Biography of Fred A. Messman

Fred A. Messman. The business interests of Broadlands have an energetic and progressive representative in the person of Fred A. Messman, who belongs to the younger generation of men engaged in commercial-enterprises in Champaign County. To a very considerable extent it is this element in any community, especially outside of the large cities, which infuses spirit and zest into the activities of the place. Mr. Messman is a pronounced type of this class of tireless workers, and during his comparatively short career has been identified with agriculture, the buying of grain, and the implement and harness business, to which last … Read more

Biography of Joseph E. Johnson

Joseph E. Johnson. While he is still a young man, the career of Joseph E. Johnson has been one filled with successful participation in a number of ventures, and in its range and activities has invaded the fields of both commerce and finance. In the former direction he is at the head of a grain and lumber business that is recognized as one of the necessary commercial adjuncts of Broadlands, and in the latter capacity he is cashier of the Bank of Broadlands and a man of much financial knowledge and ability. Likewise, Mr. Johnson is a citizen who has … Read more

Biography of Jacob Swick

Jacob Swick. A resident of Champaign County during a period of sixty-five years and still interested in the pursuit of agriculture here, Jacob Swick is one of the best known among the citizens of Broadlands and the vicinity. During his long career it has been his fortune to have gained many of the rewards of industry and integrity, and in addition to material remuneration to have attained a position of substantial prominence in his community and a place in the respect and confidence of those among whom his long life has been spent. Mr. Swick was born in Germany, June … Read more