Biographical Sketch of J. Milton Curtiss

Curtiss, J. Milton; pres. The Curtiss-Ambler Realty Co.; born, Harrisville, Medina County, O., Feb. 26, 1840; educated in the district and city schools, Brooklyn Academy and Cleveland Institute, University Heights, now Lincoln Heights; taught district school one year; engaged in the nursery business for twenty years, helped to organize and was one of the first trustees of Brooklyn village; moved to Cleveland in 1868; member City Council, 1876 to 1883; appointed Park Commissioner by Mayor Herrick; served two years; for five years supt. Riverside Cemetery; pres. Riverside Cemetery Ass’n.

Biographical Sketch of Jeptha Homer Wade

Wade, Jeptha Homer; financier; born, Cleveland, Oct. 15, 1857; son of Randall P. and Anna R. McGaw Wade; educated, Cleveland private schools; A. M., Western Reserve University; married, Oct. 15, 1878, Miss Ellen Garrettson; issue, three children; Mr. Wade now makes his home in New York; chairman Board of Directors, Citizens Savings & Trust Co.; vice pres. The Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co.; interested in many banking, manufacturing and mining enterprises; a large holder of Cleveland real estate; a trustee of most of the leading educational and charitable institutions of the city, and a most generous supporter of these institutions.

Biographical Sketch of Alexander Printz

Printz, Alexander; merchant; born, Kassa, Hungary, Nov. 29, 1869; son of Moritz and Celia (Friedman) Printz; educated, public schools of Cleveland and preparatory school for Columbia School of Mines; married, Erie, Pa., Oct. 5, 1897, Almira Steele, of Chattanooga, Tenn.; at the age of 17, abandoned study, and became connected with D. Black & Co., as stock boy; then traveling salesman, until 1893, when he organized Printz-Biederman & Co., mnfrs. ladies’ coats and suits; firm incorporated in 1904, when he became pres.; employing over 1,000 people in the main factory in Cleveland; offices in New York, Chicago and St. Louis; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Olin Witmer Broadwell

Broadwell, Olin Witmer; attorney-at-law; born, Dalton, O., Feb. 14, 1855; son of Rev. John Sherman and Catherine S. Morrow Broadwell; educated, Baldwin University, Berea, O., graduating with the class of 1877, with the degree of B. S.; married, Cleveland, Jan. 5, 1882, Belle B. Brown; one son, Edwin Sherman Broadwell, and Mrs. Myrtle May Masters; served as special assistant prosecuting attorney for some time, under the administrations of Hon. W. B. Neff, Hon. T. L. Stremple and Hon. Harvey R. Keeler; admitted to the Bar, April 4, 1879, at Norwalk, O.; came to Cleveland in September, 1881, and became associated … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Alfred Bramley

Bramley, William Alfred; florist; born, Cleveland, Nov. 23, 1873; son of Charles and Sarah Kennedy Bramley; public school education; married, Cleveland, Nov. 23, 1898, Anna Marie Mann; four sons and one daughter; started in the florist business with his father, under the firm name of Charles Bramley & Son; in 1898, he purchased his father’s interest, and now conducts the business under the firm name of Bramley & Son; in 1908, greatly increased the capacity of the plant, now having 40,000 square feet under glass; the firm has the largest green houses in Cleveland, with all modern equipment; make a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles P. Salen

Salen, Charles P.; born, Portsmouth, N. H., Dec. 5, 1860; came to Cleveland, 1867, educated, public schools and Concordia College; with West Side Sentinel and other papers 18784881; city clerk, 1883 and 1887-1880; returned to newspaper work, and in 1890, appointed sec’y Board of Elections; served until 1893; resigned, and entered the porkpacking business until 1899, when appointed city auditor; in 1901, appointed director of public works; served until 1903; opened the parks to the people; elected county clerk, 1902; first Democrat ever elected to this office; re-elected in 1905; in 1904, elected delegateat-large to National Democratic Convention; interested in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. N. Jeavons

Jeavons, A. N.; japaning and decorating works; in 1875, his father, W. A. Jeavons, established a japaning and decorating works; in 1878, he joined with his father in the business; together they built up a business second to none of its kind in the country; in 1891, his father died, he has continued in the business and his motto has always been “Prompt Service and Satisfaction in All Dealings,” he does auto lamps, bicycle parts, and all kind of metal baked enameled and striped in any color.

Biographical Sketch of Horace Arthur Fuller

Fuller, Horace Arthur; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, Sept. 23, 1864; son of Samuel Augustus and Julia Clark Fuller; educated, Cleveland public schools, and one year Western Reserve University; married, Brooklyn, N. Y., April 14, 1886, Alice Tenney Ingersoll; issue, Antionette F., Pierrong and Marian Fuller; began business in January, 1883, with Condit, Fuller & Co.; this was a partnership; about two years later, entered the employ of The Union Rolling Mill Co.; in 1888, as asst. sec’y, in 1891, elected treas. and gen. mngr., and pres. in 1911; vice pres. of The Bourne-Fuller Co. in 1891; pres. since January, 1912; pres. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Brush Finch

Finch, Edward Brush; dealer in motor cars; born, Holly, Mich., Oct. 17, 1873; son of Nathaniel A. and Mary Hadley Finch; educated University of Michigan; married, Detroit, Mich., January, 1900, May Pruegs; issue, Edward B., Jr., William Roberts; member Michigan Naval Reserves and Michigan State Militia; 1900-1906, sec’y and treas. Pungs-Finch Auto & Gas Engine Co.; 1906-1908, asst. to factory mngr. and head of Technical Dept., Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich.; 1908-1910, head of Inspection and Service Divisions with The Chalmers Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich.; July, 1910, established business dealing in Chalmer Motor Cars in Cleveland; pres. American … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George A. Tinnerman

Tinnerman, George A.; banker; born, Hessen, Germany, April 10, 1845; emigrated with his parents to this country, in 1847, locating in Brooklyn, O., later in Lindale; three years later, removed to Cleveland, where he has resided ever since; educated, common schools, learned the tinner’s trade, and engaged in the hardware and stove business on Lorain St.; pres. The Lorain St. Savings Bank; owner The Tinnerman Range Work; manufacturing Ohio ranges.

Biographical Sketch of William Banks Rogers

Rogers, William Banks; clergyman; born at Cincinnati, Dec. 7, 1857; son of Joseph Hill and Mary Rose (Mcllvain) Rogers; academic and collegiate course St. Xavier’s College, 1869-1875; St. Stanislaus Seminary, Normal, Florissant, Mo., 1875-1879, Woodstock College, Maryland, philosophy, science, 1879-1881; Louvain, Belgium, metaphysics, ethics, 1881-1882; Woodstock College, theology, 1887-1891; taught English and classics, St. Ignatius College, Chicago, 1882-1884; St. Xavier’s College, Cincinnati, 1884-1887; ordained Roman Catholic priest, 1890; perfect studies, St. Xavier’s College, Cincinnati, 1891-1892, Marquette College, Milwaukee, 1893-1895, St. Louis University, 1896-1898; pres. Marquette College, 1898-1900, St. Louis University, 1900-1908; resigned February, 1908, on account of ill health; in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank J. Trunecek

Trunecek, Frank J.; sec’y and treas. The Electra Pure Water Co.; born, Bohemia, Oct. 5, 1869; son of John and Theresa Pinkas Trunecek; educated, High School in Prague; married, Cleveland, Oct. 5, 1891, Rose Cenec; issue, three children; sec’y and treas. The Electra Pure Water Co.; American representative Kratochvil and growers and importers Bohemian hops, Prague Saaz, pres. The Papa Cola Co.; member Svrrnost, No. 3, C. S. P. S., Knights Pythias, No. 317, Bohemian Turners Sokol Cech; member Cleveland Athletic, and Rotary Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Rudolph C. Koblitz

Koblitz, Rudolph C.; merchant; born, Austria, May 15, 1863; son of Moses and Julis Miller Koblitz; educated in Tabor, Austria, and Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Jan. 16, 1888, Tillie B. Smitz; one son, born Oct. 21, 1888, after attending school for three months, the English language was so hard to master in proportion to his advancement, that he became discouraged, and left school to learn cigar making, when 14 years old, he started in business for himself, and later broadened out into other lines; vice pres. The Koblitz-Kohn Co., real estate holdings; treas. The Euclid-Prospect Investment Co.; receiver The … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Butler Trescott

Trescott, Samuel Butler; salesman; born, Alliance, O., Jan. 26, 1842; son of Clark and Ann Butler Trescott; educated, Alliance High School, class 1859; married, Sept. 15, 1864, Elizabeth J. Crawford; issue, two sons, four daughters; Republican; served as school director; fifty years traveling salesman and sales manager, starting at the beginning of the profession; connected with Bancroft & Trescott; Trescott-Shook Co.; General Mdse. Co., and pres. Trescott Packing Co.; member I. O. O. F., and K. of P.

Biographical Sketch of Frank Ray Walker

Walker, Frank Ray; architect; born, Pittsfield, Mass., Sept. 29, 1877; son of Frank and Helen Theresa Rauous Walker; educated, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; post graduate work in design; pursued study of architecture in France and Italy, 1903-1904; Walker & Weeks, architects; member Cleveland Engineering Society, Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Chapter, American Institute, M. I. T., Alumni Ass ‘n, Northern Ohio; member Hermit, Athletic, M. I. T. Clubs, New York City; East End Tennis Club, Cleveland Y. M. C. A.

Biographical Sketch of Sylvester Liebenthal

Liebenthal, Sylvester; wholesale liquors; born, Cleveland, Nov. 13, 1873; son of Emanuel and Cordelia (Strauss) Liebenthal; educated, Brownell School, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Oct. 14, 1907, Maud Sloss; one son, born Oct. 17, 1911; worked for Wm. Edwards Co. for ten years; started in business in 1899; manager Liebenthal Bros. Co.; member Elks, Chamber of Commerce, Municipal Ass’n, and Excelsior Club. Fond of Equestrian exercises.

Biographical Sketch of Louis H. Hays

Hays, Louis H.; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, Jan. 24, 1874; son of Joseph and Rosetta Schwarzenberg Hays; educated, University School, and Cornell University, 1898; married, Cleveland, June 25, 1902, Jessie Feiss; issue, Robert J., born June 28, 1903, Marie F., born Jan. 13, 1907; in 1896, began business career with Charles Eisenman & Co.; remained two years; then joined Louis Roeheimer in the decorating business, The Roeheimer & Hays Studio; after seven years, sold interest to Mr. Roeheimer, and established The Federal Knitting Mills Co.; after two years, and upon the organization of Charles Eisenman & Co., into the K. & … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alexander S. Taylor

Taylor, Alexander S.; real estate operator; born, Cleveland, April 3, 1869; son Virgil C. and Marguerite M. Sacket Taylor; educated, public schools and Brooks Military Academy, graduating in 1888; married, Cincinnati, O., May 16, 1894, Clara Therse Law; issue, one son, Virgil Corydon Taylor, second; served five years in the Gatling Gun Battery; never held political office; in 1911, was tendered directorship of public works under Mayor Baehr, and has been under consideration as Republican nominee for mayor; in 1892, became member of firm of V. C. Taylor & Son; 1908, elected pres. of Cleveland Real Estate Board; 1910, elected … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank R. Harris

Harris, Frank R.; cigar merchant; born, Cleveland, April 14, 1860; son of Benj. F. and Ellen Hall Harris; educated in the grammar schools, and graduated from High School, in 1879; first marriage, in 1883, Miss Matie Parsons, who died in 1884; second marriage, in 1895, Miss Luella Engle; worked in the business dept. of the old Cleveland Herald; conducted cigar and tobacco business in Old Weddell House, in 1890-1892; since that date, at Hollenden Hotel, under firm name of Quinn & Harris; Democrat; has served eight years on the City Council; in the Sheriff’s office, 1887-1890; chapter Mason, Tyrian Lodge, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Oscar Haldy

Haldy, William Oscar; dentist; born, Cleveland, April 19, 1875; son of Frederick L. and Anna (Buschman) Haldy; D.D. S., Western Reserve University, 1S96; married, Columbus, Oct. 2, 1902, Emogene L. Peters; issue, one son and one daughter; served in Spanish-American War as quartermaster-sergeant, Battery A, 1st 0. V. A.; member Troop A, Cleveland, 13 years; pres. W. R. U. Dental Alumni Ass’n, 1899-1912; member Psi Omega (dental), United Spanish War Veterans, Veteran Ass ‘n, Troop A, K. of P., Rotary, Cleveland Athletic, and Highland Park Golf Clubs, National Dental Assn, National Dental Protective Ass’n. Recreations: Golf and Motoring.