Biographic Sketch of F. M. Byars

F. M. BYARS was born in Todd County, Ky., January 18, 1847, and is a son of T. A. and Harriet (Eddington) Byars; the former born May 5, 1816, the latter born September 10, 1823, and died in 1854. They were both natives of Todd County, Ky. T. A. Byars was reared and educated in Todd County, Ky. His father emigrated from Albemarle County, Va., to Kentucky; about the time of the organization of Christian County, he settled in what is now Todd County, near Hadensville. T. A. Byars was married about 1840. Four children were added to this union, of whom F. M. was the second. Both he and wife were devoted members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. F. M. Byars, the subject of our sketch, received a good education in his youth; he remained with his parents until December 28, 1869, when he was married to Miss Nannie, daughter of I. R. and S. A. Jefferson and sister of the Honorable Dr. Jefferson. She is a native of Todd County, born October 3, 1847; her parents and grandparents were natives of Virginia. Six children bless their union: Jennie, born November 13, 1871; Alexander T., born October 28, 1873; Wirt, born May 22, 1876, died September 10, 1876; Nannie, born April 17, 1877.; Manie, born March 20, 1879; Frank M., born August 15, 1881. Mr. Byars follows the quiet but industrious life of a farmer; in 1870 he settled on the farm on which he now lives; it consists of 300 acres, 250 of which are under a high state of cultivation. It is located one and one-half miles from Elkton, on the Trenton road. Mr. Byars and lady are consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and one of the leading families of the county.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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