Biography of Collins Perryman

Among the most prominent and valued residents of his section of the state is Collins Perryman, of Juliaetta, a veteran of the civil war, and a citizen whose labors in behalf of the town of his abode have been most effective in advancing its interests. He was the pioneer hotel man, as a real-estate dealer has handled the greater part of its property, has done more than any other man in the locality to improve the roads through the surrounding country, and has always been watchful of the welfare and progress, doing all in his power to promote the growth … Read more

Justus Todd

Justus Todd6, (Asa5, Gershom4, Gershom3, Michael2, Christopher1) born June 24, 1785, died Feb. 27, 1862, at Ellington, N. Y., married first, April 8, 1807, Cyrene, daughter of Isaac and Mary (Studley) Damon, of Chesterfield, Mass., who was born Oct. 2, 1787, died June 30, 1825. He married second, Mrs. Jemima (Hayden) Shaw, daughter of Caleb and Jemima (Damon) Hayden, she being a cousin to his first wife. She died in 1853, at Ellington, N. Y. Soon after his second marriage they removed to New York Sate, first to Cattaraugus County, thence a little later to Ellington, Chautauqua County, N. Y. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert H. Horton, Judge

Judge Albert H. Horton was identified with the State of Kansas for a period of more than fifty years in the most important phases of its civil and judicial development. His great influence extended from the year of its birth in 1861 to the time of his own death in 1902. For nearly twenty years of that period he served as chief justice of its Supreme Court. Judge Horton was born near Brookfield, New York, March 12, 1837, his ancestors being of an anceient English family, the first American representatives of which settled in New England. Albert received his preparatory … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Harrison Frary

(V) Edward Harrison, only son and second child of William Stoddard and Lydia Ann (Warren) Frary, was born at Lyndon, Cattaraugus county, New York, April 25, 1840. He received his education in the common schools and the Rushford Academy, from which he graduated. His occupations have been varied and successful ones. He has been farmer, carpenter, hardware clerk and census enumerator. Having always taken a decided interest in the public affairs of the town, and been a staunch supporter of Republican principles, he has been elected to fill a number of public offices. He was elected justice of the peace … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Potter

William Potter, the first member of this family of whom we have definite information, was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1817, died at Shortsville, Ontario county, New York, in 1900. He came to Machias, Cattaraugus county, New York, as a young man, and engaged in farming. In 1860 he removed to Palmyra. He married Julia Slover. Children: James K., referred to below; John W.; Evans; Rebecca, married Solomon Burton. James K., son of William and Julia (Slover) Potter, was born at Machias, Cattaraugus county, New York, August i8, 1844, and is now (1910) living at Shortsville, Ontario county. He received … Read more

Oil Spring Reservation Map

Oil Spring Reservation Map, 1890

Oil Spring reservation, in Cattaraugus County, New York, as indicated on the Allegany reservation map, contains 640 acres in 2 towns and counties. It was by oversight included in the treaty made at Big Tree, in the sale by the Seneca Nation of 3,500,000 acres to Robert Morris, and passed with his title to the Holland Land Company. A suit for the recovery of this land was brought in 1856, and resulted in favor of the Seneca Nation. On the trial Governor Blacksnake, as he was named by Washington when he visited the capital in company with Cornplanter, testified, at … Read more

Biography of William M. Rounds

William M. Rounds. Among the men who have won places of responsibility in the gas and oil business in Kansas, one of the best known is William M. Rounds, district superintendent for this part of Kansas and local manager at Caney of the Prairie Pipe Line Company. From the time of his graduation from high school, twenty-three years ago, Mr. Rounds has been identified with his present line of business, and few men are better informed in its various branches. He has been a resident of Caney since 1915 and has already established himself in the confidence of the people … Read more

Biography of William Henry Truesdale

William Henry, fourth son of Samuel and Charity (Cummings) Truesdale, was born near Rochester, New York, October 30, 1844. His elementary education was acquired in the district school and at private academies, and he then prepared for college in the Benedict Classical School in Rochester. He took the arts course in the University of Rochester, was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and two years later the degree of Master of Arts was conferred upon him. He then commenced the study of law and was admitted to the bar in 1869. He never practiced law but devoted himself … Read more

Reservations of the Six Nations in New York and Pennsylvania, 1723-1890

Map of the Country of the Five Nations

The accompanying map was prepared in 1771 under the direction of William Tryon, captain general and governor in chief of the province of New York, and is as nearly suggestive of the then recognized boundary of the Six Nations as any that has had official sanction. In 1851 Lewis H. Morgan, assisted by Ely S. Parker, a Seneca chief; and afterward an efficient staff Officer of General Grant, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, prepared a map for a volume entitled League of the Iroquois, which aimed to define the villages, trails, and boundaries of the Five Nations as they … Read more

Biography of Henry R. Ransom

The Pittsburg Sash & Door Company. One of the very considerable industries of the City of Pittsburg is The Pittsburg Sash & Door Company, which like many successful concerns had a very modest heginning but is now contributing a great deal of wealth to the city and is furnishing support to many families whose members find employment there. This business was originally started as a bay press by L. N. Mosteller, now a retired business man of Pittsburg. In October, 1902, Henry R. Ransom arrived in Pittsburg and bought what was then known as the Pittsburg Planing Mill, situated at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Emmett Ellsworth Hart

Hart, Emmett Ellsworth; civil engineer; born, Little Valley, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1861; son of Austin and Dorleski Manley Hart; educated, public schools of N. Y. State, Cornell University, 1883-1887, degree C. E.; married, Little Valley, N. Y., April, 1891, Rachel Joy Sprague; issue, seven children; two years military training at Cornell University; entered the service of the C., B. Q. R. R., June, 1887; continued with them as draftsman, asst. engineer and division engineer, until November, 1895; general engineering practice, 1895-1897; employed by the U. S. government, 1897-1899 on Deep Water Ways surveys; in July, 1899, entered the employ … Read more

Biography of Samuel Wayne Mather

Mather, Samuel Wayne; manufacturer; born, Schuyler, N. Y., July 27, 1849; son of Asaph and Betsy Emily Davis Mather; limited education; his father was seriously injured when he was young, so could not go to school, after he was 11 years old; went to work to help support the family; worked three years in the woods burning charcoal; moved to Cattaraugus County, N. Y., with his parents and tor five years worked on his father’s farm; married, Frankville, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1887, Addie Viola Cooley; issue, five children, two living, Addie and William; his first wife died July 9, … Read more

Potter, Douglas H. – Obituary

Douglas H. Potter Services Today Retired Haines Postal Clerk Former Baker Man Funeral Services for Douglas H. Potter, 75, Haines, will be conducted at 2 p.m. Thursday, July 8 (today) at the Haines Baptist Church with Rev. Clyde Matthews officiating and interment in Mt. Hope Cemetery. Mr. Potter was born Sept. 5, 1889 at Olean, N.Y., the son of Orlando and Florence Blackmon Potter. He attended school in New York, and moved with his parents to Baker after finishing high school. He attended Oregon State College for one year and was married to Cornelia Janette Jackson Aug. 27, 1915 at … Read more

Biography of William Elliott Barnhart

William Elliott Barnhart, who has lived in Kansas City, Kansas, since 1887, has held many large responsibilities in connection with transportation lines, both urban and general railway companies, and has also regulated his private affairs so as to give time for much public service to his home city. His personal career has been one of many interesting experiences and achievements and his ancestry is also an appropriate matter of record. Mr. Barnhart was born at Cedar Valley in Wayne County, Ohio, December 8, 1857, a son of Frederick William and Clarisas (Gooding) Barnhart. The paternal ancestry goes back to his … Read more