Biography of Samuel Horace Wells

SAMUEL HORACE WELLS, County Clerk of Todd County, was born December 25, 1850; is a son of William H. and Mary (Porter) Wells, and a native of Todd County. His father was also born in this county October 23, 1822; was a son of Jesse Wells, and descended from an old Virginia family, which was represented in the State of Kentucky at a very early day. William H. married Mary E. Porter, daughter of Samuel Porter, once a resident of Elkton. She was born February 11, 1827, in Todd County, and died September 26, 1872. William H. Wells was a member of the Presbyterian Church, of the I. O. O. F., and of the Masonic fraternity. He served the county as Deputy County Clerk, and was elected to the first clerkship of the county, under the new constitution, and held the office at the time of his death, which occurred on the 30th of April, 1854. To William H. and Mary E. Wells were born three children: Mary B. (wife of B. H. Milliken, of ‘Paducah, Ky.), Samuel H. and William H. Wells, of Elkton, Ky., the latter of whom is the present Deputy Clerk of the County Court. Samuel H. received a common English education, and when quite young was employed as salesman in a mercantile house, in which he was employed until 1870, when he entered the office of Clerk of the Circuit and County Court, as Deputy under Judge B. T. Perkins; remained in this connection eight years, and in 1878 was the choice of the people for the office of County Clerk. He was re-elected to this office in 1882, and is now serving his second term with universal acceptance. Mr. Wells was married in this county June 1, 1881, to Miss Sallie M. Mimms, daughter of William T. Mimms of Todd County. Mrs. Wells is a native of Todd County and was born November 1, 1855. Their only child, Mary P. Wells, was born April 20, 1882. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wells are honored members of the church-he of the Christian and she of the Methodist Episcopal Church.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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