Biographical Sketch of Richard C. Hardison

RICHARD C. HARDISON, teacher, was born February 3, 1858, in St. Mary’s Parish, Louisiana. His parents are Richard B. and Elizabeth Hardison. The father is a native of Kentucky; he is a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church South; he preaches and teaches in the public schools; he owns a farm of 100 acres in Muhlenburg County, Ky., which is carried on by himself and his son, John C. He has been a minister for about eight years, and a teacher for nearly thirty years. The mother is a native of Virginia. She also is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. These parents have five living children, viz.: May, wife of Benjamin F. Hill, elsewhere mentioned; Richard C., John C., Nellie R. and Lafayette B. Our subject left Louisiana and went with his parents to Illinois in 1861, Hamilton County. There the family remained four years, then came to Todd County, Ky. He worked on the farm in summer, and attended school in the winter, under the supervision of Prof. McGregor. Later he taught penmanship for two years; subsequently taught public schools, in which business he is still engaged. He expects to make teaching his profession; he has given general satisfaction where he has taught; but few teachers in the county have a better reputation for advancing pupils and giving satisfaction to parents, patrons and all concerned. There are but few persons of his age who have a better outlook for a life of usefulness and devotion than has Mr. Hardison, the subject of this sketch.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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