Caleb M. Chase

5. CALEB M.5 CHASE (Moses4, Daniel3. Moses2, Aquilla1) was b. in Cornish Sept. 11, 1767; m. Jan. 21, 1789, Elizabeth Deming of Cornish, dau. of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Dana) Deming, b. Aug. 13, 1763, and d. Sept. 20, 1840. He was a farmer and held a commission of Capt. in the militia. He d. Sept. 1, 1856, in Williamstown, Vt., aged 89. Children: i. ELIZABETH, b. Aug. 19, 1789; m. Nov. 14, 1815, her cousin, Capt. Cotton Chase, eldest son of Dea. John Chase. Five children. She d.- July 8, 1868. ii. MARY, b. Dec. 26, 1790; m. Dec. 13, … Read more

Azor Bachelor

2. AZOR2 BACHELOR (Silas1) was b. Jan. 13, 1806; m. Pluma Upham of -, b. -; d.-. Mr. Bachelor was a shoemaker and came to the Flat about 1840. He built the brick house just east of the cemetery now used as the Grange hall. Here he worked at his trade until age and failing health caused him to retire. He d. Jan. 8, 1873. His wife d. Children, all b. in town except the first: i. ELIZA JANE, b. July 23, 1835, in Northbridge, Mass. She never m. She d. Feb. 27, 1872. ii. MARTIN VAN BUREN, b. Aug. … Read more

Wilbur Wyman Cole

11. WILBUR WYMAN5 COLE (Daniel4-3, Ebenezer2, Ephraim1) was b. May 24, 1851; m. July 1, 1873, Clara Ella Hook of Cornish, dau. of Peter and Lucia (Kendrick) Hook, b. Sept. 9, 1850; a farmer and mechanic. One child, b. in Cornish: Merton Kendrick, b. June 29, 1878. He is an osteopathic physician and res. in Needham, Mass.

Biography of Hon. Chester Pike

Hon. Chester Pike, a prominent citizen of Sullivan County, New Hampshire, residing in Cornish, his native town, was born July 30, 1829, son of Ebenezer and Judith (Bryant) Pike. On both his father’s and his mother’s side he is descended from distinguished ancestry, and from families that have been conspicuous, not only in the history of New Hampshire, but in the history of the nation. His grandfather Pike was born in Newbury, Mass., and came to Cornish in early manhood, the first of the name to settle here. He bought a farm and a mill on Blow-me-down Brook, and devoted … Read more

Horace L. Bartlett

8. HORACE L.4 BARTLETT (John3, Nathaniel2, Samuel1,) was b. Sept. 21, 1822; m. May 28, 1845, Cornelia A. Weld of Cornish, dau. of Peleg and Patty (Foster) Weld, b. April 15, 1823; and d. May 12, 1861. Lived in Bridgewater, Vt. He d. April 16, 1860, by accident while logging. Children: i. RODNEY J., b. July 29: 1846. In trade at Claremont. ii. EBEN P., b. May 15, 1855. A farmer; m. and lives in Bridgewater, Vt.

Joseph Kenyon

JOSEPH2-1 KENYON was b. March 15, 1761; m. Hepsediah Parker. Remained on the homestead and good authority says they had sixteen children, but several of their names, together with the dates of birth, marriage and death of many of the family cannot be found, therefore the order of the eleven children as given may not be correct. He d. April 11, 1842. children, as far as ascertained: 1. MARY, b. —— ; m. first, Jan. 10, 1805, Jesse Lombard in Windsor, Vt.; m. second, —— Cleveland. 2. JOSEPH, JR., b. ; m. Sarah Palmer. Six children. He was drum major … Read more

Biography of William Hall

William Hall, a retired merchant of Plainfield, was born in Cornish, N.H., February 28, 1846, son of Israel and Elizabeth D. (Demming) Hall. He is a descendant of Willis Hall. His grandfather, Jonathan Hall, who was a native of Connecticut, was the first of the family to ascend the river for the purpose of settling. Jonathan, who was an extensive farmer, married Mercy Cady; and his children were: Israel, Sophia, Alfred, and Susan, all of whom were born in Windsor, Vt. Sophia married Sullivan Blood, of Windsor, and with her husband made the journey from Vermont to Missouri by horse … Read more

Daniel Cole

2. DANIEL3 COLE (Ebenezer2, Ephraim1) was b. in Plainfield, Conn., Sept. 19, 1755: m. Feb. 23, 1783, Edith Wilbur of R. I., b. June 15, 1760, and d. July 19, 1850. He served in the Revolutionary War, was in the battles of Trenton and Bemis Heights. Removed to Plainfield in 1784 where he d. June 20, 1842. Children, all b. in Plainfield:     i. ENOS, b. Sept. 18, 1784. 4. ii. STEPHEN, b. Oct. 17, 1787.     iii. WHEELER, b. Oct. 6, 1789; m. -, a Mr. Dyer. 5. iv. DANIEL, b. Dec. 16, 1792.     v. HANNAH, b. Feb. … Read more

Biography of William E. Chadbourne

William E. Chadbourne, a prominent resident of Cornish, was born here, July 31, 1823. His grandfather, William Chadbourne, who was born in Maine, had six children-Humphrey, Jabez, William, Thomas, Benjamin, and Electa. Humphrey married Abbie Peck, and had three children. Jabez went to Canada, where he married and died. William, who was an extensive farmer in Canada, had a large family. Thomas was a butcher in Salem, Mass., and died there. Electa, now deceased, married Mr. Cross, of Canada. Benjamin Chadbourne, the father of William E., was born at Moultonboro, N.H., January 28, 1792. He was prominent in town affairs, … Read more

Levi Chapman

LEVI6 CHAPMAN (Joseph5, Benjamin4, Samuel3-2, Edward1) was b. Sept. 13, 1795; m. Nov. 12, 1833, Alice Squires of Cornish, dau. of Justus and Peggy (Mason) Squires, b. July 30, 1813, and d. Jan. 1, 1889. He was a farmer. He d. March 9, 1872. Children: 1. ALICE M., b. July 20, 1834; d. Oct. 4, 1834. 2. LEVI LINCOLN, b. Aug. 30, 1835. 3. MARTHA E., b. Feb. 15,1837; m. , Cheney. Shed. April 6, 1889. 4. HELEN E., b. March 9, 1838; d. May 20, 1858. 5. EDWARD F., b. March 4, 1840; d. Oct. 16, 1865. 6. ISABEL … Read more

Louis T. Chase

11. LOUIS T.7 CHASE (Jacob6, Joseph5, Caleb4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla) was b. Nov. 15, 1827. He was a farmer and always lived on the homestead. Was one of the selectmen for several years. He m. Dec. 25, 1858, Mary S. Smith, adopted dau. of Lyman and Aurilla Smith, b. Feb. 28, 1836, and d. June 26, 1892. He d. Aug. 16, 1876. Children, all b. in town: i. DORA A., b. Sept. 7, 1859; in. Dec. 25, 1876, Frank L. Johnson of Cornish. One child. (See Johnson.) ii. LIZZIE M., b. April 3, 1866; d. unm. Dec. 12, 1887. iii. … Read more

Stephen Chase

4. STEPHEN5 CHASE (Caleb4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla) was b. April 26, 1763; m. , Betsey Batchelder. They lived in Keene. He d. April 6, 1930. Shed. April 12, 1850, aged 83. Children: i. CALEB, b. Jan. 29, 1789; d. single, aged 26, April 7, 1814. ii. STEPHEN, JR., b. March 19, 1791. Was killed by a falling tree June S, 1797. iii. BETSEY, b. April 20, 1793; m. -, Ruel Blake. iv. BELA, b. Dec. 2, 1795; m. first, Eliza Abbott; m. second, Edee White. He d. Jan. 31, 868. v. STEPHEN, 2D, b. July 18, 1798; m. Louisa Dickinson. … Read more

Biography of Rewell J. Ellis

Rewell J. Ellis, a well-known Grand Army man and a prominent farmer of Cornish, was born at Brandon, Vt., September 5, 1840, son of Seneca and Aurilla (Bagley) Ellis. His grandfather was John Ellis, who married Margaret Holt, and was the father of Seneca and William Ellis. William, who was born at Shoreham, Vt., went West a number of years ago, and has not since been heard from. The family do not know whether he is living or not. Seneca Ellis was born at sea, July 26, 1809. He was educated in the schools at Brandon, Vt., and subsequently followed … Read more

Benjamin Chesman Clark

BENJAMIN CHESMAN CLARK, a son of Samuel and Bathsheba Clark was b. in Plainfield Sept. 22, 1814; m. March 25, 1841, Maria Pratt Bugbee, dau. of Reuben and Lydia (Marsh) Bugbee, b. April 12, 1817; d. Auburn, R. I., Jan. 22, 1905. They came to town soon after their marriage and settled one-third mile south of the Flat, lived here until 1868, when they rem. to Reading (?), Mass. He d. July 7, 1888. A farmer and generally useful man. Children: i. ANGELINA MARIA, b. July 15, 1843; d. May 22, 1846. ii. FLORINDA MARIA, b. June 11. 1847. Graduated … Read more

Samuel Bartlett

Among the tombstone records of Cornish is that of Dea. John Bartlett, who was b. in 1727, and d. June 8, 1797. By his side are the remains of his wife, Jemima Downer, who was b. in 1732, and d. aug. 17, 1818. The records also show that during the early years of the town Mr. Bartlett was a prominent man. as his name frequently appears among town affairs. Unfortunately the genealogist has been unable to determine who his posterity have been, yet by the census of 1790 it is shown that he then had two sons over sixteen years … Read more

Frank H. Weld

FRANK H.9 WELD (Henry A.8, Willard7, John6, Moses5, John4, Joseph3, John2, Joseph1) was b. Feb. 19, 1853; m. first, Oct. 23, 1877, Julia E. Bartlett of Cornish, dau. of Edwin P. and Emeline (Wood) Bartlett, b. Nov. 19, 1855; and d. Sept. 4, 1884; m. second, March 24, 1886, Ada H. Hilliard of Cornish, dau. of Joseph and Mary (Bryant) Hilliard, b. July 22, 1855. Children: one by each wife, and b. in Cornish: 1. ANA E., b. June 3, 1882; m. March 7,1905, Oscar Lewis of Randolph, Vt. 2. HENRY HILLIARD, b. Feb. 21, 1892.

Dudley Chase

3. DUDLEY5 CHASE (Samuel4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla1) b. Aug. 29, 1730, in Sutton, Mass.; m. Aug. 23, 1753, Alice Corbett of Mendon, Mass., b. in 1732. If the honor of being the first settler in Cornish belongs to any one individual more than another it would seem that Dea. Dudley Chase can claim it. At the age of 35, in the strength of manhood and possessed of the spirit of enterprise and a desire to provide ample means for his already numerous family, he, with others, was the first to make a clearing in the wilds of Cornish. (See Settlement … Read more

Samuel Chase

6. SAMUEL5 CHASE (Samuel4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla1), usually known as Samuel, 3d, was b. in 1754; m. first, Nov. 12, 1772, Elizabeth Leet, b. in 1750, and d. March 24, 1781, in Claremont; m. second, Sept. 20, 1781, Damaris Sabin, b. in 1749, and d. Sept. 9, 825, aged 76. He d. Oct. 1835. aged 84. “One of the first settlers in town and a soldier of the Revolution.” (Inscription on tombstone.) Children by Elizabeth Lect: i. MARY, b. Aug. 16, 1773: m. Feb. 27, 1791, William Leslie. Three children. (See Leslie.) She d. June 28, 1797, aged nearly 24. … Read more

Harvey Chase

9. HARVEY5 CHASE (Moses4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla1) was b. Nov. 13, 1778; m. -, Eunice, dau. of J. M. Dana, Esq., b. May 20, 1783, and d. Jan. 8; 1823, aged 40. He was a lawyer and practiced his profession chiefly in Cornish and Windsor, Vt. He d. Feb. 18, 1857. Children: i. ALFRED, b. Oct. 16. 1811. Commenced a course of study at Kimball Union Academy, and d. Sept. 28, 826. ii. ISRAEL PUTNAM, b. May 28,1815; d. June 17, 1816. iii. POLLY DANA, b. Feb. 18, 88; d. June -, 837, aged 19. iv. CATHARINE, b. -, 1819, … Read more

Daniel Atwood

DANIEL4 ATWOOD (Joshua3-2, John1) b. in Pelham Aug. 26, 1800; m. Oct. 26, 1831, Sally L. Goward, dau. of Isaac and Abigail (Lothrop) Goward, b. Dec. 14, 1808, in Croydon. They res. in Cornish many years then rem. to Acton, Mass., where he d. April 15, 1862. She d. Sept. 5, 1890. Children, all b. in Cornish: 1. LOUISA M., b. Aug. 6, 1832; m. Dec. 14, 1854, Henry Barker. Res., So. Acton, Mass. Two sons and five daus. 2. NEWELL S., b. Aug. 17,1834. When young he went with a party of gold seekers from Cornish to Cal. in … Read more