Biography of Jay A. Kellogg

JAY A. KELLOGG. – This gentleman is a native of Illinois, where he was born in Boone county, February 21, 1851. He is a son of Eli D. Kellogg. His mother’s maiden name was Margaret J. Passage. When he was eight years old, the family crossed the plains to California and settled at Weaverville in that state. He there received the rudiments of his education at the public school, and continued his studies at St. Joseph College in Humboldt county. After a residence of ten years in Weaverville, Mr. Kellogg engaged in the lumber business in Humboldt county. In the … Read more

Biography of Hon. Charles T. Stiles

HON. CHARLES T. STILES. – One who has enjoyed the advantages of education, and has been the recipient of wealth left him by fond and indulgent parents, is surely worthy of the encomiums due to success thereby attained. but how much more so is the one who, without this pedestal of fame and fortune, attains an equal eminence by his own un-aided exertions. As an example of this latter career, there was none more notable than the gentleman whose name appears above, whose late untimely demise has removed from the scene of activity one of our most valuable and honored … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alfred H. Weatherford

ALFRED H. WEATHERFORD. – This representative citizen of Columbia county was born on a farm in Missouri in 1853. While but a child he suffered the loss of his father and mother. At the early age of thirteen he began life for himself. Hs first venture was in working on a farm at seventy-five cents per day. In 1868 he emigrated to California and worked on a farm for wages, until two years later he came to Washington and bought a ranch on the stream euphoniously termed Whiskey creek, and in 1872 formed a home, marrying Miss Allie M. Baldwin. … Read more

Biography of A. C. Campbell

A.C. CAMPBELL. – The respect Mr. Campbell commands in his community as a man of honesty and integrity, and as one who has acquired a very enviable competency by hard knocks and straightforward dealings, reminds one of Longfellow’s famous blacksmith; but, although Mr. Campbell has for years upon years listened to the “measured beat and slow’ of his hammer on the anvil, he no longer appears with leathern apron and bare, brown arms, because he is now settled down in a comfortable home, and in the midst of his loving family living happily by other and less arduous pursuits than … Read more

Columbia County, Washington Cemetery Records

Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted At Columbia County, Washington Tombstone Transcription Project) Bundy Hollow (Mt. Pleasant View) Cemetery Covello (Evergreen) Cemetery Highland Cemetery Huntsville (Bicklehaupt Hill) Cemetery Marengo Cemetery Pioneer Memorial (Newland) Cemetery Smith Hollow Cemetery Starbuck Cemetery Turner (Berry Evans) Cemetery Following Cemeteries (hosted at Interment) Bundy Hollow Cemetery Covello (Evergreen) Cemetery Dayton Cemetery Highland Cemetery Huntsville Cemetery Marengo Cemetery Pioneer Cemetery Smith Hollow Cemetery Starbuck Cemetery Turner (Berry Evans) Cemetery  

Biography of Thomas H. Crawford

THOMAS H. CRAWFORD. – While Union county enjoys especial favor in possesing a large, well informed, and enterprising class of citizens who fill the walks of the industrial and professional callings she is to be congratulated in having such substantial, broad minded and capable devotees of the legal profession. Prominent in this number, and deserving of a large share of honor for his faithful and successful labors in the courts and in the manipulation of the affairs of the county, and also in a measure of the state politics wherein he has bestowed much care and thought for the welfare … Read more

Kenworthy, Leonard Francis – Obituary

Baker City, Baker County, Oregon Leonard Francis Kenworthy, 75, of Baker City, died March 31, 2006, at the Boise Veterans Hospital after a difficult battle with cancer. A celebration of his life and tribute to him was at 2 p.m. today at the Eagles Lodge. There was a reception afterward at the Eagles Lodge. He was born on Sept. 15, 1930, at Huntsville, Wash., to Arzy and Ethyl Williams Kenworthy. He was the youngest of seven children. Later his family moved to North Powder where he graduated from high school in 1948. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1948 … Read more

Jaensch, Joseph William – Obituary

Joseph William Jaensch was born on September 11, 1917 in Eatonville, Columbia County, Washington. He was born to Charles Franklin Jaensch Sr. and Josephine (Reichmuth) Jaensch. When he was a youngster the Jaensch family moved to Enterprise (Alder Slope) where he grew up and attended school until WWII when he joined the Army Air Force and flew B-24 bombers. He was in training at Marfa, Texas when he met his future wife, Irene. After the war was over he lived in El Paso, Texas as this was where Irene’s family was from. Mr. Jaensch passed away March 18, 1953 as … Read more

Biography of David Greiner

DAVID GREINER. – Although the subject of this sketch has not been a resident of this county so long as some, still he is one of the doughty and intrepid pioneers of the adjacent state, having pressed into the unbroken regions of the west in early times, and he has ever wrought for the advancement of the country where he has dwelt, manifesting true wisdom and stanch integrity and faithfulness in all of his endeavors,which have won for him esteem and respect throughout his large acquaintance. Mr. Greiner was born in Ashland county, Ohio, on May 7, 1837, to Martin … Read more

Biography of Hon. Robert F. Sturdevant

HON. ROBERT F. STURDEVANT. – Mr. Sturdevant is known as the pioneer lawyer of Dayton, Washington, and is one of its most enterprising citizens. His birthplace was Warren county, Pennsylvania; and the date was November 18, 1841. About eighteen months after that important event in his history, his parents moved to Iowa, and settled in Lee county. There they remained until 1854, when they removed to Clark county, Wisconsin. There Robert attended school, and in 1860 began the study of law. He was engaged in professional study and practice till 1873, when, in company with his father and mother and … Read more

Biography of Robert C. Mays

ROBERT C. MAYS. – The well-known and capable business man, whose name appears at the head of this article, is one of the most widely known men of Union, and Wallowa counties, and is at the present time handling a large business as warehouseman at Elgin, where he is numbered among the leading residents of that thriving city, and he has made a record in this section that is both crowned with gratifying success from a financial standpoint, and wherein he has maintained a representation that is untarnished and displayed talents that properly place him among the real leaders in … Read more

Biography of Marcellus Marcus Pietrzycki, M.D.

MARCELLUS MARCUS PIETRZYCKI, M.D. – Doctor Pietrzycki, the well-known surgeon, was born April 25, 1843, in Horodyszeze, Sambor District, Galicia, Austria, and was educated as an apothecary and chemist. He came to the United States in 1866, before the Austro-Prussian war. He engaged, soon after his arrival in the United States, as assistant and prescription clerk with Doctor Arnold of Hazelton, Pennsylvania, who had a very extensive coal-mining practice, and remained with him for one year studying medicine. He emigrated to California in the fall of 1867, and settled in San Francisco, receiving the appointment as an apothecary in the … Read more

Biography of Henry Martyn Chase

HENRY MARTYN CHASE. – This gentleman was born March 28, 1831, in Philadelphia, from whence he moved to Newburyport, Massachusetts, in 1844. He is a descendant of Aquila Chase, one of the early settlers of Newburyport, Massachusetts, and also directly descended from the famous Hannah Dustin, who killed her Indian captors in the Indian war of 1689. Mr. Chase sailed from Boston for California January 11, 1849, in the brig Forest, and arrived in San Francisco July 6th of the same year. He earned his first money there by painting a ship. In August, 1849, he sailed for Oregon in … Read more

Biography of Hon. Elisha Ping

HON. ELISHA PING. – In this kindly face we see another of the honored pioneers of the Pacific Northwest. Born in Pulaski county, Kentucky, March 13, 1819, Mr. Ping’s early years were spent in the chase after the fascinating phantom of “Out West” which lured so many of our best people to these pleasant shores. His early years were spent in Illinois and Indiana. In the latter state he was married in 1840 to Miss Lucretia Kuykendall. She died in December,1863. In 1851, Mr. Ping, with his young family, went to Wisconsin; but they still yearned for the “Westmost West,” … Read more

Harmon, Millie E. Stimmell Mrs. – Obituary

Millie E. Harmon, 81, a resident of Wallowa county since 1917, died at Wallowa County Nursing Home on Saturday, May 16, 1983. The daughter of Daniel and Hattie Kirby Stimmell, she was born in Huntsville, Washington, on December 15, 1901. On June 8, 1917, she was married to Asa Harmon in Enterprise. He preceded her in death on October 12, 1939. Survivors include one son, Grant Harmon of Hermiston; two daughters, Mrs. Don (Vadna) Norton of Imnaha and Viola Chenoweth of Dayton, Washington; one sister, Minnie Blize of Milet, Alberta Canada; seven grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren, one great-great-grandchild. Graveside services where … Read more