Biography of Henry F. Samuels

There is coming to the front of Idaho a class of lawyers of the younger generation who are making their mark in no uncertain way and will be worthy successors to some of the older members of the bar when their time for retirement shall come. One of the best and most prominent of these is Prosecuting Attorney Samuels, of Shoshone County, some account of whose busy and successful career to the present time it is purposed to introduce here. Henry F. Samuels was born in Mississippi, April 4, 1869, a son of Captain Floyd and Isabella (Jenkins) Samuels. His … Read more

Lyon, Mary Hazela – Obituary

Word has been received of the death of Mary Hazel Smith Lyon. She was born in Linwood, Nebraska, March 23, 1889, the daughter of George and Kathryn Smith. The family moved to eastern Oregon in the early 1890’s, settling in La Grande. They later moved to Elgin in 1898. Her father was bookkeeper for the Goodnough Mercantile Store in Elgin until his retirement. Hazel was in the first graduating class from Elgin High School in 1910. After a short business course she worked for the telephone company in Elgin until her marriage to Jack Lyon December 25, 1919. Shortly after … Read more

Tracy, Bereha Elinor – Obituary

Near this city, February 4, 1905, Bereha Elinor, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Tracy. She was born near Brainard in Butler County, Nebraska, May 26, 1901, being aged 3 years, 8 months and 22 days. The funeral services were held here Sunday at 11 o’clock in the M.E. church by Rev. Mrs. D.S. Smith and the little one was laid to rest in the city cemetery. Elgin Recorder Friday February 10, 1905

Nemec, Leonard, Sr. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Leonard Nemec Sr., 88, of Baker City died May 25, 2002, at St. Elizabeth Health Services with all of his family at his bedside. At his request, there will be no services. Leonard was born Feb. 11, 1914, in Weston, Neb., to Henry and Frances (Bures) Nemec. He married Martha Kulhanek on June 19, 1934, in Dwight, Neb., and they had five children. The Nemecs farmed in Butler and Dodge counties before moving to David City in 1948 where they owned and operated a tavern for two years. In 1950, they moved to Baker and lived on … Read more