Clement Chase
8. CLEMENT4 CHASE (Moses4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla1) was b. July 4, 1776. A farmer and always lived in Cornish. Was a dea. many years in the Congregational Church and was well known for his rigid probity of character, also for his liberality and hospitality. He m. first, in 1798, Lucy Murray of Litchfield, Conn., b. in 1778, d. Aug. 18, 1814; m. second, -, 1815, Olive Spaulding of Plainfield, dau. of Dea. Champion Spaulding, b. Feb. 29, 1790, d. May 11, 1825; in. third, -, Prudence Andrews, b. Aug. 31, 1759, d. July 18, 1863. He d. June 6, 1867, … Read more