Biographical Sketch of James M. Miller

James M. Miller, dealer in dry goods, boots and shoes, clothing and furnishing goods, Charleston; has been a citizen and merchant of Charleston for more than forty years, being the oldest merchant now doing business in the city; he was born in Spencer Co., Ky., Aug. 29, 1814; he is a son of John H. and Jane Miller, the former a native of Virginia, and the latter of Pennsylvania; he was raised on a farm and followed the occupation of farming until 1838, when he came to Charleston and engaged in general merchandising, having visited the State and purchased land … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John G. Crawford

John G. Crawford, farmer and stock-raiser; P.O. Oakland; born in Morgan Co., Ind., Aug. 10, 1837, where he attended school in winter and was engaged in farming in summer until he was 23 years of age, when, in the spring of 1860, he removed to Illinois, locating in Douglas Co., where he engaged in farming until 1865, when he returned to his native home, remaining there two years; then coming West again, he continued farming nearly two years in Douglas Co., when in 1869, he removed to Oakland and erected a fine residence where he now lives; he also owns … Read more

Biography of T. J. March, Sr.

T. J. March, Sr., dealer in furniture, Charleston; was born in Baltimore, Md., March 22, 1807; he is the only son of John and Eliza March; losing his father in early childhood, he was very early in life thrown upon his own resources; at the age of 8 years, he was placed in a tailor shop, where he was put to ripping up old clothes, after which he worked successively for a tobacconist in stripping tobacco, in a chair-factory, learning to bottom chairs, and in a sieve-factory. In his 15th year, he began learning the house-joiner’s trade, and on becoming … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Henderson

William Henderson, blacksmith, Oakland; born in Gurnsey Co., Ohio, Sept 25, 1831, where he learned and worked at the blacksmith trade until the fall of 1858, When he emigrated West and located in Lawrence Co., Ill., where he followed his trade until 1862, when he enlisted as a private in the 60th I. V. I., and went forward to battle for the Union; he served with his regiment one year, when he was detailed as blacksmith in the Quartermaster’s Department at Chattanooga, Tenn., where he remained until the fall of 1865, when he returned and worked at his trade at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. M. M. McConnell

W. M. M. McConnell, Charleston, of the firm of M. A. McConnell & Co., publishers of the Charleston. Plaindealer, was born on the 28th of August, 1855, in Cadiz, Harrison Co., Ohio; he is a son of James McConnell, of that city; he attended the public schools of his native town, graduating from the high school in 1872; he at once entered the office of the Cadiz Republican, to learn the printer’s trade, and, after completing his apprenticeship, remained in the office as a journeyman until he came to Charleston, in the spring of 1878, as one of the proprietors … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harvey B. Ashmore

Harvey B. Ashmore, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; was born in this township Nov. 1, 1849, being a son of Hezekiah J. and Elizabeth Ashmore. When about 15 years old, he engaged in mercantile business in Ashmore, in which he continued about two years. He then engaged in dealing in stock, which he has followed ever since. In 1871, he settled on his present farm adjoining the village of Ashmore, containing 510 acres of land, with fine improvements. He also owns another farm of 80 acres two and a half miles northwest of the village. Mr. Ashmore is largely … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James M. Bresee

James M. Bresee, farmer; P. O. Etna; is the son of Dorous and Fanny Bresee; was born in Cumberland Co., Ill., Jan. 30, 1847; moved to Coles Co. Feb. 12, 1870; is the owner of 120 acres of land valued at near five thousand dollars; was Road Overseer and School Director for ten years or more; was married to Sarah J. Stowers, of Coles Co., April 5, 1868. Names of children – boys: Bird E., born Nov. 18, 1875; girls: Minnie V., born Aug. 22, 1869; Lillie E., born Oct. 17, 1871; Hellen M., born March 1, 1873. Was in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Luther C. Mitchell

Luther C. Mitchell, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Charleston; a son -of James A. and Esther (Collom) Mitchell; was born in Washington Co., Tenn., June 2, 1830; in 1833, his father’s family removed to Charleston; he was raised on the farm, and at 19, started for himself; after farming two years, he made the trip to California, where he spent eight months in mining; going thence to Australia; there he remained seven years, and, returning in 1860, he resumed farming and dairying; he removed in 1871 to his present farm on Sec. 19, where he owns eighty acres of land. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Z. Robertson

Z. Robertson, farmer and mechanic, Mattoon; was born in Bourbon Co., Ky., Oct. 22, 1830; he obtained his education in the common schools of Paris, Ky.; his early life was passed upon the farm; at the age of 22 years, he left Kentucky and moved to Greenfield, Ind.; here he followed the trade of plastering for about six years; in the winter of 1858, he came to Illinois, and settled in Mattoon, where for a number of years he continued his trade, and that of farming; in 1865, he purchased and improved a farm of eighty acres, near the city; … Read more

Biography of Col. Thomas A. Marshall

Col. Thomas A. Marshall, deceased, late of Charleston; was a son of Hon. Thos A. Marshall, a prominent lawyer, and for more than twenty years Judge of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky; he was born in Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 4, 1817; in early childhood, he removed with his parents to Paris, Bourbon Co., Ky.; his opportunities for obtaining an education were excellent and were appreciated and improved by him; he early became a student in Transylvania University, and, in about 1833, entered Kenyon College, but near the close of the Junior year, he left College, and was employed for … Read more

Biography of Capt. William E. Adams

Capt. William E. Adams, attorney at law, Charleston; was born in Bedford Co., Tenn., Oct. 15, 1830, being the son of John J. and Martha (Gammell) Adams, who came to Coles Co. in December, 1830, settling in what is now Pleasant Grove Tp., on the farm where his father still resides; he made his home at his father’s until about 1855, when he engaged in buying and herding stock, and driving it to Wisconsin; he continued in this business until 1860. He was married in August, 1859, to Miss Olive A. Holton, of Blue Mounds, Wis., and has a family … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. E. Ray

S. E. Ray, dealer in dry and fancy goods, boots and shoes, etc., Charleston; was born near Montpelier, Vt., Aug. 5, 1833; in early childhood, he accompanied his parents to Geauga Co. (now Lake), Ohio; there, his father resided until his death, and his mother still resides there; at about the age of 20 years, Mr. Ray went to La Fayette, Ind., and engaged as a traveling salesman for Luce Brothers in the stationery business; and, after remaining with them four years, went to Chicago, and for about six years traveled for the well-known stationery house of Culver, Page, Hoyne … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. C. Doran

S. C. Doran, farming and stock; P. O. Mattoon; the subject of this sketch was born in Grayson Co., Ky., Dec. 12, 1827. He married Miss Eliza A. Wort-ham Nov. 5, 1850; she was born in the same place Nov. 18, 1830; they had ten children, seven living, viz., David W., Mary L., Edwin W., George M., Nannie A., Oscar J. and John H. He was born on his father’s farm, and moved to Hart Co., Ky., with his parents, in 1832, and lived there until 1854; he then went to Grayson Co., and engaged in farming; in 1860, he … Read more

Biography of Harrison Gill

It is fitting that in the biographies of the early settlers of the County some mention should be made of Harrison Gill, who entered among the first land here and lived near Camargo. The grandfather of Mr. Gill was born in Ireland. He came to America and settled m Virginia. His son, Samuel Cresswell Gill, r moved from Virginia to Kentucky and settled in Bath County. Here, on the Licking river, he built Gill’s mills, a noted point in that part of that state. He married Sarah Malone, by whom he had a large family of children, of whom Harrison … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Miller

John W. Miller, farmer and stock-dealer, Sec. 1; P. O. Charleston; owns 800 acres, worth $40 per acre; he was born in Trimble Co., Ky., March 13, 1825; he lived in Kentucky until 12 years of age; then emigrated to Coles Co., Ill.. where he lived with his father on the farm; engaged in farming until he married Rebecca A. Tremble, June 26, 1851; she was born in Harrison Co., Ind., July 15, 1828; the fruit of this marriage was eight children, five living and three dead; the names of the living are Cephas, Horana, Armantha, John and James; the … Read more

Biography of Jacob V. D. Annin

Jacob V. D. Annin, farmer, deceased; in the early part of the seventeenth century, there emigrated from their native land of Scotland, one John Annin, with his family, and settled in the beautiful State of New Jersey, where he erected a log house, in which he and his family lived for many years; and if it be asked, How came his lot to be cast in that fertile valley, far from the land of his birth? the answer is to be found in the terrible story of the religious persecutions that, in the latter part of the seventeenth, and the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank L. Bishop

Frank L. Bishop, proprietor of the Bee-Hive store, dealer in dry goods and notions, boots and shoes, etc. Charleston; was born in Mt. Vernon Co., Ohio, Nov. 20, 1846; he is a son of Stephen and Joanna (Bane) Bishop, and came with his father’s family to Coles Co., as stated in his fathers biography; he was engaged as a clerk for Mathews, Alexander & Co., in Charleston, for three years, after which he spent three years in La Fayette, Ind; he then engaged in general merchandising in Loving-ton, Ill., the firm being Dickson & Bishop; after remaining there three years, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Judge A. M. Peterson

Judge A. M. Peterson, attorney at law, Charleston; was born in Westmoreland Co., Penn., Jan. 15, 1825; leaving there in 1845, he went to Canton, Ohio, and began the study of medicine, attending a course of lectures at the Cleveland Medical College. He came to Illinois in 1849, and began practice as a physician in Edgar Co., and the following year removed to Newton, Jasper Co., Ill. On the 18th of April, the same year, he married Miss Nancy Whalen, of Edgar Co., a native of Nelson Co., Ky. The practice of medicine proving distasteful to him, and having a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Hamilton

James Hamilton, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Cook’s Mills; one of the early settlers; was born in Ohio, May 1, 1826: came to this State in 1852, and settled in Coles Co. in the same year. He was married Nov. 16, 1853, to Miss M. L. Hoskins, who was born in Illinois, July 12, 1831; they have seven children, viz., John R., William H., James L. (twins), David W., Albert G., Samuel L. and Margaret I. Their farm consists of 108 acres, valued at $3,500. Since Mr. Hamilton’s residence in the township he has held the office of Justice of … Read more

Biography of Watson Collins

Watson Collins, farmer deceased; one of the early pioneers of Coles Co.; born in North Carolina May 12, 1813, where he was raised to farming until 1831, when he emigrated with his father, Aaron Collins, and located upon Greasy Creek, Morgan Tp.; like most pioneers, the family were poor, and the subject of this sketch turned his attention to do what was in his power to the support of his father’s family; one occupation was getting out fence-rails at 25 cents per hundred; one season he worked at Vincennes, Ind., at $6 per month, the earnings being used for the … Read more