Clement Chase

8. CLEMENT4 CHASE (Moses4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla1) was b. July 4, 1776. A farmer and always lived in Cornish. Was a dea. many years in the Congregational Church and was well known for his rigid probity of character, also for his liberality and hospitality. He m. first, in 1798, Lucy Murray of Litchfield, Conn., b. in 1778, d. Aug. 18, 1814; m. second, -, 1815, Olive Spaulding of Plainfield, dau. of Dea. Champion Spaulding, b. Feb. 29, 1790, d. May 11, 1825; in. third, -, Prudence Andrews, b. Aug. 31, 1759, d. July 18, 1863. He d. June 6, 1867, … Read more

Edmund Hooker Cobb

3. EDMUND HOOKER8 COBB (Francis7-6, Ebenezer5-4-3, John2, Henry1) b. -Nov. 25. 1822; m. April 10. 1851, Hannah Penniman of Cornish, b. Nov. 26, 1824, in Hartland, Vt., dau. of Amos and Polly (Mace) Penniman. For some years they res. on the old homestead in Cornish and then rem. to East Plainfield. He d. July 27. 1909. Children: i. LUCIEN EDMUND, b. Dec. 24, 1851; m. Aug. 2, 1874, Clara Tolbot. ii. CARLOS EUGENE, b. Nov. 16. 1853; d. March 1, 1855. iii. ELSIE VELONA, b. July 20, 1855; m. Oct. 9, 1875, Chas. H. Stickney, in Springfield, Vt., where they … Read more

Biography of Stephen Alden Tracy

Stephen Alden Tracy, a well-known resident of Cornish, was born here, October 31, 1833, son of Stephen and Sarah (Alden) Tracy. The family is one of the oldest in this country, and traces its descent to Lieutenant Thomas Tracy, who came from England in 1636 and settled in Connecticut. Lieutenant Tracy was son of Nathaniel and grandson of Richard Tracy, of Stanway, England. Nathaniel’s eldest brother was made a baronet by King James I. on June 29, 1611, being the thirteenth of the order created by James. The Tracy coat of arms, in the possession of the family, shows the … Read more

Merrill Coburn

6. MERRILL3 COBURN (Richard2, Merrill1) was b. Feb. 12. 1820, a twin brother of Mitchell; m. Nov. 9. 1847, Susan S. Fellows of Cornish, dau. of John and Temperance (York) Fellows, b. Aug. 14, 1821, and d. March 12, 1905, in Reading, Vt. He d. July 5, 1882. Children: i. A child, b. and d. same day, July 9, 1849. ii. JOHN M., b. Dec. 9, 1850; d. Feb. 10, 1852, iii. ELLEN A., b. Oct. 2, 1853: d. July, 1882. iv. RICHARD P.. b. Oct. 2. 1855. v. FRANK F., b. Feb. 11. 1860: d. March 3. 1860. vi. … Read more

Thomas Arnold Allen

THOMAS ARNOLD ALLEN was b. March 23,1823; m. Lydia N. Dunbar, who was b. June 7, 1828, and d. March 1, 1905. Mr. Allen d. Jan. 10, 1900. They always lived in town, spending their last years on the Flat. They had one child: 1. Clara, b. March 25, 1863. She m. Liberty Kempton and by him had a dau.: A. Lena, who m. Austin Huggins.

John Franklin Chase

15. JOHN FRANKLIN7 CHASE (Bela6, Solomon5, Samuel4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla1) was b. -, 1813; m. -, Mary Cummings, dau. of Amos P. Cummings, b. July 3, 1806, and d. Oct. 15, 1867. He was a general mechanic. He built the house at the junction of brooks, since used as a parsonage for the Methodist Church. He rem. for a short time to Munroe, Ashtabula Co., O., but his health failing he returned east to Windsor, Vt., where he d. March 10, 1849. His wid. afterwards, Aug. 24, 1851, m. Geo. W. Townsend. Children: i. MARY ELIZABETH, b. Sept. 8, 1834, … Read more

Thomas Chase

THOMAS5 CHASE (Wells4, Moses3-2, Aquilla1) was b. in Amesbury, Mass., May 14, 1735. Went first to Chester, where he in. in 1758, Mary Hall, dau. of Henry Hall, and afterwards settled in Salisbury. After a few years, in 1768, he and family came and settled in Cornish, and a part of their children were b. here. After some years he returned to Salisbury, where he d. in 1807. The first seven children were b. in Salisbury and the rest in Cornish: i. TIMOTHY, b. Jan. 22, 1758, and d. in Cornish July 5, 177 ii. MOSES, b. March 23, 1759. … Read more

Benjamin Ayers

BENJAMIN3 AYERS (Thomas2, John1) b. Feb. 11, 1803; m. first, April 5, 1831, Betsey Alden, dau. of Jesse and Sarah (Rice) Alden, b. July 31, 1805, d. March 21, 1832; m. second, Sept. 19, 1832, Hannah Alden, a twin sister of former wife, d. Sept. 28, 1836; m. third, Jan. 1, 1837, Louisa Bradley, dau. of Isaiah and Mary (Dustin) Bradley, b. June 26, 1802, d. Oct. 20, 1881, aged 79. He d. May 3, 1888, aged 85. Child by Betsey Alden: 1. ELIZABETH ALDEN, b. March 19, 1832; m. May 20, 1863, Albert Winson Rex, b. in Royalton, Vt., … Read more

Benjamin Comings

3. BENJAMIN6 COMINGS (Samuel5, John4-3-2, Isaac1) a brother of Samuel, b. March 28, 1755, in Westford, Mass.; m. Sept. 5, 1776, Mary Cooper, dau. of Dea. John and Mary (Sherman) Cooper, b. at Hardwick, Mass., July 20, 1753. Dea. Cooper moved from Hardwick to Cornish in 1769; and the next year to Croydon. Mary Cooper, his wife, was own cousin to Roger Sherman, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Col. Benjamin Comings bought land and located in the unbroken forest 21, miles northeast of the Comings mills, built a log house, and set about clearing the land … Read more

Joseph Kenyon

JOSEPH2-1 KENYON was b. March 15, 1761; m. Hepsediah Parker. Remained on the homestead and good authority says they had sixteen children, but several of their names, together with the dates of birth, marriage and death of many of the family cannot be found, therefore the order of the eleven children as given may not be correct. He d. April 11, 1842. children, as far as ascertained: 1. MARY, b. —— ; m. first, Jan. 10, 1805, Jesse Lombard in Windsor, Vt.; m. second, —— Cleveland. 2. JOSEPH, JR., b. ; m. Sarah Palmer. Six children. He was drum major … Read more

Hiram Bartlett

7. HIRAM D.4 BARTLETT (John3, Nathaniel2, Samuel1) was b. Nov. 12, 1817; m. Feb., 1843, Sarah Ann Fellows of Cornish, dau. of John and Temperance (York) Fellows, b. Feb. 29, 1825, and d. May 9, 1896. Mr. Bartlett was a celebrated tenor drummer. He d. May 7, 1887. Children, all b. in Cornish: i. ELLA M., b. April 26, 1845; m. Sept. 25, 1862, George E. Hilliard of Cornish. One child. (See Hilliard.) ii. JOHN, b. Feb. 28, 1849. Leaving home at 17, he first served as prison guard at Windsor, Vt., two and one half years, then learned the … Read more

John Nelson Kenyon

JOHN NELSON3 KENYON (Mumford2, Joseph1) was b. in 1807; m. Mary Fortune, b. in 1808, and d. in Cornish July 18, 1865. He d. Nov. 1, 1864. The order and dates of birth of their children are uncertain: 1. GEORGE A., b. in 1828. He d. unm. April 27, 1858. 2. CHARLES N., b. Jan. 16, 1831. 3. MARY, d. in Lowell, Mass. 4. JOHN S., Soon after he became of age, he left home and town for parts unknown, and his relatives have never heard from him. 5. MYRA A., b. -; m. Henry Hall of Lebanon. Three children: … Read more

Daniel Atwood

DANIEL4 ATWOOD (Joshua3-2, John1) b. in Pelham Aug. 26, 1800; m. Oct. 26, 1831, Sally L. Goward, dau. of Isaac and Abigail (Lothrop) Goward, b. Dec. 14, 1808, in Croydon. They res. in Cornish many years then rem. to Acton, Mass., where he d. April 15, 1862. She d. Sept. 5, 1890. Children, all b. in Cornish: 1. LOUISA M., b. Aug. 6, 1832; m. Dec. 14, 1854, Henry Barker. Res., So. Acton, Mass. Two sons and five daus. 2. NEWELL S., b. Aug. 17,1834. When young he went with a party of gold seekers from Cornish to Cal. in … Read more

Daniel Haskell

DANIEL HASKELL m. Feb. 9, 1779, Elizabeth Putnam of Cornish, dau. of Daniel and Anna (Chase) Putnam, b. July 15, 1762, and had the following children b. in town: 1. CORNELIA, b. Nov. 11, 1779. 2. DANIEL C., b. July 3, 1781. After the birth of these two children, the family probably left town, as all further record of it is lost.

Jacob Chase

9. JACOB6 CHASE (Joseph5, Caleb4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla1) was b. March 20, 1799; m. Oct. 27, 1825, Sarah Tinkham of -, b. Sept. 25, 1793, and d. Aug. 1, 1972. He d. March 10, 1852. He was a farmer and lived in the western part of the town. Children, all b. in town: i. FREDERIC J., b. Sept. 30, 1826; d. in 1903. 11. ii. LEWIS T., b. Nov. 15, 1827. iii. LAURA S., b. June 10, 1829; m. April 24, 1877, Rev. John A. Parker. Lived in Keene (?). Shed. July 17, 1903. Had no children. iv. MARY J., … Read more

Isaac C. Kenyon

ISAAC C.3 KENYON (Joseph2-1) was b. 1816; m. May 20, 1846, Eliza Emeline Bartlett of Cornish, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah (Johnson) Bartlett, b. Jan. 8, 1826. Mr. Kenyon d. Aug. 15, 1857. His wid. afterwards, in 1860, m. Alpheus Baldwin, a son of Dr. Eleazer Baldwin of Strafford, Vt. She d. Oct. 10, 1895. She left one son by first husband: Clarence N. Kenyon, a successful merchant in Barre, Vt., b. Jan. 10, 1856, and m. Dec. 27, 1876, Hattie M. Jenness. Have had two children. The sons of Joseph Kenyon were celebrated for their musical talents, especially that … Read more

Dudley Chase

3. DUDLEY5 CHASE (Samuel4, Daniel3, Moses2, Aquilla1) b. Aug. 29, 1730, in Sutton, Mass.; m. Aug. 23, 1753, Alice Corbett of Mendon, Mass., b. in 1732. If the honor of being the first settler in Cornish belongs to any one individual more than another it would seem that Dea. Dudley Chase can claim it. At the age of 35, in the strength of manhood and possessed of the spirit of enterprise and a desire to provide ample means for his already numerous family, he, with others, was the first to make a clearing in the wilds of Cornish. (See Settlement … Read more

Frank Holbrook Cole

7. FRANK HOLBROOK5 COLE (Stephen4, Daniel3, Ebenezer2, Ephraim1) was b. Oct. 14, 1816; was the son of Dr. Stephen and Joa (Holbrook) Cole; m. Jan. 17, 1849, Julia C. Persons, b. March 30, 1829. Children, now living in Peru, N. Y.:     i. JENNIE E., b. Nov. 20, 1849; m. Oct. 4, 1880, Clifton Dawson.     ii. FRANK H., JR., b. Dec. 1, 1851; d. July 17, 1870.     iii. LUCY ELLEN, b. Dec. 17, 1853; m. May 4, 1880, Joseph Lapham.

Edwin T. Ayers

EDWIN T.4 AYERS (Levi3, Thomas2, John1) b. Feb. 17, 1831. A farmer who lived near Claremont town line, by the “Red School House” and Creamery Station; m. April 16, 1857, Julia A. Freeman, dau. Of Forest and Nancy (Penniman) Freeman, b. Oct. 12, 1837. Mr. Ayers d. May 11, 1893. One child, b. in Cornish: 1. JULIA ETTA, b. May 26, 1858; m. May 13, 1886, Frank W. True of Plainfield, where they res. No children.

Andrew Comings

6. ANDREW7 COMINGS (Samuel6-5, John4-3-2, Isaac1) b. Oct. 9, 1776. Worked in his father’s mill from the age of fourteen till he was twenty-four, when he built a brick cottage house on a farm a mile east from his birthplace, where he spent most of his life. Beside farming, he worked at the carpenter’s trade. Built the Catholic Church at West Claremont and the Methodist Episcopal Church in Cornish and other buildings. He m. first, May 29, 1800, Lydia Jackson, dau. of Benjamin and Lydia (Peck) Jackson, b. May 27, 1773, in R. I. She d. May 13, 1849, aged … Read more