Biographical Sketch of William Andrew Leonard, Rt. Rev. D. D.

Leonard, William Andrew, Rt. Rev. D. D.; Bishop of Ohio; born, Southport, Connecticut, July 15, 1848; educated, Philips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, St. Stephen’s College, Annadale, N. Y., and Berkley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn.; ordained May 31, 1871, degrees of D. D. from St. Stephen’s College, and Washington and Lee University, Virginia; Rector the Church of the Redeemer, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1872-1880; St. John’s Parish, Washington, D. C., 1880-1889; consecrated Bishop of Ohio, Oct. 12, 1889; in charge of the American Episcopal churches on the continent of Europe, 1897-1906; one of the founders of the University Club; Chaplain Ohio Society of … Read more

Biography of A. Sidney Chase

A. Sidney Chase. Quite recently, by his own choice, Mr. Chase terminated an official career which had been continuous for twenty-four years in the office of probate judge of Ellsworth County. It was a long and honorable service and when considered in connection with Judge Chase’s well known integrity of character and other successful aceomplishments it stands as a credit to the entire State of Kansas. To a large degree Judge Chase is the architect of his own destiny, but he had that inestimable advantage of good birth and the inheritance that comes from solid and substantial old American stock. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Rockwell

Rockwell, Samuel; civil engineer; born, Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1847; son of William and Susan Lawrence Prince Rockwell; educated, Yale College and Sheffield Scientific School, 1873; Ph. B.; married, St. Joseph, Mo., June 7, 1881, Cordelia Ann Geiger; issue, four sons and one daughter; business career, 1873-1877, resident engineer D. L. & W. R. R., Hoboken, N. J.; built tunnel through Bergen Hill and other changes of line and separation of grade work; 1877-1881, contractor; 1881-1882, asst. city engineer, Kansas City, Mo.; 1882-1884, principal asst. engineer, St. Paul Water Works; 1884-1887, locating and constructing engineer, St. Paul & M. … Read more

Slave Narrative of Margaret E. Dickens

Interviewer: T. Pat Matthews Person Interviewed: Margaret E. Dickens Location: Raleigh, North Carolina (1115 E. Lenoir St.) Date of Birth: June 5th, 1861 My name is Margaret E. Dickens and I was born on the 5th of June 1861. My mother wuz free born; her name wuz Mary Ann Hews, but my mother wuz colored. I don’t remember anything about Marster and Missus. My father was named Henry Byrd. Here is some of father’s writing. My mother’s father was dark. He had no protection. If he did any work for a white man and the white man didn’t like it, … Read more

Lindley, Susan Clair Monaghan Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Baker County, Oregon Susan Clair Lindley, 58, of Baker City, died May 14, 2006, at St. Luke’s Medical Center in Boise. After a courageous struggle, she died from complications after surgery. She also had a longtime battle with breast cancer. In celebration of Sue’s life, recitation of the rosary will be at 7:30 p.m. Monday at St. Francis de Sales Cathedral, First and Church streets. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 2 p.m. on Tuesday at the cathedral. Susan was born on Dec. 31, 1947, at Brooklyn, N.Y., to Daniel Richard Monaghan, insurance executive, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rollin Henry White

White, Rollin Henry; automobile mnfr.; son of Thomas H. White and Almira Greenleaf White; educated, Cornell University, ’94, M. E. and E. E.; married, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1896, Katharine King; issue, Elizabeth, William King, Rollin Henry, Jr.; member Union, Country, and Chagrin Valley Hunt Clubs.

Early Settlement of the Hudson River

In 1610 a Dutch ship visited Manhattan to trade with the Indians and was soon followed by others on like enterprise. In 1613 Adrian Block came with a few comrades and remained the winter. In 1614 the merchants of North Holland organized a company and obtained from the States General a charter to trade in the New Netherlands, and soon after a colony built a few houses and a fort near the Battery. The entire island was purchased from the Indians in 1624 for the sum of sixty guilders or about twenty-four dollars. A fort was built at Albany in … Read more

Biography of Samuel Partridge Billings

SAMUEL PARTRIDGE BILLINGS, as deputy collector of internal revenue for Franklin and Hampshire counties, is rendering efficient service in local public office. Mr. Billings traces his descent from Richard Billings, who was in Hartford, Connecticut, with his wife, Margery, in 1640. He removed to Hatfield, Massachusetts, in 1661, and died there March 3, 1679. The line descends through their son, Samuel Billings, who married Sarah Fellows, daughter of Richard and Ursula Fellows. Their son, Samuel Billings, who married Hannah Church. Their son, Fellows Billings, born February 15, 1704, died June 29, 1784; removed to Conway during the Revolutionary War, in … Read more

Rounseville Family of Fall River, MA

ROUNSEVILLE (Fall River family). The Rounsville or Rounseville family of ancient Freetown is believed to be of French origin, and a family tradition has it that they left France on account of religious persecution. It is the purpose here to refer to a branch of the Freetown Rounseville family which in time found its way into the busy manufacturing center of southeastern Massachusetts – Fall River – and soon became a part of the great activity there. Reference is made to the family of the late Capt. Cyrus Cole Rounseville, a master mariner of Freetown, who sailed from New Bedford in the whaling service, whose son and namesake Cyrus Cole Rounseville has long been one of the leading manufacturers of Fall River as treasurer of the Shove Mills, prominent in public life and identified with the banking interests of the city, etc.

Jackson Family of Fall River, MA

Here in this article it is the purpose to treat of but one branch or family of the Massachusetts Jacksons – the family of John Jackson, who was a descendant of the Middleboro settler of the name, one John Jackson, and who in time removed to the State of Maine, the home State for several generations of the Fall River Jacksons in question. The first John Jackson came from England to New England and settled in Middleboro, where in May, 1714, he was married to Mary Smith. They had two children (if not more), John and Cornelius, the latter of whom was born in Middleboro Sept. 11, 1716. The father died in 1731.

Elnathan Reynolds Atwater of Brooklyn NY

Elnathan Reynolds Atwater7, (John6, Benjamin5, Benjamin4, Benjamin3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Dec. 15, 1815, died Nov. 29, 1899, married, April 15, 1858, Rosa Patience, daughter of John Parsons and Julia (Lawrence) Smith, who was born Nov. 19, 1835, died July 12, 1896. He was a lawyer and clergyman. At one time he was the editor of the Christian Intelligencer. They lived in Brooklyn, N. Y. Children: 1629. Julia Lawrence. 1630. Rosa Reynolds. 1631. Maria Louisa. 1632. Anna Grant, m. May 15, 1897, Lewis Reynolds Knapp, of Round Hill, Conn. 1633. Eva, b. Jan. 12, 1868, d. Jan. 26, 1868. 1634. Clara … Read more

Biography of John Lumbard

The name of John Lumbard is closely interwoven with the history of Muskogee, for he remained an active factor in the development and progress of this section of the state to the time of his death. He was born in Sweden, May 21, 1862, and was a son of William and Catherine Lumbard, who were also natives of that country. The father was warden of the Lutheran church in Sweden, to which he belonged through the greater part of his life, and was always a faithful follower of the teachings and high purposes of the church. He died in Sweden … Read more

The Hazard family of Rhode Island 1635-1894

The Hazard family of Rhode Island 1635-1894

The Hazard family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 – Being a genealogy and history of the descendants of Thomas Hazard, with sketches of the worthies of this family, and anecdotes illustrative of their traits and also of the times in which they lived.

Will of Hope Barrints – 1671

“Whereas HOPE BARRINTS, a carpenter, died intestate at Breucklyn upon Long Island, and leaving no relations of wife, children, or other kindred,” Mr. Allard Anthony, Sheriff of New York, is made administrator, February 28, 1671. Francis Lovelace. LIBER 1-2, page 104

Descendants of William Sturdy of Attleboro MA and Slatersville RI

John F. Sturdy

William Sturdy, as he was thenceforth known, then shipped on an American schooner lying at Leghorn, and bound for the United States. He finally landed at Beverly, Mass., June 9, 1809. From the port of Beverly he made several voyages as mate of American schooners, but finally abandoned the seas. He married in Beverly Clarissa Whittemore, who was born in that town Jan. 28, 1794. After their marriage they settled in Attleboro, Bristol county, where Mr. Sturdy bought land lying on the west shore of the Falls pond and engaged in farming until 1827. Here ten of his fourteen children were born. About that time, 1827, “the initial efforts in cotton manufacturing on the Blackstone had opened the way for the employment of minors,” and Mr. Sturdy availed himself of this opportunity because it had become impossible for him to procure a proper subsistence for his large family from his farm. In that year he sold out and removed to the Blackstone Valley, locating at Slatersville, town of North Smithfield, R. I., where he and his children found employment in the cotton mills. He later settled in Blackstone, Mass., where he died Oct. 16, 1834. He was a hardworking man, honest and upright in his dealings, and his large family of fourteen children reflected great credit on their home training. The wife and mother died Feb. 13, 1856.

Chase Family of Fall River MA

King Philip Mills ad from 1896.

CHASE (Fall River family). The Chase family here considered is strictly speaking a Massachusetts-Rhode Island one, springing as it does from the early Roxbury Yarmouth family, a later generation of which located in Portsmouth, R. I. In the third generation from the immigrant ancestor through Joseph Chase, who located in Swansea, Mass., and Benjamin, who settled in Portsmouth, R. I., have descended the Chases who have come from those respective localities. And both branches have shared largely in the commercial and industrial life of this section of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. From the Portsmouth branch came the late Borden Chase, … Read more

Descendants of David E. Harding of Mansfield, MA

DAVID E. HARDING, deceased, who for more than a half century was a leading business man and manufacturer of Mansfield, Mass., was born there May 6, 1826. He was a descendant of an old Cape Ann family, the founder of the family in America being Edward Haraden, who came from Ipswich, England, to Gloucester. The name is found variously spelled, appearing as Haraden, Hardon and Harding, etc.

Descendants of Chauncey Sears of Fall River, MA

As will be seen in what follows the Fall River family of Sears here considered – to which belongs Chauncey Howe Sears, an extensive mason contractor and builder and one of Fall River’s well-known citizens and substantial men – is one of some two hundred and sixty and more years’ standing in this Commonwealth. The family history and genealogy of the Fall River family follow in chronological order from the immigrant settler.

Biographical Sketch of Martin W. Annin

Martin W. Annin, carpenter and builder, Oakland; the subject of this sketch is the son of J. V. D. Annin, whose biography appears in this work, and whose genealogy is given for four generations past; he was born in Somerset Co., N. J., Jan. 5, 1831, where he engaged in farming until 15 years of age, when he went to Brooklyn, N. Y., and learned and worked at the carpenter trade until 20 years of age, when he emigrated; with his parents, and located in Lee Co., Ill., in 1850, remaining here a short time, when he went to Peoria … Read more

Biography of Herbert Andrew Browne, M. D.

Herbert Andrew Browne, M. D. Since 1899 Doctor Browne had been in steady demand for his exceptional professional ability as a physician and surgeon in Galena. His offices are at 305½ Main Street. Doctor Browne is an active member of the Cherokee County, Southeastern Kansas and State Medical Societies and the American Medical Association, and by these associations and by all other standards of judgment that can be applied to members of this profession he ranks as one of the leaders in his section of the state. Doctor Browne came to Galena after one year of practice in Kansas City, … Read more