Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Rebecca M. Swain

(See Thompson and Riley)-Joseph Polstrom, born February 11, 1834, in Birmingham, Alabama; married November 16, 1863 in Bayou Menard, Susan Rebecca Wilson, who was born July 19, 1846, at Fort Gibson. They were the parents of Rebecca McNair Polstrom, born August 19, 1864 on Bayou Menard, and was educated in the Female Seminary at Tahlequah. She married December 27, 1879, John son of George and Nancy (Cramer) Swain, born October 5, 1833 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He served in the Union Army during the Civil War in Company E, Fourth California Infantry. He died April 6, 1920. Mr. Swain was … Read more

Biography of Roy C. Hinds

Roy C. Hinds, though yet a young man, holds a responsible position in the financial circles of Locust Grove as cashier of the Security State Bank, of which institution he was one of the organizers. He was born in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, on the 2d of July, 1890, a son of Corder W. and Mary E. (England) Hinds, the former a native of North Carolina and the latter of Illinois. Their marriage was celebrated in Siloam Springs. For many years the father was engaged in the mercantile business there and in 1898 he removed to Rose Prairie, Indian Territory, where … Read more

Biography of Walter J. Pack

Walter J. Pack, a prominent figure in business circles in Muskogee, has also been a valuable contributing factor in the educational development of Oklahoma and has left the impress of his ability upon the lives of those who have come under his instruction. He represents a family whose members have largely consecrated their lives. to the spread of the gospel and who have proven most able workers in this great field of usefulness. It was in the capacity of preacher and teacher that Walter J. Pack became a resident of Tahlequah, being appointed head of the Baptist Mission Academy and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. J. O. Epperson

Epperson, Mrs. J. O. (See Grant and Downing)—Mary, daughter of John and Susan (Gentry) Wood was born in Tahlequah District, June 16, 1883, educated in Female Seminary. Married at Tahlequah January 16, 1899, J. O., son of William H. and Margaret Epperson. They are the parents of: Oscar L., born December 31, 1900; Benjamin F., born August 13, 1902 Lola May, born November 29, 1905; Hendietta, born April 17, 1907; Eugene, born December 12, 1908; Bessie Marie, born June 10, 1911; Susie, born July 30, 1912; Walter Floyd, born May 21, 1914 and Mattie M born December 30, 1918. Mr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Looney Murphy

Looney Murphy, born Apr11 16, 1893. Married at Tahlequah, March 15, 1918 Stella Stevens, born March 22, 1897. They are the parents of Thomas Murphy, born January 5, 1919. Looney was in service in France for four months; during the World War.

Biographical Sketch of William Andrew Clark

Clark, William A.—William Andrew Clark, born near Tahlequah June 2nd, 1861, educated at the Cherokee Orphan Asylum. Married at Pryor, June 17, 1891, Lillie Berry, born October 29, 1872, in Athens, McMinn county, Tennessee. They are the parents of: Joseph James, born November 12th 1893, graduated from the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, June 28th, 1917; served through the World war as Lieutenant on U. S. S. North Carolina and is at present (1921) on the U. S. S. Brooks in Asiatic waters; Lucy Jane, born February 21, 1895, graduated with A. B. from the University of Oklahoma June 4, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John E. Duncan

(See Grant, Downing, and Duncan)-John Ellis, son of Reverend Walter Adair and Martha (Wilson) Duncan, was born March 26, 1861; educated in the Cherokee Nation. Married January 1, 1890, Susan Elizabeth, daughter of and Catherine (Emory) Carselowry, born July 30, 1873. They are the parents Ellis Crowell, Robert Stewart, Kathleen Nana, Albert Carselowry, Walter Abercrombie, Johnnie May, and Charles D. Duncan. Mr. Duncan was elected Clerk of Tahlequah District in 1893 and was the last elected High Sheriff of the Cherokee Nation.

Biography of M. B. Scott, M. D.

Since 1908 Dr. M. B. Scott has been practicing in Delaware and has won an enviable position among the medical men of Nowata County. A native of Muskogee County, Indian Territory, he was born on the 9th of August, 1879, a son of F. M. and Mary (McClain) Scott. The father was born in Tennessee and removed from his native state to Indian Territory in 1850. Locating in the Canadian district, he engaged in farming and stock raising, and achieved more than gratifying success in that connection. His demise occurred in 1896. His wife was a native of Oklahoma and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Sue Austin

(See Cordery)-Sue, daughter of Charles Harris and Pearl Victoria (Haas) Sisson, born December 14, 1898, at Ft. Gibson; educated at Ft. Gibson, Muskogee and Claremore. Married at Claremore June 5, 1920 Ervin F. son of Henry and Sallie Austin. Mr. Austin is engaged in wholesale dry goods business at Clarmore. Thomas Cordery, an Irishman married Susannah, a full blood Cherokee of the Blind Savannah Clan. Their daughter Nannie married Parker Collins and they were the parents of Jennie Collins who married Charles Harris of Spartanberg district, S. Carolina Charles and Jennie Harris were the parents Narcissa, born in 1841, married … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Simon Ralph Walkingstick Jr.

Simon Ralph, son of Simon Ridge and Viola (Osborne) Walkingstick was born at Tahlequah Aug. 17, 1896. Educated at Bacone and Dartmouth Colleges, graduating from the latter with B. S. degree. Married at Syracuse, N. Y. December 15, 1917, Margaret E., daughter of C. H. McKaig. They are the parents of Syvertsen Ralph Walkingstick, born. July 3, 1920. Simon Ralph Walkingstick is a Presyterian. In Dartmouth, he was one of the eleven members of the students governing body, President of the College Y. M. C. A., President of the Collegiate Cosmopolitan Club. originator of one of the two principal College … Read more