Biography of Samuel D. McSpaden

SAMUEL D. MCSPADEN. We present with pleasure a sketch of the life of one of the most substantial and prominent farmers and stockraisers of Pike Creek Valley, Carter County, Missouri This worthy citizen was born in Gordon County, Ga., in 1847. The son of Joseph and Edith (Dillard ) McSpaden, the father a native of Virginia, born October 16, 1820, and the mother of east Tennessee, born October 1, 1827. Mr. and Mrs. McSpaden met for the first time in Gordon County, Ga., whither they had removed with their parents, and here they were married. In 1869 they moved to … Read more

Biography of Isaac Clinton Clark

ISAAC CLINTON CLARK. It gives us no little pleasure to be able to present our readers with a short biography of a Carter County boy. When starting in life it is a serious question if it is not better for a young man to begin at the bottom and depend entirely upon his own efforts to get along in the world. Isaac Clinton Clark, who is one of the successful farmers and stockraisers of Carter County, has accumulated all his property by his own efforts, thanks to a sturdy, honest and industrious ancestry from whom he inherited those characteristics. He … Read more

Biography of D. H. Allison

D. H. ALLISON. There is nothing which adds so much to the pleasure and convenience of the public as a well-stocked, thoroughly appointed and ably managed livery stable. In such connection we make due reference to the livery establishment of Mr. D. H. Allison, whose reputation in that respect, as well as a trainer, is known throughout the length and breadth of the county. Mr. Allison has made his home and carried on business in Van Buren, Carter County, Missouri, for about two years and has met with well-deserved success. He was born at Irondale, Washington County, Missouri, and was … Read more

Biography of George W. Legg

GEORGE W. LEGG. After an industrious and well-spent life devoted to the occupation of farming, George W. Legg is now living in retirement at McDonald Station, Missouri, and is in the enjoyment of a competency which his early industry has brought him. He is a Virginian by birth, and first opened his eyes on the light in 1827, being a son of Willis and Susannah (Land) Legg, natives of Virginia also, who removed to Ohio when the subject of this sketch was a small lad, but a few years later returned to their old home. The father was successfully engaged … Read more

Biography of Hon. Henderson Massie

HON. HENDERSON MASSIE, whose fine farm in Pike Creek Valley, Carter County, is an object of admiration to the section, came originally from the Buckeye State, his birth occurring in Jackson County in 1833. His parents, Lewis and Sarah (Mackley) Massie, were natives of Virginia and Ohio respectively, the father born in 1797, and the mother in 1807. Mr. Massie came to Ohio when a young man, married there, and there made his home for many years. Late in life he moved to Carter County, Missouri, and here his wife died in 1875, and he in 1888 when about ninety … Read more

Biography of Judge Morgan White Cotton

JUDGE MORGAN WHITE COTTON. Judge Morgan White Cotton, probate judge of Ripley County, Missouri, and a man well and favorably known in this part of the State, was born in Reynolds County, Missouri, May 10, 1847, to the marriage of Isaac White Cotton and Christine (Jeffrey) Cotton. Like many of the prominent citizens of this county, Isaac White Cotton was a native of Tennessee, and there made his home until about 1840 when he came to Missouri. Here he settled in the woods of Reynolds County, on Webb’s Creek, and began improving and clearing. Few settled here before he did, … Read more

Biography of Hon. A. S. J. Lehr

HON. A. S. J. LEHR. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is the present representative of Carter County, Missouri, and he is unquestionably one of the ablest and best posted young men in the same. He resides three and a half miles east of Hunter, this county, is a farmer and teacher, and has for a number of years taken a prominent part in political matters. Born in Jacksonport, Arkansas, January 30, 1867, he is the son of Richard H. and Sarah J. (Hardin) Lehr, and the grandson of John F. Lehr, who came from Germany to the United … Read more

Biography of Harrison A. Holland

HARRISON A. HOLLAND, of the firm J. Holland & Co., merchants and farmers of McDonald, Carter County, Missouri, is widely and favorably known, both as a business man of great capacity and unquestioned standing and integrity, and a prosperous farmer and honorable citizen. He came originally from Lawrence County, Tennessee, his birth occurring in 1854, and is a son of Thomas and Catherine (McCaskill) Holland, natives of Alabama and Tennessee respectively, and both born in the year 1827. Mr. and Mrs. Holland first met in Lawrence County, Tennessee, whither their parents had moved, and there they were married. In that … Read more

Biography of James M. McGhee

JAMES M. MCGHEE. This gentleman, well known in Carter County, is at present the most efficient county clerk of the same. He came originally from Georgia, his birth occurring December 17, 1854, and he no doubt inherits much of his vim and enterprise from his Scotch-Irish ancestors. His grandfather McGhee was an early pioneer in east Tennessee, and there John F. McGhee, father of subject, was born and reared. He was trained to the duties of the farm at an early age and received but a limited schooling, as his father died when he was young. When grown he moved … Read more

Biography of John C. Chilton

JOHN C. CHILTON. To preserve the lineaments of our companions we engrave their portraits; for the same reason we collect the attainable facts of their history. Nor do we think it necessary, as we speak only truth of them, to wait until they are dead, or until those who know them are gone; to do this we are ashamed only to publish to the world the history of those whose lives are unworthy of public record. By the introduction of an admirable system of local biography every man, though he has not achieved what the world calls greatness, has the … Read more

Biography of Hon. Robert L. Coleman

HON. ROBERT L. COLEMAN. It is the men of broad and comprehensive views who give life to communities and build cities-men who have foresight and energy, pluck and push to forward their enterprises and still retain an untarnished reputation through it all. Such a man is Hon. Robert L. Coleman, now circuit clerk and recorder and ex-representative of Carter County. He was elected to his present responsible position in 1890 by the Democratic party, of which he is a zealous member. Previous to this, in 1886, he was elected school commissioner, held that position two years, and was elected to … Read more

Biography of Charles Jacob Sloop

C. J. Sloop. In January, 1909, Mr. Sloop was admitted to the bar at Topeka, Kansas, and on July 12th of that year moved to Independence. Since then he has been steadily building up a reputation as a sound and safe counselor and as one who can be trusted with the skillful handling of all important interests entrusted to him, whether in civil or criminal law. A native of Missouri, Charles Jacob Sloop was born at Queen City, December 10, 1878. His father John B. Sloop was born in Schuyler County, Missouri, November 16, 1845, and he spent his active … Read more

Biography of Judge Shadrach Chilton

JUDGE SHADRACH CHILTON. Among the citizens of Van Buren, Carter County, Missouri, who have carved their way from a modest beginning to the rank of its prominent men, not one occupies a more enviable position than Judge Shadrach Chilton. Possessed of excellent ability, grafted upon a stock of sturdy honesty, he also possesses a goodly degree of those personal attributes that spring from a kindly heart, an honest purpose, a broad liberality and a fraternal sympathy. He is a descendant of one of the earliest pioneers in the county, John Chilton, who was born in Ray County, Tennessee, on May … Read more

Biography of Anderson Coleman

ANDERSON COLEMAN. It is a pleasure to chronicle the history of a man whose life has been one of honor and usefulness, and although he is considerable past the zenith of his career, Mr. Coleman has accumulated sufficient means to pass his declining years in peace and plenty. He is one of the old pioneers of Carter County, Missouri, to which section he came in 1858, and is honored and esteemed throughout its length and breadth. Mr. Coleman was born in Tennessee, October, 14, 1822, and the son of William and Betsey (Vaughan) Coleman, both of whom died in North … Read more

Biography of O. L. Munger

O. L. MUNGER. Special adaptability to any particular calling in life is the one necessary adjunct to permanent success. No matter the vim and determination which characterizes a man’s start in business, unless he is to the manner born, he will find to his sorrow that his lines have been falsely cast, and the quicker he draws back and takes up another calling the better it will be for him. O. L. Munger, editor and proprietor of the Current Local, published at Van Buren, Carter County, Missouri, has made no mistake in his calling. His paper is bright and interesting, … Read more

Biography of William W. Coleman

WILLIAM W. COLEMAN. Some men are possessed of such remarkable energy and activity that they are not content to do business in as extensive a manner as their competitors, but strive onward with restless zeal to excel them all and place their own establishment foremost in the ranks of industry. Men of this kind are valuable citizens, and are always foremost in advancing the public welfare. William W. Coleman is a representative man of this class. He conducts a first-class mercantile business in Van Buren, Carter County, Missouri, and this establishment is a worthy example of what energy and ambition … Read more

Biography of Dr. Tolman W. Cotton

DR. TOLMAN W. COTTON. Among those of Carter County, Missouri, who successfully follow the “healing art” as a profession is Dr. Tolman W. Cotton, who was born on the old home place in Reynolds County August 12, 1868. His grandfather, Aaron Cotton, was a native Tennessean, who came to Missouri about 1844, and took up his home in Reynolds County. He was already quite an aged man when he came to this State, and here was passed the remainder of his days. He and his wife, Nancy, reared a large family of children, who grew up honorable men and women. … Read more

Biography of Dr. James Snider

DR. JAMES SNIDER. This prominent old pioneer of Carter County, Missouri, was born in Blount County, Tennessee, September 14, 1808, a son of Rev. George and Polly (Walker) Snider, who were born in Virginia and North Carolina January 1, 1769 and October 11, 1768, respectively. They were married in Tennessee and spent their lives in Blount and Monroe Counties. The father was a Baptist minister for over thirty-five years, and went with the Missionary wing of that church when it divided. His father, George Snidcer, was born in Pennsylvania, but later moved to Virginia, and in a very early day … Read more

Missouri Atlases and Plat Books

Sample Missouri Plat Book closeup

198 online plat books and atlases organized by county and ordered by date for the State of Missouri. At the bottom of the page are two items that can help you use these documents in your genealogy research. The first is a blog post Plat Books Revealed: Mapping Generations of History and the second a video where Ben Clark explains what plat maps are used for, how to navigate them, and pulls out a few interesting stories from them.

Biography of Hon. Thomas Mabrey

HON. THOMAS MABREY. The parents of this influential citizen, Frederick and Nancy (Mabrey) Mabrey, were natives of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively. The father went to Williamson County, Tennessee, when a young man, married there, and in 1838 came to Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, where he was among the early settlers. All his life he had followed agricultural pursuits and was reasonably successful for that day and time. He died near Jackson, Cape Girardeau County, in 1848, when about seventy years of age. The mother died in 1837, when a comparatively young woman. Born to their marriage were nine children, … Read more