Joshua Atwood

JOSHUA3 Atwood (Joshua2, John1) was b. March 13, 1756; m. Sarah McAdams, b. March 19, 1773. He d. May 5, 1813. She d. Sept. 20, 1846. Children, all b. in Cornish except the first two: 1. BETSEY, b. Oct. 8, 1798; m. Dec. 26, 1814, Curtis Knight. She had ten children. They buried a dau., Melinda, in town, who d. May 2, 1833, aged 11, Res., -. She d. Feb. 27, 1888. 2. DANIEL., b. Aug. 26, 1800. 3. JOSHUA, twin, b. May 19, 1802. 4. MEHITABLE, twin, b. May 19, 1802: she m. Aug. 26, 1824, John Emerson. Five … Read more

Jonathan Bingham

The Binghams of Cornish were of English descent. THOMAS1 and MARY BINGHAM res. in Sheffield, Eng. THOMAS2 and MARY (Rudd) BINGHAM came to America about 1659 and res. in Norwich, Conn. Had eleven children. DEA. ABEL3 and Mary (Odell) BINGHAM, res. and d. in Windham, Conn. Nine children. He d. ‘March 25, 1745. JONATHAN4 BINGHAM, adopted by Jonathan’: m. first, Mary Abbie; m. second, Sarah Upton. Res., Windham. Conn. By first wife he had: JONATHAN5 BINGHAM,, b. Feb. 20. 1735: m. first. , Elizabeth Warner, b. d. : m. second, – . Abigail Warner, a sister of his former wife … Read more

Benjamin Chadbourne

BENJAMIN CHADBOURNE was b. in Moultonborough Jan. 28, 1792. Came to Cornish when a young man; In. April 15, 1818, Sarah Cady of Cornish, dau. of Elias and Hannah (Hutchins) Cady, b. Aug. 29, 1790, and d. Dec. 12, 1864. He d. March 29, 1851. A farmer. Children, all b. in Cornish: 1. CURTIS C., b. Sept. 12, 1819; m. March 30, 1842, Adeline Maria Fogget of Bridgewater, Vt. Five children. He was a tailor and lived in Charlestown; d. Nov. 26, 1890. 2. SALLY MIRANDA, b. May 23, 1821; m. Dec. 23, 1846, Elemander Powers of Charlestown. She d. … Read more

Biography of Edward Dimick Baker

Edward Dimick Baker was an able advocate and lawyer of Claremont. He was born April 21, 1827, at Meriden, N.H., son of Dimick and Hannah (Colby) Baker. He was a descendant in a direct line from Joseph Baker, who was born April 13, 1678. Joseph’s son, Hernon, by his wife, Abigail Bissel Baker, married Lois Gilbert, who had a son Oliver, a physician, who married Dorcus Dimick, and became the father of Dimick Baker. Dimick Baker was born March 18, 1793, in Plainfield, N.H., where he resided throughout his life. He was a prosperous merchant and farmer, and one of … Read more

Samuel Bartlett

Among the tombstone records of Cornish is that of Dea. John Bartlett, who was b. in 1727, and d. June 8, 1797. By his side are the remains of his wife, Jemima Downer, who was b. in 1732, and d. aug. 17, 1818. The records also show that during the early years of the town Mr. Bartlett was a prominent man. as his name frequently appears among town affairs. Unfortunately the genealogist has been unable to determine who his posterity have been, yet by the census of 1790 it is shown that he then had two sons over sixteen years … Read more

Biography of Amos Richardson

Amos Richardson, an influential resident of Cornish, was born here, November 27, 1817, son of Amos and Sophia (Cummings) Richardson. He is a descendant of Dr. Amos Richardson, who was a physician of note in Pelham, N.H. Dr. Amos’s son, Joseph, was grandfather of the subject of this sketch. Joseph’s children were: Miriam, Joseph, David, Josiah, Sarah, Mercy, Rebecca, and Amos. Miriam, now deceased, was the wife of Joshua Wyman, of Pelham, and the mother of seven children; Joseph married Polly Hilliard, of Cornish, and had a family of twelve children; David, now deceased, married Sarah Ford, and was the … Read more

Caleb Chase

1. CALEB4 CHASE, a brother of Samuel4 and Moses2 (Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla1) was b. Nov. 29, 1722, in Newbury, \Mass. He In. April 1745, Sarah, dau. of David and Phebe Prince, b. April 28, 1727, d. Feb. 15, 1803. Mr. Chase d. Oct. 2. 808. The records of his descendants are more obscure than those of his brothers, Samuel and Moses. Some of its branches have been well preserved, but the greater part appear to be covered in the shades of the past. It has been supposed that he and his family came to town soon after his brothers came, … Read more

Dr. Joseph Chapman

DR. JOSEPH5 CHAPMAN (Benjamin4, Samuel,3-2, Edward1) was the oldest child of Capt. Benjamin and Jemima (Gates) Chapman and was b. Dec. 12, 1757; m. in 1782, Martha Jirauld of Cornish, dau. of Dea. Reuben and Joanna (Spaulding) Jirauld, b. Aug. 2, 1759, and d. March 15, 1855, aged 95. He settled on the farm afterwards owned and occupied by Rev. D. P. Deming and more recently by Fred Read. He was a physician and is said to have been one of the first of his profession in town. He d. April 3, 1810, aged 53. Children, all b. in town: … Read more

Ithamar Chase

8. ITHAMAR6 CHASE (Dudley5, Samuel4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla1) was b. Sept. 27, 1762, in Sutton, Mass. (See sketch.) Hem. June 26, 1792, Janette Ralston of Keene, dau. of Alexander and Janette Ralston, both of Scotland. She was b. July 26. 1773, in Charlestown, Mass. He d. in Keene Aug. 8, 1817. Children: i. A child, date of birth and name unknown. ii. HANNAH RALSTON, b. Dec. 23,1794; m. Sept. 16, 1818, John Whipple, Esq., of Dunbarton. iii. ALEXANDER RALSTON, b. April 17, 1797. iv. ABIGAIL CORBETT, b. May 26, 1799. v. DUDLEY HEBER, b. Sept. 14, 1801. vi. JANETTE LOGAN, … Read more

Edwin Leighton Child

4. EDWIN LEIGHTON8 CHILD (Wm. Henry7, Stephen6-5, Daniel4, Ephraim3, Benjamin2-1) was b. May 15, 1867; educated in the schools of Cornish and at the N. H. Agricultural College associated with Dartmouth College, then at Hanover. Soon after he became interested in dairy work especially in butter making and graduated from the Vermont Dairy School at Burlington, and afterwards became an instructor in the same institution; was employed by the Cornish Creamery Company from 1897 until 1909 as its superintendent-a period of twelve years. He devoted his time and energies towards rendering this plant a popular one abroad and a profitable … Read more

Moses Chase

12. MOSES6 CHASE (John5, Moses4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla1) was b. Dec. 20, 1799. A farmer and lumberman, owning and running the sawmill built by his father; m. May 1, 1832, Fidelia, dau. of Isaac and Hannah (Perry) Alden, b. Aug. 12, 1805, and d. March 11, 1864. He d. May 17, 1864. Children, all b. in Cornish: i. HENRY DWIGHT, b. March 19, 1833; d. July 12, 1836. ii. JOHN BAXTER, b. April 1, 1834. Enlisted in Civil War, Heavy Artillery. (See Military.) Hem. March 11, 1863, Emerett Ayers, dau. of Samuel and Lois (Fitch) Ayers, b. Oct. 10, 835, … Read more

Jonas Hastings

JONAS HASTINGS was b. about 1826, in Grantham; m. Mary D. W Whittaker of the same town, a sister of Jonathan C. Whittaker, b. 1828. They had one child, a son: 1. Albion, b. Aug. 19, 1867. Mr. Hastings came to Cornish about 1859 and was employed by the town to take charge of their poor for several years. He was collector of taxes during years of 1861-62-63-64-68. Was selectman during years of 1865-66-67; also the hearse driver several years. After the town farm was sold and the paupers rem. to Unity, Mr. Hastings was employed by the Co. Com. … Read more

Ayers Genealogy

JOHN AYERS lived in Greenland; m. -, Hannah Luey and had several children. Their record is incomplete. Mr. Ayers d. in Greenland, but his wid., with at least a part of her children, came early to Cornish. She d. in town Dec. 2, 1815, aged 79. Their children, as far as ascertained: 1. HANNAH, b. 1754 (?); m. , David Huggins of Cornish and had several children. (See Huggins.) She d. Oct. 26, 1822, aged 68. 2. AMY, b. , 1756 (?); m. , Capt. Stephen Parker. She d. March 31, 1798. 3. PHEBE, b. Dec. 10, 1758; m. , … Read more

Chester Weld

CHESTER6 WELD (Moses5, John4, Joseph3, John2, Joseph1,) was b. Aug. 27, 1769; m. first, Dec. 14, 1800, Peninnah Comings of Cornish, dau. of Benjamin6 and Mary (Cooper) Comings; b. June 20,1777; and d. May 11, 1810. He in. second, Dec. 5, 1811, Mehitable Pike, b. Aug. 30, 1774. He d. May 21, 1820. Children by Peninneh: 1. MOSES FAULKNER, b. Feb. 8, 1803; m. Sept. 16, 1830, Pamelia Hazeltine. One child. 2. NEWTON, b. Dec. 23, 1804; m. June 28, 1827, Anna Austin, b. Nov. 21, 1808. 3. CHESTER, b. April 21, 1807; m. July 10, 1837, Mary E. Briggs. … Read more

Samuel Chase

2. SAMUEL5 CHASE (Samuel4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla1) was b. Nov. 28, 1728, in Sutton, Mass.; m. May 29, 1751, Silence Stow of Grafton, Mass., b. in 1727, and d. in Cornish Nov. 19. 1794, aged 67. He d. July 10, 1790. Both buried in Cornish. Records of the children a little uncertain. i. RUTH, b. -, 1753; in. Nov. 9, 1773, Nicholas Cady of Cornish. Three children. (See Cady.) She d. July 6, 1788, aged 35. 6. ii. SAMUEL, b. , 1754. 7. iii. PETER, b. , 1756. iv. ELIZABETH, b -, 1762; m. July 6, 1780, Abel Spaulding. She … Read more

George Weld

GEORGE8 WELD (Horace7, John6, Moses5, John4, Joseph3, John2, Joseph1) was b. Dec. 13, 1817; m. April 9, 1843, Maria Chase of Cornish, dau. of Theodore and Judith (Bryant) Chase, b. Nov. 18, 1821; d. Sept. 9. 1894. For many years a teacher of schools in N. H. and Mass. Served as drum major in the home militia, hence received the title of major. He d. Jan. 6, 1883. Children: 1. FRANCES MARIA, b. Jan. 11, 1844; d. Sept. 8, 1847. 2. SARAH ABBIE, b. Feb. 16, 1846; m. July 20, 1862, Charles N. Hilliard of Cornish. Three children. (See Hilliard.) … Read more

William Balloch

3. WILLIAM2 BALLOCH (James) b. April 16, 1820; m. NOv. 6, 1844, Nancy J. Deming of Cornish, dau. Of Sylvester and Charlotte (Campbell) Deming, b. Nov. 1, 1823. Mr. Balloch d. Aug. 27, 1893. He was a man Of goOd gifts, being highly appreciated by his townsmen, as shown by being repeatedly chosen by them tO all the highest offices within their power. Children, all b. in Cornish: i. ELLEN JANETT, b. Sept. 26, 1849; m. May 4, 1875, Dr. C. F. Leslie of Maine. They rem. to Clyde, Kan., where he is well established in the practice of his … Read more

William Atwood

WILLIAM4 ATWOOD (William3, Joshua2, John1), eldest son and third child of William and Elizabeth (Hall) Atwood, was b. Sept. 15, 1806. He followed his father’s trade of blacksmithing most of his life; m. Nov. 25, 1828, Rhoda Jackson of Cornish, dau. of Capt. Perez and Lucy (Hunter) Jackson, b. May 28, 1803, and d. at White River Junction at her dau.’s home Aug. 20, 1874. He d. in Gorham May 22, 1859. Children, all b. in Cornish: 1. MEHITABLE H., b. Sept. 25, 1829; m. Sept. 1, 1847, Daniel F. Chase, a tailor and afterward a railroad engineer. Res. at … Read more

Orrel F. Atwood

ORREL F. ATWOOD, b. in West Chazy, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1875, was the son of Francis L. and Mary A. (Baker) Atwood. Came to Cornish in Oct., 1900. Settled on the Dea. Hiram P. Raymond farm; m. in Beekman town, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1899, Huldah E. Scribner, dau. of Cyremius M. and Huldah (Eldred) Scribner, b. Sept. 20, 1874. He is a farmer. Children: 1. ELLSWORTH H., b. March 12, 1900. 2. BEULAH K., b. Nov. 24, 1909. The relationship of this family to the other Atwoods of Cornish is not known.

John Franklin Chase

15. JOHN FRANKLIN7 CHASE (Bela6, Solomon5, Samuel4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla1) was b. -, 1813; m. -, Mary Cummings, dau. of Amos P. Cummings, b. July 3, 1806, and d. Oct. 15, 1867. He was a general mechanic. He built the house at the junction of brooks, since used as a parsonage for the Methodist Church. He rem. for a short time to Munroe, Ashtabula Co., O., but his health failing he returned east to Windsor, Vt., where he d. March 10, 1849. His wid. afterwards, Aug. 24, 1851, m. Geo. W. Townsend. Children: i. MARY ELIZABETH, b. Sept. 8, 1834, … Read more