Peffers, William Samuel – Obituary

William Samuel Peffers, 71, native Kittitas Valley resident died at Colville, Wash., Saturday, Oct. 8 [1960] while on a fishing and hunting trip. Peffers was born July 24, 1889 in Caribou Canyon and has spent almost his entire life in Ellensburg. He farmed in the Fairview District for many years and retired in 1951. For the past seven years he has made his home at 907 Columbia St. He was married to Faye Wall in Pleasant Valley, Iowa, May 29, 1931. Mrs. Peffers survives at the family home; two daughters are Mrs. Beverly Schell and Miss Wiladean Peffers, both of … Read more

Stephens, Bernard – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Bernard Stephens, 86, a long-time Baker City resident, died March 15, 2003, at a care facility. His funeral will be at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Pastor Ralph Holcomb will officiate. Visitations will be from noon until 5 p.m. today and from 9 a.m. until noon Wednesday at the funeral home. Military rites will be accorded by Oregon Army National Guard and Baker City Amvets, Post No. 1874. Vault interment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Bernard Francis Stephens was born July 12, 1916, in the old St. Elizabeth Hospital, to … Read more

Jacob, Lee Albert – Obituary

Services Today For Lee Albert Jacob Memorial services will be held this afternoon (Thursday) at 2 p.m. at the Bollman Chapel for Lee Albert Jacob who passed away Monday, June 29, 1970 at Wallowa County Nursing Home where he had been a resident since February of 1965. Rev. James E. Jones will officiate and Wanda Sorweide will be organist. Clifford Collinsworth, soloist, will sing: “Beyond the Sunset” and “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere” Casket bearers will be: Ferman Warnock, Lou Warnock, Donald Maxwell, Norman Lovell, Gene Arnold and Sam Loftus. Military committal service will be by Post 4307 VFW of Enterprise, … Read more

Marrs, John Whitney – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon John Whitney Marrs, 79, formerly of La Grande, died in Portland April 16. Burial was at the Willamette National Cemetery where he received military honors. Mr. Marrs was born March 20, 1927, in Port Angeles, Wash. He graduated from La Grande High School, and lettered in football, baseball, track and basketball. He told of a summer job driving a produce truck to and from a POW camp in Eastern Washington. He served in the Navy during World War II, and attended Westmont College in Santa Barbara, Calif. In 1948, he transferred to the University of Oregon and … Read more

Biography of Col. Henry Landes

COL. HENRY LANDES. – The subject of this sketch is prominent and noteworthy, even among the foremost self-made men of the great and growing Pacific Northwest, – a section so progressive and promising that it has attracted the most vigorous minds and the ablest men throughout the country. He was born in a small town in Germany on the 8th of October, 1843. In 1847 his father and family emigrated to Kentucky, Henry being then four years old. There the boy grew almost to the years of manhood, and developed in a marked degree the spirit of adventurous ambition which … Read more

Jones, Janis M. Davis Mrs. – Obituary

Haines, Oregon Janis M. Davis Jones, 65, of Haines, died March 24, 2003, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. At her request there will be no services. Mrs. Jones was born Nov. 1, 1937, at Forks, Wash., to Ed and Doris (Jones) Davis. She received her education in North Powder, and graduated from McLoughlin High School in Milton-Freewater. She loved the outdoors, camping, fishing and all outdoor wildlife. She loved all animals and was a loving and caring mother. She made friends with everbody she met. She will be missed by all. Mrs. Jones is survived by her husband, Ed Jones … Read more

Carney, Robert – Obituary

Haines, Baker County, Oregon Robert Carney, 64, of Haines, died Jan. 21, 2003, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. His memorial service will be at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Community of Christ Church, 2525 College St. His graveside service will be at 2:45 p.m. at the Haines Cemetery. Robert Wetzel Carney was born Dec. 17, 1938, at Port Angeles, Wash. He was the son of George D. and Mary Idalia Cramer Carney. He served four years as a private in the U.S. Marine Corps at 29 Palms, Calif. He also served overseas at Okinawa, Japan. He was a dedicated volunteer … Read more

Biography of George B. Calhoun, M.D.

GEORGE B. CALHOUN,M.D. – There are but few men better known or more highly respected in the medical profession on Puget Sound than Doctor Calhoun, an excellent portrait of whom appears in this history. He is a native of New Brunswick, and was born October 19, 1837, his parents being John and Mary (Brewster) Calhoun. When he was but a small boy, he moved with his parents to the sunny South, locating in Maryland. His father, being a shipowner and seafaring man, was stricken, while on a voyage to the Bermudas, with yellow fever, from which he died. Our subject, … Read more

Biography of Hon. Charles Miner Bradshaw

HON. CHARLES MINER BRADSHAW. – The present efficient collector of customs of the Puget Sound district, a portrait of whom appears in this work, is a gentleman who has worked his way from the lowest rung of the ladder until he now stands at the front rank in his chosen profession, as well as having acquired a recognized position among the men who lead public opinion and form institutions and states. Mr. Bradshaw was born in Bridgewater, Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, August 9, 1831, – the son of Salmon and Sarah F. Schurz Bradshaw, and is a lineal descendant of John … Read more

Shaw, Robert Rollin “Rob” – Obituary

Robert Rollin “Rob” Shaw, 53, of Sequim, Wash., died Feb. 20, 2008. According to his wishes, his body was cremated. There will be a memorial service at 3 p.m. Saturday at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2625 Hughes Lane. A second service is scheduled at 3 p.m. March 8 in the LDS chapel, 825 Washington St., at Sequim. Rob was born on April 19, 1954, at the naval hospital in Oak Harbor, Wash. The oldest of seven siblings, he was the consummate big brother. Love of country, family, and friends were mainstays of his life, his family … Read more

Biography of Cyrus F. Clapp

CYRUS F. CLAPP. – This leader in the business circles of the Lower Sound was born in Piscataquis county, Maine, July 29, 1851, and was the son of Stephen and Alvina Hunt Clapp. He lived in Maine until 1865, receiving the foundation of an education at the public school and continuing his studies at Hanover Academy of Massachusetts. Still ambitious for further acquirements, he crossed the Atlantic and spent two years at the Royal Institute of Belfast, Ireland, and completed his course at Saint Andrews College in Scotland. Returning to his home in America, he soon found a business situation … Read more

Lee, Robert E. – Obituary

Robert E. Lee, 69, range keeper for the state game department at the Kettle Falls game farm died suddenly from a heart attack while attending an auction sale in Colville Saturday [May 1, 1954]. He was born May 17, 1884 at Walla Walla and resided at Kettle Falls the past five years. Survivors include his wife Hattie at the home; one daughter Mrs. Rex Jones [Roberta] of Dayton, Wash., a son Robert Lee Jr., of Milton-Freewater, Ore.; three sisters, Mrs. Jos. Wilkenson [Charlotte] of Omak and Mrs. Carl Penner [Edith] and Mrs. Guy Kent [Margaret] of Walla Walla; three brothers, … Read more

Clallam County, Washington Cemetery Records

Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted At Clallam County, Washington Tombstone Transcription Project) Blue Mountain Cemetery Captain Thompson Cemetery G.A.R. Section of Ocean View Cemetery Ocean View Cemetery Ozette Lake Sequim Prairie (Pioneer Memorial) Cemetery Sequim View Cemetery  

Monpas, Leona R. Lunderville Mrs. – Obituary

Leona R. Monpas, 83, of Baker City, died Feb. 10, 2005, at her home. Her graveside funeral will be Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Mount Hope Cemetery. Pastor Ralph Holcomb will officiate. Visitations will be held today until 7 p.m. at Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Leona Rica Monpas was born June 18, 1921, at Mondovi, Wis., to Alvin and Lucillia (Craker) Lunderville. She received her schooling in Chippewa Falls and had special training in secretarial work. On April 8, 1938, she married Leon John Monpas in Milwaukee, Wis. In 1941, the couple moved to Port Angeles, Wash., where … Read more