Biography of George K. Reid

George K. Reid, who had been a resident of Kansas nearly thirty-five years, had built up and maintained what is unquestionably the largest business at Howard in abstracts, loans and insurance. When it is stated that Mr. Reid is the son of a minister, there is no need to explain that he was not reared in a home of luxury or wealth, and as a matter of fact from an early age he had been dependent upon his own resources and had made good. His Reid ancestors at one time lived in England, moved from there to Scotland, thence to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Solomon Manchester

Solomon Manchester, from Barnet, Vt., came to Waterville in 1839, and located in the southern part of the town, on road 16. He has had a family of six children, three of whom now reside in the town.

Hutchinson Family of Norwich Vermont

Hutchinson is an old and numerous family in Norwich, as well as in other parts of the country. They were among the early settlers of Massachusetts and were in Lynn and Salem in that colony as early as 1628, or 1629. A descendant of these early colonists, named Abijah, who was a tailor, removed from Salem to Windham early in the eighteenth century. His son Samuel, born about 1719, in company with his son, John, came to Norwich in 1765. They cleared an island in the Connecticut River, opposite the present residency of John W. Loveland, and planted it with … Read more

Biography of Roswell L. Cofran

Roswell L. Cofran, a prominent Topeka business man and former mayor of the city, has the faculty of growing old gracefully, and is still vigorous and useful though past the age of three score and ten. His has been a long and varied career. He served as a soldier in the Civil war. For forty years he has been proprietor of one of the largest foundries and machine shops in the State of Kansas, and is still active in attending to his business affairs. Born in the Green Mountain State of Vermont at Wheelock, Caledonia County, February 3, 1842, he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jabez Willey

Jabez Willey, son of Eben Willey, born in Peacham, Vt., July 22, 1801, came to this town in July, 1840, and still resides here, aged eighty-two years. He was the first Universalist preacher in the town, and has often traveled six or eight miles on the Sabbath to preach in some school-house of this or adjoining towns, and even now, at his advanced age, the Universalist society has no more earnest and able advocate than Jabez Willey.

William Henry Harrison Woodbury Genealogy

1. William Henry Harrison2 Woodbury, son of Rufus1 and Charlotte (Knapp) Woodbury, was b. in Northfield, Vt., May 1, 1842; m. May 22, 1866, Ora Ann Dodge Hale, b. Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 24, 1848, dau. of John P. and Susan W. (Going) Hale. He was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion; res. Newport and Hardwick, Vt., and Sullivan Two ch.: John Hale3, b. Apr. 26, 1867, res. in S. on the Asahel Nims Jr. place; m. Dec. 22, 1892, Alice Clinton Dodge, b. Salem, Mass., June 23, 1867; dau. of Charles William and Frances Amelia (Treadwell) Dodge. No … Read more

Caledonia County, Vermont Census

Caledonia County, Vermont was formed from Orange County in 1796. 1800 Caledonia County, Vermont Census Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1800 Caledonia County, Census (images and index) $ Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1810 Caledonia County, Vermont Census Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1810 Caledonia County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems $ Hosted at Census Guide 1810 U.S. Census Guide 1820 Caledonia County, Vermont Census Free 1820 Census Form for your Research Hosted at … Read more

Biography of Henry Harrison Edwards

Henry Harrison Edwards, a watchmaker of acknowledged ability, who is now residing in Allenstown, was born in Laconia, N.H., July 28, 1840, son of Nathaniel and Rachel (Ranlett) Edwards. His grandfather, Ebenezer Edwards, who in his earlier years followed the sea, subsequently learned the hatter’s trade, and followed it in Laconia for many years. Another source of income to him was the Martha Watson, a native of Dover, N.H., who also died at the age of sixty-eight. Of their eleven children David, William, Charles, Eben, Mary, and Pierpont are living. Nathaniel Edwards, father of Henry H., was born in Plymouth, … Read more

Caledonia County, Vermont Cemetery Records

Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Hosted at Northeast Kingdom Genealogy Drew-Kesley Cemetery, Danville Lyndon Center Cemetery, Lyndonville Massey Cemetery, Danville Pope Cemetery, Danville Ward Cemetery, Danville Following Cemeteries (hosted at Interment) Hillside Cemetery Lyndonville Cemetery  

Biography of Edward Alexander Enright, Hon.

Hon. Edward Alexander Enright. Distinguished as a statesman as well as for his achievements at the bar, Edward Alexander Enright is an honored, valued and admired citizen of Kansas City. For almost a quarter of a century he has been a prominent factor in the law and in public affairs, and his name stands foremost among the leaders who have organized, fathered and vitalized many of the progressive movements which have made Kansas the great commonwealth it now is. Edward Alexander Enright was born September 17, 1858, at West Burke, Vermont, the seventh in a family of nine children born … Read more

Biography of Reverend Samuel Goddard

Mr. Samuel Goddard was born at Sutton, Massachusetts, July 6, 1772. We have no information concerning his early life. His opportunities for education are said to have been scanty. After coming to manhood he was for several years in trade with a brother in Royalston, Mass. Here he married his first wife (Abigail Goddard of Athol, a town adjoining Royalston), and here his older children were born.

Biographical Sketch of Rev. N. R. Nichols

Rev. N. R. Nichols

Rev. N. R. Nichols was pastor of the Congregational church at Norwich village from February, 1880, to May, 1904, after completing a seven years’ pastorate at Barnet, Vermont, which was preceded by brief pastorates at Westfield, Massachusetts, and Acworth, New Hampshire. During his term of nearly a quarter of a century here in Norwich, Mr. Nichols faithfully cared for the interests committed to his charge, as the one hundred and ninety-five accessions to his church during his pastorate amply indicate. Not alone to matters connected with his church did he give his attention, but, as well, to those of a … Read more