Biographical Sketch of George A. Dailey

Is a native of Kentucky, born in 1844. He pitched his tent’ in the “lone star” state in the year 1857, a lad of thirteen years. He went into the mercantile business with a capital of $3000.00, in 1866, when about 21 years of age. His business was that of general merchandise, which he followed for two years, when he opened a drug store at Honey Grove, and has remained in that town conducting a large drug store, ever since. He does a gross annual business amounting to $18,000.00 or $20,000.00.

Mr. Dailey is a fine businessman, a good pharmacist, pleasing and entertaining in his address and manner, and possesses a full store of knowledge and general information, as well as of drugs, books and jewelry. He is one of the stake and stay of Honey Grove, a Tree mason, a knight of honor, and member of other secret and benevolent orders, treasurer of the Honey grove Building and Loan Association, and Vice President of the Walcott Institute.

Mr. Dailey is a young looking man for his age, and his usefulness as a citizen is not likely to be cut off soon.



Carter, W. A. History of Fannin County, Texas — History, Statistics and Biographies. Business Cards, and a Complete Directory of the County. 1885.

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