History of the Churches of Del Norte County CA

Centennial of life and faith in Del Norte County, 1854-1954

“A Century of Life and Faith in Del Norte County” by Don M. Chase, published by the Del Norte Triplicate in 1954, offers a detailed historical account of the religious life and institutions in Del Norte County, California. Covering the period from 1854 to 1954, this book explores the development of various denominations and churches within the county, emphasizing their foundations and growth over a century.

Biography of Sigismund A. Heilner

SIGISMUND A. HEILNER. – This leading merchant, who is described as one of the most energetic, broadminded, and liberal citizens of Eastern Oregon, exhibits in his life that romance of business which has made many of the phases of Western life so fascinating to the young men of our state. He was born and educated in Bavaria, and in 1853 came to New York, repairing soon to Washington, District of Columbia, and within two years more to Crescent city, California, and Althouse, Oregon. At that point he was engaged in business, and was there during the war of 1856. As … Read more

Biography of James A. Pinney

The enterprise of our American citizens has given the nation a position among the powers of the world that it has taken other countries many centuries to gain. The progressive spirit of the times is manifest throughout the length and breadth of the land, yet even to our own people the growth and development of the west seems almost incredible. Less than half a century ago Idaho, California, Montana, Oregon and other western states were wild and almost unpeopled regions, without the railroad or other transportation facilities, without the telegraph or the varied commercial and industrial industries of the east. … Read more