Biography of William M. Jamieson

William M. Jamieson. Few of the business men of Wichita have had more varied careers than has William M. Jamieson, who, since 1910, has been engaged in the handling of large realty transactions in this city. A Scot by birth, he came to America as a lad, and during the next forty years his activities carried him to many out-of-the-way places of this continent, where he was connected with the construction of some of the largest engineering projects of the time. The broad experience and knowledge of men which he gained during this period of his life have been of great value to him in his later business career, and since locating at Wichita he has steadily advanced to a position of prominence among real estate men.

Mr. Jamieson was born at Lanwickshire, near the City of Edinburgh, Scotland, August 5, 1864. In 1869 his father, Alexander Jamieson, emigrated to the United States and located on a farm in Will County, Illinois, subsequently removing to near Ottumwa, Iowa, where he was engaged in farming until 1883. In that year he came to Kansas, and for ten years carried on agricultural pursuits near Clearwater, his final location being at Deer Creek, Oklahoma, where his death occurred in 1902. He was a sturdy, thrifty farmer, of absolute integrity and merited and held the esteem of his fellowmen. His widow, Mrs. Ellen Mason Jamieson, still resides on the farm at Deer Creek. They were the parents of nine children, of whom William M. is next to the eldest.

William M. Jamieson was about five years of age when brought to this country by his parents, and his education was that afforded by the district schools of Will County, Illinois. At an early age this ambitious and energetic youth became self-supporting, and for some years was engaged in farming during the summer months and in working in the mines in the winter seasons. In 1883 he came to Kansas with his parents, and for four years followed farming, but in 1887 went to Carthage, New Mexico, as drill runner for the San Pedro Coal and Coke Comnany, a position for which he had been prepared by his former experience as a miner. Mr. Jamieson remained in this capacity for three years and then returned to farming for a few years at Clearwater, and in Oklahoma, and for a time was also in the draying business at Clearwater.

In 1901 he formed a connection that was destined to bring him into many exciting experiences and into touch with life in the rough. In that year he engaged with the May & Jekyll Construction Company, of New York, as superintendent of livestock in the building of the railroad from Porte-au-Prince to Santa Clara, Cuba, a capacity in which he remained for one year and was then made superintendent of construction. He continued as the incumbent of the latter post until the successful completion of the road. In 1903 he was made superintendent of tracks and excavation, in the building of the great filtration plant, by May & Jekyll, for the City of Washington, District of Columbia. Returning to Cuba in the employ of the same company, Mr. Jamieson acted as superintendent of railroad construction in the building of the Nipa Bay Railroad to Punta Baca, Cuba, and when that project was completed engaged with Pierson & Son, of London, England, as superintendent of construction of tunnels “A” and “B” in the great tunnel system then under construction under the East River, connecting New York with Long Island. This was completed in May, 1907, and Mr. Jamieson re-engaged with May & Jekyll and went to South America as superintendent of construction in the building of the Madeira & Mamore Railroad, and remained two years in completing the railroad to the headwaters of the Madeira River, and in 1910 returned to the United States, and, locating at Wichita, realized a long-cherished ambition by engaging in the real estate business. Mr. Jamieson has been the medium through which some of the largest deals of recent years have been consummated, and few realty dealers of the city have a more comprehensive knowledge of land values.

Mr. Jamieson married Miss Susan Jamieson, and they are the parents of five children, namely: Arthur C., who is engaged in the undertaking and embalming business at Bucklen, Kansas; and Ora O., Ethel M., Byron and Theodore, who reside with their parents.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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