. William died in 1867, aged seventy-seven years. He was a physician by profession, and served his townsmen in this capacity, and in various town offices, faithfully and well. Of his family of nine children, two, James and Davis, now reside here. The former was born in 1831, has a family of two … Read more

History of Eden, Lamoille County, Vermont

EDEN, a lumbering town located in the northern part of the county, in lat. 44° 22′, and long. 4° 25′, bounded north by Lowell, in Orleans county, and Montgomery, in Franklin county, east by Craftsbury, in Orleans county, south by Hyde Park and Johnson, and west by Belvidere, was granted November 7, 1780, and chartered August 28, 1781, the charter deed reading as follows: “The Governor, Council, and General Assembly of the Freemen of the State of Vermont: To all people to whom these presents shall come, Greeting : Know ye, that whereas Col. Seth Warner and his associates, our … Read more

Biography of Martin Shattuck

Martin Shattuck, son of Randall and Mary Ann (Thomas) Shattuck, Randall being the youngest son of Moody, was born in this town in Feb. 5, 1842. Mr. Shattuck received his intellectual training at the common schools of Belvidere, but his practical education was derived from hard labor upon his father’s farm where he remained till he was twenty-two years of age, when he entered his cousin’s store at Waterville as clerk. After two years at Waterville he married and went home to reside. Mr. Shattuck married, Jan. 31, 1866, Meribah Esther Hyde, daughter of William and Betsey (Fuller) Wilbur of … Read more

Biography of Jonas T. Stevens

Stevens, Jonas T., of Hyde Park, son of Amasa and Martha (Smith) Stevens, was born in Eden, June 3, 1842. His father, Amasa, was a long-time resident of Eden, was prominently connected with public affairs, and for a considerable period was associate judge of the county court. Jonas T. Stevens obtained his education in the common school, and for a time gave his services to neighboring farmers, being also employed in mills in the vicinity of his birthplace. Acquiring a small but well-earned capital, he invested it in a saw mill, when his business plans were suddenly interrupted by the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Freeborn White

Freeborn White, from Northbridge, Mass., came to Eden in 1830, after a short residence in Waterville. He located upon a farm on road 19, where he resided about fifteen years, then resided with his several children until his death. Charles A., the second of his eight children, born in 1812, has been a resident of the town since his parents settled here, and is now actively engaged in the manufacture of lumber and starch.

Biographical Sketch of John Brown

John Brown, from Rocksboro, N. H., came to Eden in 18o6, and located upon a farm in the northern part of the town, where he died in 1848, aged seventy-two years. He reared a family of twelve children, ten of whom are now living, the youngest being sixty-two, and the oldest eighty-two years of age. John was at the battle of Plattsburgh, and served the town as justice and town clerk for a period of thirty years. Charles P., the fifth child of John, born in 1809, now resides on road 28.

1840 Census Index, Eden, Lamoille County, Vermont

Name Page Abbot, Oliver H. 23 Adams, Curtis 25 Adams, David 25 Adams, Henry 23 Adams, Houtia 26 Adams, James 22 Adams, Joseph 23 Adams, Mason 26 Adams, Nathan 22 Adams, Phineas H. 24 Adams, Reuben 24 Atwell, William C. 25 Austin, John 22 Bassett, George 25 Bassett, Moses 25 Bevin, Charles P. 26 Blake, John 26 Blumley, Jared 24 Brown, Luther H. 24 Cabblugh, Jefferson 24 Carey, Amos 24 Carpenter, Jefferson F. 24 Chiffin, Harger 25 Clark, Orson M. 22 Clark, Patty 24 Clark, William C. 24 Cromsh, David 23 Dodge, Hiram 23 Dodge, James 22 Dodge, Joel 23 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Kelley

James Kelley, from New York, located in the eastern part of Eden at an early date, where he died in 186o, aged sixty-one years. John D., the fourth son of his seven children, born in 1847, now resides on road 22.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Whittemore

Charles Whittemore, from New Hampshire, came to Eden about the year 1800, locating upon a farm near the eastern shore of North Pond, where he resided most of the remaining years of his life, rearing a family of eight children, three of whom are now living, one, Ira, in this town. Mr. Whittemore held many of the town offices, and was much respected by his townsmen.