Roll Of Capt. Joel Collin’s Company

(Probably from Butler County) Served from August 11, 1812 until February, 1813. Capt. Joel Collins Lieut. Ephraim Gard Ensign, John Hall Sergt. Jeremiah Gard Sergt. David Sutton Sergt. Joseph Haines Sergt. John Price Corp. Zechariah Parish Corp. Joseph Douglas Corp. George Sutton Corp. Jacob Gard Fifer, Hays Taylor Drummer, Henry Thompson Privates Anderson, James Beeler, George Bone, John Boys, George Broadburn, Simeon Broadbury, James Brown, John Carper, John Carr, James Casker, James Cmne, William DeCamp, William Dencen, John Dickard, Jacob DUlcoe, Vincent Gard Moses Garver, Peter Gates, Jacob Gower, Jacob Gray, Robert Howard, Thomas Hyder, John Isaacs, John Jones, Henry … Read more

Biography of Peter G. Johnson

Peter G. Johnson. The years 1858 and 1859 were particularly important ones in the history of Kansas. With the adoption of a constitution in the latter year, the peaceful, homeseeking settlers who had come from afar, even from other lands, to establish themselves on these wide prairies, as yet uncrowded as were older sections, found assurance of settled conditions and of the opportunity of preserving the homes they had founded. In the spring of 1858 the parents of Peter G. Johnson, one of Riley County’s most respected citizens, settled in Butler County, Kansas. They were natives of Sweden who emigrated … Read more

History of Middletown Ohio

Middletown Ohio All American City Award

The History of Middletown Ohio provides a copy of George C. Crout’s Middletown U.S.A. : All-America City, published by Perry Printing Company in 1960. Extensively researched this manuscript details the history of the rise of the town of Middletown Ohio into a city. From a log cabin on the bank of the Miami to a thriving metropolitan district in the span of 170 years is the story written by the people of Middletown, Ohio. From a family of four pioneers to a growing city of thousands of families and 50,000 individuals is the record of growth. From a sawmill and grist mill powered by a-water wheel to a great industrial complex of many modern industries: is the accomplishment of the community. Read and download for free.

Biographical Sketch of J. B. Moore

J. B. Moore, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; was born in Butler Co., Ohio, July 22, 1836; he is a son of William S. and Julia A. (Eddingfield) Moore; his father, an early settler of Butler Co., having come from his native State, New Jersey, at the age of 4 years; his mother was born in Ohio, her parents being from Pennsylvania. In 1862, his father removed West with his family, spending the summer in Vigo Co., Ind., and coming to Coles County in the fall; he resided in Ashmore until his death, Feb. 8, 1875; his father was … Read more

Biography of Austin McCreary Keene

Austin McCreary Keene. The subject of this sketch is one of the prominent and successful attorneys of Southeastern Kansas. He was born at Middletown, Ohio, September 4, 1865, the son of Marshall B. Keene and Jennette McCreary Keene. Marshall Keene was born in 1823 at Keensburg, Illinois, a village in Wabash County named for his forbears. The Keenes of Keensburg have been men of prominence in that locality, having served as members of the Illinois Asscmbly, and been notable physieians and manufacturers. Jennette MeCreary was born in Monroe, Ohio, in 1836, and was married to Marshall B. Keene in 1861. Mr. Keene … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Daniel B. Powers

Daniel B. Powers, retired farmer; P. O. Oakland; one of the early pioneers of Coles Co; born in Butler Co., Ohio, July 1, 1807, where he engaged in farming until 1836, when he emigrated West and located in Crawfordsville, Ind., where he engaged in the mercantile trade for about eighteen months, when he sold his interest in the store and removed to East Oakland Township in March, 1838, where he purchased 180 acres of land, where he has since lived during a period of forty years; he has upon his old farm upon which he lives, a fine brick residence, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George S. Bishop

The George S. Bishop, second member of the firm of Case, Bishop & Heron, was born in Butler County, Ohio. He was a soldier in the United States Army; enlisted in Company A, One Hundred and Sixty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry. In 1871 he came to Jewell County, Kan., and was elected County Surveyor of Jewell County; was elected to the Kansas State Legislature for three terms.

Roll Of Capt. David Sutton’s Company

(Probably from Butler County) Served from April 27, until October 27, 1812. Capt. David Sutton Lieut. Robert Sweeney Ensign John Vowen Sergt. Andrew Robb Sergt. Wright Elliott Sergt. D. Bowers Sergt. William Hercules Corp. John Shawhan Corp. William DeLong Corp. John Young Corp. John Flaming Fifer, Benjamin Murphy Drummer, John Thompson Corp. Josiah Bradway Privates Anderson, John Bannon, John Blake, Nathan Bowers, Reese Cahill, Abraham Cahill, Alexander Collister, Hugh W Cummin, J. N. Cunningham, Nathaniel Dill, John Fisher, David Fisher, Jacob Fisher, James. Fitzgerald, Eson Garrison, Benjamin Garrison, David Garrison, Ezekial Garrison, Jeremiah Garrison, John Garrison, Person Goodposter, Isaac Hand, … Read more

Biography of Chester Stevens

Chester Stevens, representing a pioneer family in Montgomery County, had been an active factor in local affairs and in the legal profession for the past ten years. He is now serving as county auditor, and also enjoys some influential and profitable connections as a lawyer with offices in Independence. Some of his ancestors fought in the American Revolution, and the Stevens family came from England and settled in New York in colonial times. His grandfather, Chauncey Stevens, was born in New York, and went as a pioneer to the State of Indiana, where he followed farming until his death. Chester … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Zechariah P. Dewitt’s Company

(Probably from Butler County) Served from September 20, until November 19, 1814. Capt. Zechariah P. DeWitt Lieut. John Freeman Ensign, Henry Watts Sergt. Samuel Pressley Sergt. Philip Wiggins Sergt. John Garard Sergt. George Kirkpatrick Corp. Henry Riggs Corp. Abraham Ansman Corp. Clement Bostwick Corp. William H. Lloyd Privates Albartson, William Albertson, Nathaniel Beedle, Simeon Black, David Bridgford John Bridgford, William, Jr. Bridgford, William, Sr. Cantwal, Hugh Coe, Joseph Devore, John Dollahan, John Dunn, George F Ewing, Matthew Fowler, James Fowler, Jeremiah Freeman, John Hall, Peter Hancock, James Harper, Joseph Johnson, John Jones, John Jones, Jonas Milan, John Morris, Enoch Morris, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. B. Flenner

J. B. Flenner, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Westfield; was born in Butler Co., Ohio, Nov. 18, 1829; up to the age of 24, he remained engaged in farming with his parents; in 1853, they started West, stopping in Clark Co. for five years, when they moved to Coles Co., reaching here in August, 1858, and settled on a farm in Sec. 30, Hutton Tp., near “Otterbein Cemetery,” where his mother died Aug. 1, 1859; shortly after, Mr. Flenner settled upon the farm where he now resides, his father, since the death of his mother, residing with him; his farm … Read more

Roll Of Capt. William McMain’s (Or McMean’s) Company

(From Clermont or Butler Counties.) Served from August 11, 1812 until February 11, 1813. Capt. William McMain Ensign Robert Orn Sergt. Joseph Cotteral Sergt. Henry Stroman Sergt. Archibald Clinton Sergt. Isaac Elston Corp. Joseph Hutchinson Sergt. John Coteral Corp. Edwin Hughs Corp. James Mullin Corp. Enoch McMaines Privates Abat, Jeremiah Barber, Daniel Briding, Thomas Brown, John Cambo, Thomas Clark, William Cotrell, William Cramer, David Crawford, Charles Crawford, Clark Cummins, John Daniels, William Darison, William Davis, Thomas Dougherty, David Durham, Silas Eacret, William Easton, William Eastwood, Joseph Elston, William Farden, Christopher Finlong, Lewis Fisher, Samuel Flagle, Vulentine Frazer, David Gilmon, Daniel … Read more

Biography of Abraham A. Sulcer, M. D.

Abraham A. Sulcer, M. D., a successful physician of Riverside, during the few years of his residence there, has taken a pre-eminence in the medical circles of that city that strongly attests not only his skill as a physician and surgeon, but the respect and esteem awarded him by the community. He was born in Butler County, Ohio, in 1839, his parents being Henry and Catherine (Van Horn) Sulcer, the former a native of Virginia, who spent his life in pioneer farming in Ohio and Indiana, dying in Arnold County; the latter, born in Kentucky, was a descendant of one … Read more

Biography of Bertha Louise Ahrens

Bertha Louise Ahrens (B. Feb. 26, 1857), missionary teacher among the Choctaw Freedmen of Indian Territory since 1885, and principal teacher at Oak Hill Academy, 1905-1911, is a native of Berlin, Prussia. Her parents, Otto and Augusta Ahrens, in 1865, when she was 8, and a brother Otto 5, came to America and located on a farm near Sigourney, Iowa, after one year at Bellville, Illinois; and four, at Harper, Iowa. The schools and Churches first attended used the German language. Her first studies in English were in the graded schools at Sigourney and here at seventeen, she became a … Read more

Biography of Enos Fitterer

Enos Fitterer was born in Baden, Germany, July 28, 1835, and lived in his native land until 1846, when his parents emigrated to America. They settled on a farm in Butler county, Ohio, and there the subject of this sketch lived and grew to manhood. In 1856 he went to Hamilton, Ohio, to learn the baker’s trade with Messrs. Nutts & Sivers, remained with them some fifteen months, and then located in Carthage, Hancock county, Illinois, where he established himself in the bakery business and carried it on until 1861. In that year he joined the Union army, enlisting in. … Read more

Rees, McDonough Bainbridge – Obituary

M. B. Rees Called By Death Last Night; Aged 84 Years. Man Who Came To Oregon During The Fifties And Settled In The Grande Ronde In 1864, Succumbs Suddenly At Dove Last Night-Four Sons Will Gather At Funeral M. B. Rees-one of Union county’s staunchest citizens, and also one of its earliest pioneers- died shortly after 12 o’clock last night at his home in Cove. He went to bed last night feeling fit and fine, but at 11 o’clock he was heard to leave his bed. About midnight groaning was heard, and when his family went to his room they … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. A. Parker

D. A. Parker, farmer; P. O. Westfield, Clark Co.; is one of the pioneers of this county, and was born in Butler Co., Ohio, April 27, 1815; in the year 1817, his parents moved to Crawford Co., Ill., ten miles south of Palestine, and, after remaining there eight years, moved to Hutton Tp., Coles Co., and settled on what was afterward known as ” Parker Prairie,” in the year 1825, where his parents died, , his mother on the 11th day of December, 1830, and his father on the 18th day of March, 1862; they were among the first settlers, … Read more

Biography of William M. Brown, M. D.

The medical fraternity is ably represented by Dr. William M. Brown, who is the leading physician of Cuprum, whither he removed in June of the present year, 1899, from Salubria, where he had continuously and successfully engaged in practice from June 1892. He was born in Preble County, Ohio, on the 18th of November, 1860. His ancestors were early settlers of South Carolina, and his grandfather, James Brown, was born in Due West, that state. James Scott Brown, the Doctor’s father, was a native of Preble County, Ohio, and having arrived at man’s estate he married Miss Julia Robertson, of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Capt. David McKinney

Capt. David McKinney, farmer; P. O. Arcola; the subject of this sketch was born in Butler Co., Ohio, March 22, 1837. He married Miss Catharine Rork Jan. 25, 1866; she was born same place; they have six children, viz., Ida May, Oron W., Charles N., Jessie, Otto and Ruey he lived in Ohio until he was 21, when he came to Illinois and settled in Coles, now Douglas Co., near Arcola; in December, 1861, he enlisted in the 54th I. V. I., he being Orderly of Co. I, and after seven months’ service he was made Second Lieutenant, and after … Read more

Biography of Rev. John A. Anderson

Rev. John A. Anderson, so long identified with the work of the Presbyterian Church at Junction City, and, while a resident of that place, with the affairs of Congress, of which he was a member, had a remarkable experience for a elergyman. He graduated from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, in 1853, Benjamin Harrison being his roommate for a time. Mr. Anderson began his ministerial work at Stockton, California, in 1857, and is said to have preached the first union sermon on the Pacific coast. In 1860 the state legislature of California elected him trustee of the state insane asylum. Two … Read more