Biography of Baxter C. Porter

BAXTER C. PORTER is a son of the Rev. Thomas Porter, an early Presbyterian minister of Hopkins and Todd Counties, who was born in Virginia, May 12, 1788. Thomas Porter came in childhood to Logan County, Ky., where he attained his manhood, and where in June, 1808, he married Nancy Lawrence, who before her death in December-, 1831, bore him three children, none of whom are residents of Todd County. In February, 1833, he married Jane H. Lawrence, a sister of his deceased wife. This union resulted ‘ in the birth of three children, B. C. Porter being the youngest. He was born in Hopkins County, Ky., on the third day of December, 1838, and in the early part of 1839 his parents removed to Todd County, settling on the farm now owned and occupied by F. M. Byars. There the ‘ father died in 1839, and soon after his widow purchased 125 acres of land, where B. C. Porter is now living. To this place she removed, superintending the cultivation of her land until her son was of sufficient age to assume its control. She died on this homestead June 12, 1871. Baxter C. was therefore reared to the pursuits of the farm, to which he has adhered. He received the advantages of a common school education, and on the 25th of Jauuary, 1866, in Todd County, was married to Miss Henrietta, daughter of John L. and Gillie (Edwards) Atkins. She was born on the 4th of September, 1843, in Arkansas, and came with her parents to this county in childhood. Her mother died in this county, in 1845, and her father is still a resident of the county. Mr. Porter now owns a beautiful farm consisting of 375 acres, mostly under cultivation, on which he produces tobacco, wheat and corn, and is giving some attention to stock raising. Their family consists of six children, viz.: Carrie Bell, born November 9, 1866; Herschel G., born July 22, 1870; John T., born August 1, 1872; Bessie, born August 27, 1875; Virgil, born January 3, 1879; and Thusa G. Porter, born September 16, 1880. Both Mr. and Mrs. Porter are worthy members of the Mount Hermon Cumberland Presbyterian Church.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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