Journey of Bartram Through Alabama

History of Alabama and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, from the earliest period

William Bartram, the botanist, passed through the Creek nation, and went from thence to Mobile. He found that that town extended back from the river nearly half a mile. Some of the houses were vacant, and others were in ruins. Yet a few good buildings were inhabited by the French gentlemen, and others by refined emigrants of Ireland, Scotland, England, and the Northern British Colonies. The Indian trade was under management of Messrs. Swanson and McGillivray. They conducted an extensive commerce with the Chickasaws, Choctaws, and Creeks. Their buildings were commodious, and well arranged for that purpose. The principal houses … Read more

Agreement of June 29, 1825

Council House, Broken Arrow, Creek Nation, 29 June, 1825. Resolved by the Chiefs and Warriors in Council assembled that after a suitable consideration which the nature of the case demands, they solemnly and strictly declare for themselves and for the whole Muscogee Nation, that all of the late General McIntosh’s party who have opposed the Laws of the Nation, are hereby pardoned to all intents and purposes, and they are hereby invited to return to their usual places of abode or elsewhere, and their to dwell in the full enjoyment of peace & security and of all their rights and … Read more