Biography of Calvin L. Long

Calvin L. Long. When Calvin L. Long came to Montgomery County thirty-seven years ago he found himself associated with the very early pioneers, and is one of the residents of that county who have witnessed practically every phase of development and progress. Mr. Long is one of the oldest men in the real estate business at Coffeyville, and his reputation as a reliable dealer and man of unusual judgment and experience in that line has been in full proportion to his years of activity. Born in Delaware County, Indiana, July 12, 1852, he grew up on a farm, attended country … Read more

Biography of William Craig, M. D.

William Craig, M. D., Redlands, was born in Pennsylvania, January 2, 1818. His father, Samuel Craig, was a tanner and farmer, and moved to Clark County, Ohio, in 1819. Our subject attended the common schools of Clark County, and in 1848 graduated at the Starling Medical College, at Columbus, Ohio. He then practiced medicine in Shelby County three years, and in Auglaize County three years. The five years following this he practiced in Winchester, Indiana, where he also carried on a drug business. Then he went to Muncie, Indiana, where he engaged in the drug business and practiced medicine for … Read more

Benson, John J., III – Obituary

John J. Benson III, 60, of Muncie, Ind., died Oct. 13, 2002, at Williamsburg Village. A private memorial service will be scheduled later. Mr. Benson was born at Camden, N.J., the son of Virginia Campbell Benson and John J. Benson II. He taught at Royerton Elementary School and was a U.S. Air Force veteran. His memberships included St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church and the Isanogel Center, where he had been on the board of directors. Survivors include his wife of 35 years, Marianne Hardtke Benson; two sons, Dr. Sean Benson, who has a dental office in Baker City, and … Read more

Slave Narrative of Betty Guwn

Interviewer: William Webb Tuttle Person Interviewed: Betty Guwn Location: Muncie, Indiana Place of Birth: Kentucky Date of Birth: March 25, 1832 Place of Residence: 1101 East Second Street Muncie, Indiana Submitted by: William Webb Tuttle District No. 2 Muncie, Indiana NEGRO SLAVES IN DELAWARE COUNTY MRS. BETTY GUWN MRS. HATTIE CASH, DAUGHTER, residing at 1101 East Second Street Muncie, Indiana Mrs. Betty Guwn was born March 25, 1832, as a slave on a tobacco plantation, near Canton, Kentucky. It was a large plantation whose second largest product was corn. She was married while quite young by the slave method which … Read more

Biography of Prof. Charles Russell Paine

Prof. Charles Russell Paine, of Redlands, is a native of Massachusetts, born in Barnstable September 9, 1839, a son of John and Lucy (Crowell) Paine. He is one of a family of six children. He was graduated at Amherst College, and has taught in Maine, Rhode Island, Ohio, Indiana and California. He came to this latter State in 1870 and taught school in Riverside. He also taught the first school in Colton. In 1873 he established a private school in San Bernardino and in 1876 was elected County Superintendent of Schools. He subsequently served as principal of the city schools … Read more

Biography of Miles Shoemaker

Miles Shoemaker is the owner of a twenty-acre tract on the east side of Riverside Avenue, about two and a half miles south of Riverside. He purchased land in 1882 from Mrs. Hattie S. Travers, and in the same year commenced making improvements upon the place by planting citrus and deciduous fruits and vines. About live acres of his laud lies east of the upper canal, and is not susceptible of irrigation from the Riverside water system. Upon this elevated portion he has erected his cottage residence and outbuildings. The balance of his land fifteen acres is all under cultivation. … Read more

Biography of Christopher Columbus Michal

C. C. Michal, for the past fifteen years, had been one of the extensive contractors in Southern Kansas, though his work had been done in various parts of the state. His home and headquarters are at Independence, where he is recognized as one of the substantial citizens. Mr. Michal went to the border with the Kansas National Guards, Company K, Second Infantry, as a sergeant and served three months. His ancestors came originally from Ireland and were early settlers in the United States. They located very early in the nineteenth century in Western Indiana near Terre Hante, where Philip Michal, … Read more

Slave Narrative of Rosa Barber

Interviewer: William Webb Tuttle Person Interviewed: Rosa Barber Location: Muncie, Indiana Place of Birth: North Carolina Date of Birth: 1861 Place of Residence: 812 South Jefferson Muncie, Indiana Submitted by: William Webb Tuttle District No. 2 Muncie, Indiana SLAVES IN DELAWARE COUNTY ROSA BARBER 812 South Jefferson Muncie, Indiana Rosa Barber was born in slavery on the Fox Ellison plantation at North Carden[TR:?], in North Carolina, in the year 1861. She was four [HW: ?] years old when freed, but had not reached the age to be of value as a slave. Her memory is confined to that short childhood … Read more

Biography of Harry S. Brown

Harry S. Brown. A lawyer of twenty years’ experience, Harry S. Brown has been identified with the Coffeyville bar the greater part of his professional career and he has shown a remarkable capacity for handling litigation entrusted to him and is a leading citizen as well as a lawyer. He represents an old Indiana family of English origin. His first American ancestors came to South Carolina in colonial times. Through his grandmother Mr. Brown is of Scotch descent. One of his Brown ancestors was a captain in the English navy and lost his life at sea. His grandfather, John Brown, … Read more

Biography of Abraham Buckles Jetmore

Abraham Buckles Jetmore. The late Abraham Buckles Jetmore was one of the most forceful figures of the Kansas bar from the year 1878 until his death, March 1, 1908. During that period he gave his strength, mind, heart and talents to the upbuilding of his adopted city and state, and while engaged in discharging the duties related to a large and important practice, gave his best efforts to the cause of prohibition and toward the establishment of an honest public administration. Mr. Jetmore was born at Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana, May 25, 1837, the seventh son of John Isaac and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lucy Clark

(See Ward and Duncan) Lucy A. Clark, born February 7, 1848, on Beattie’s Prairie, Delaware District. Married December 25, 1869, Joshua Bertholf Duncan, born December 13, 1835. He died December 14, 1875. She married August 30, 1877, James Abercrombie Duncan, born June 3, 1825, and died December 26, 1898. Mrs. Duncan’s children are: Deden Rosecrans, born March 25, 1874; Annie, born April 7, 1876; Jimmie A., born October 30, 1879; Lucy Elizabeth, born March 14, 1884; and Charles DeWitt Duncan, born April 10, 1886.

Biography of A. C. Shaffer

A. C. Shaffer. Necessary requisites of a good newspaper man in these modern days are trained faculties and an enlightened understanding. The world at large, in greater and greater degree is requiring educated men, not alone for the learned professions, but also for those along less trained lines, and it is an important part of the work of the newspapers throughout the country to furnish the mental stimulus without which none can hope to succeed. Particularly does this apply to the newspapers which circulate through the smaller cities and in the country districts, and one of the papers which had … Read more

Cheesman, Clinton J. – Obituary

Clinton J. Cheesman, 76, 1415 No. Mulberry St., Hartford City, died at 5:15 a.m. this morning, September 2, 1980, at Ball Memorial Hospital where he had been hospitalized since August 11. A retired rural mail carrier, Mr. Cheesman, was a former county assessor for Blackford County and a member of the Mental Health Board. He was a member of the IOOF Lodge, the Masonic Lodge, Scottish Rite, Shrine and York Rite as well as member of Trinity United Methodist Church. Mr. Cheesman was born August 1, 1904 in Delaware County, the son of Alva A. Cheesman and Lydia B. Hinsley. … Read more

Biography of Peter Suman

Peter Suman, one of the most successful horticulturists of Riverside, came to this place in December, 1880, and established his residence on Vine street, between Second and Third streets, purchasing the two and one-half acre block. In the spring of 1881 he bought a ten-acre tract on the west side of Brockton Avenue, about a mile south of the business center of Riverside, and since that date has devoted himself to horticultural pursuits. In 1885 he erected a substantial and well-ordered cottage residence upon this place, and has since occupied it with his family. His orange grove is a noticeably … Read more