Biographical Sketch of Rev. David Darling

Rev. David Darling came to this town, from Wrentham, Mass., about 1785, was a Congregational minister, and settled upon the place where his son Daniel now resides, on road 6. He built the house now occupied by the latter, about a hundred years ago. He reared a family of sixteen children, and died in March. 1836. Daniel, the only child now living, was born on the home farm May 15, 1807, and has always resided here.

Biographical Sketch of Ebenezer Safford

Ebenezer Safford came to Chesterfield about 1780, and settled upon what is now known as the “Dudley farm.” His children were Luke, Roswell, and Ebenezer. Roswell, born November 18, 1784, married Fanny, daughter of Jonathan Farr, in 1809, and had born to him five children, namely: Electa C., Philip, Ebial, Jonathan, and Eliza C. Ebenezer, Jr., born October 2, 1787, married Dolly, daughter of William Farr, in 1809, who bore him six children, as follows: Mary T., Norman E., Lydia P., Watson, Oliver H., and Otis. Watson, born February 24, 1818, married Catharine, daughter of Elijah Hildreth, September 27, 1843, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Pierce

Samuel Pierce came to Jaffrey, from Lunenburgh, Mass., in 1773, and settled upon the farm on road 58, where E. Cary now lives. He married twice, first, Abigail Carter, and second, Elizabeth Whitney, and reared a family of ten children. He died December 27, 1824, at the age of seventyfive years. His son Joseph married Esther Jaqueth, settled on the home farm, and had born to him eight children, three of whom are living. He died April 20, 1860. Frederick S., son of Joseph, married twice, first, Martha Tolman, and second, Mary A. Grant. He now resides in East Jaffrey, … Read more

Biography of Benjamin W. Breed

Benjamin W. Breed, farmer, of Franklin, Merrimack County, N.H., a veteran of the Civil War, who nearly lost his life by a gunshot wound received in battle, was born in Nelson, Cheshire County, February 12, 1830, son of John and Sarah (Blood) Breed. Many of his ancestors and of their near kin were of Massachusetts birth, and were lifelong residents of that State, the family being one of the earliest that settled in Essex County. Dr. Nathaniel Breed, who was a native of Lynn, Mass., was a surgeon’s mate on the staff of General Washington in the Revolution. Dr. Breed’s … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Timothy Bemis

Timothy Bemis, a native of Marlboro, Mass., came to Marlboro, N. H., in 1776. His son James, a commissioned officer in the Revolutionary war, married Hannah Frost, who bore him nine children, only one of whom is now living, and settled in Dublin. His son Josiah married Sibyl Emery, of Jaffrey, and had born to him three children, only two of whom are now living. His son. Alvin J., married Mary Greenwood, of Marlboro, N. H., who bore him two children, neither of whom is now living. He resides on road 35, in the village of East Jaffrey.

Biographical Sketch of J. S. Lawrence

J. S. Lawrence, son of Ithamer, married Sarah, daughter of Zachariah and Rebecca Emery, who bore him three children, all now living, and occupied the homestead until his death. His son Frederick J. married Clara, daughter of Nehemiah and Adaline (Bailey) Cutter, has one child, and resides on the home farm, road 5.

Military Records of Dublin NH

During the Revolutionary war, the new town performed well her share in the struggle for liberty. The names of her soldiers in that war are as follows: John Swan Thomas Morse Richard Gilchrist John Morse Thomas Green Henry Strongman William Greenwood Eli Greenwood Reuben Morse Richard Strongman Ithamer Johnson Ezra Morse James Chamberlain Nathaniel Bates Samuel Twitchell Lieut. Robert Muzzey Hart Balch James Mills Joshua Greenwood, 1st Jonathan Morse Micah Morse Micah Morse, 2d Jabez Puffer Thomas Hardy John Stone Benjamin Mason In the war of 1812-’15, only one man, George Washington Phillips, enlisted from the town, and died in … Read more

Biography of Reverend Samuel Goddard

Mr. Samuel Goddard was born at Sutton, Massachusetts, July 6, 1772. We have no information concerning his early life. His opportunities for education are said to have been scanty. After coming to manhood he was for several years in trade with a brother in Royalston, Mass. Here he married his first wife (Abigail Goddard of Athol, a town adjoining Royalston), and here his older children were born.

The First Congregational Church, Gilsum NH

The First Congregational church, located at Gilsum village, was organized by a council convened for the purpose, October 28, 1772, with eighteen members, Rev. Elisha Fish being the first pastor. Their church building, erected in 1834, is the successor of one built in 1793. It cost about $1,200.00. The society now has fifty members, with Rev. George W. Rogers, pastor. The society has also a Sabbath-school with 150 scholars, Robert Cutbett superintendent.

History of Maufacturing in Harrisville, NH

C. & H Farwell’s saw-mill and clothes pin factory, located on road 24, corner of 21, was established by them in 1871. They employ twelve men, and manufacture about l00,000 feet of coarse lumber, and about 15,000 boxes of 720 clothes-pins each, per year. S. T Symonds & Son’s pail handle and knife tray factory, located on road 151, was established by Bemis & Symonds, in 1849, and came under the control of the present firm about 1879. They employ six men, with the capacity for turning out 6,000,000 handles, besides a large number of knife trays and pastry boards … Read more

Military History of Keene, New Hampshire

During the period of the Revolution, Keene performed her part faithfully. In 1773 the foot company of Keene numbered 126, under command of Col.. Josiah Willard. The alarm list, numbering forty-five, seems to have been made up of the older men, including many of the original settlers; the selectmen of Keene, David Nims. Eliphalet Briggs, Jr., and Benjamin Hall, reported the following census for Keene : Unmarried men, from sixteen to sixty 65. Married men, from sixteen to sixty 96 Boys, sixteen years and under : 140• Men, sixty years and upwards : 1, Females, unmarried 217 Females, married 105. … Read more

Biography of Charles Rufus Skinner

CHARLES RUFUS SKINNER AMONG the younger men whose experience in matters pertaining to state, national and educational affairs has already been quite extensive and highly beneficial to his fellow-citizens, is the Hon. Charles R. Skinner, who, on account of his official relations, is now a resident of Albany. Born on the 4th of August, 1844, at Union Square, Oswego County, N. Y., he is a son of the late Hon. Avery Skinner, a worthy New England pioneer who left the granite hills of New Hampshire to seek a home in the richer northern regions of New York State. In October, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elijah Cooper

Elijah Cooper, who came to Hinsdale at an early day, married Sarah Sanger, April 4, 1777, and reared four children, as follows: Lucy, born November 5, 1777; Elijah, born November 26, 1782; Mary, born April g, 1785; Arad, born April 10, 1787; and Pearly, the date of whose birth we are unable to give. Mr. Cooper settled as a farmer upon the place Daniel Smith now occupies, where he reared his family, and finally died at the residence of his son Arad. Of the children, Lucy died unmarried; Mary married a Mr. Stearns, and went west; Elijah married and also … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Waitstill Scott

Waitstill Scott was in Westmoreland at the time of the Revolution, and commanded the company that marched from that town on the occasion of the alarm at Ticonderoga. He probably came to Chesterfield between 1815 and 1818. His children were Eunice, Lydia, Waitstill, Rufus, Rhodolphus, Lucy, Lyman, Chester, and Justus. Rhodolphus, born January 7, 1780, married twice, first, Lydia Haven, and second, Mrs. Diantha Hopkins. He had born to him eight children, as follows: Noyes, born October 7, 1803; Horace; Alonzo, born in 1807; Cordelia, born August 9, 1; Rhodolphus, died in infancy; Otis H., born May 14, 1826; Romanzo … Read more

West Chesterfield, Cheshire County NH

WEST CHESTERFIELD is a post village located in the western part of the town near the Connecticut. It has one church (Union), one store, two sawmills, a box-stock factory, two grist-mills, two blacksmith shops, a village-hall, and about twenty dwellings.

Biographical Sketch of Captain Abram Moore

Captain Abram Moore, a pensioner of the Revolution, was a native of Bolton, Mass. His son Abram married Julian Holmes, of Upton, Mass, reared seven children, and finally settled in Dublin. His son, Orson H., married Sarah E. Southwick, of Marlboro, and has one son, Fred W. He resides on the home farm, with George W.

The First Baptist Church, Fitzwilliam, NH

The First Baptist church, located at Fitzwilliam, was organized in 1815, with six or eight members, by Rev. Nathaniel Bowes, of Richmond, Rev. Arnot Allen being the first pastor. The church building, erected in 1842, will seat 250 persons, cost $1,800.00, and is valued, including grounds, etc., at $5,000.00. The society now has sixty-two members, and a Sabbath-school with ninety scholars, with Rev. Andrew Dunn, pastor.

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Elisha Andrews

Rev. Elisha Andrews was born in Middletown, Conn., September 29, 1768, and married Wealthy, daughter of Thomas Lathrop, of Norwich, Conn. Mr. Andrews had no early education, except that afforded by the common schools, but became a fine scholar through his own exertions and without the aid of teachers, and was often sought by collegians for aid in the Greek and Hebrew languages. He was also a practical land surveyor. In 18×4 he came to Hinsdale, and preached in the “meeting house” built by the town, and which was afterwards converted into a woolen mill, and finally destroyed by fire. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lockhart Willard Esq.

Lockhart Willard, Esq., a native of Keene, served in the Revolution, and was a prominent lawyer here. He married a Miss Reed, and reared four children. Lockhart, Jr., married Sally, daughter of Phineas and Annie (Thompson) Nourse. Three of his seven children are living. One of these, William L., married Lucretia, daughter of Israel and Tabitha (Wheelock) Marsh, of Keene, and has one son living, Lucius T. The latter who served in the late war as quartermasters clerk, in Co. G, 14th N. H. Vols., married Netta J. French, and resides at Jersey City, N. J.